2-min walk from Exit B, Wong Chuk Hang Station continue reading
All Branches (2)
Opening Hours
11:30 - 22:00
Mon - Sun
11:30 - 22:00
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Visa Master AlipayHK Alipay Cash UnionPay Apple Pay WeChat Pay EPS
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10% Service Charge
Spot payment
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Review (21)
Level4 2024-09-12
Southside呢個商場都幾好行,唔會太多人,又多店舖餐廳見到有間泰式cafe,原來係Greyhound副線‼️而家仲有85折添🍵「大頭蝦冬蔭功湯」食泰國菜一定要飲冬蔭功湯,大頭蝦完全係焦點,好大隻,口感爽彈鮮甜,不過個人對椰奶唔係特別鍾意,如果多啲香茅,少啲椰奶會更好~~🥗「鮮蝦牛油果沙律」因為見到有牛油果🥑 所以吸引左我,當吸到嘅時候,見到咁GREEN嘅心諗瀨嘢……抱住無咩期望食,竟然有驚喜Dressing好好食,有微微嘅芥末味去提味,又有creamy口感嘅牛油果香,配火箭菜係好夾,呢個沙律好岩我口味「泰式豬肉炒河粉」鑊氣十足,一放低已經聞到好香❤️粗身河粉非常Q彈,材料好足,好快已經KO哂成碟🍹「Passion Fashion」熱情果味道好強烈,但又唔會好死甜,應該係有lime juice & mint neutral左,味道剛剛好又可以解渴 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
事緣係 呢間餐廳新開 我都食過幾次都已經覺得侍應態度非常唔好,但係由於黃竹坑真係冇咩可以揀諗住再俾多次機會。諗住佢話晒都係Greyhound旗下,應該有保證,點知差一大截。首先入到去同佢講幾多位個侍應已經態度好差,好似得罪咗佢咁串串共,去到叫嘢食佢叫我哋用QR code,跟住佢放低個code都即刻閃走咗咁我都明而家咁忙又唔夠人,都係幫佢慳時間。咁由於我對某啲嘢係敏感,咁正常可以同佢講聲落咗單邊個餐走啲乜嘢。但係服務員同我講你QR code落咗單就冇得改,佢話你咁樣就叫我哋幫你落單啦。都算啦,俾佢咁樣話咗一嘢。我哋lunch食船麵等咗大概半個鐘至七個字,但係碗嘢又唔係好食。到我睇返張單見到應該收錯錢,我返去問職員職員完全冇心幫我解決,後面有客人直接處理咗後面嘅客人放低咗我喺門口冇再返過嚟。真係好想問吓呢間餐廳點樣做到收呢個價錢 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
My friend ordered beef noodles via their QR Code, but was given pork noodles.When we told the staff, he frowned and passed the problem to the other staff rudely. The other staff was nicer and tried to solve it by offering us some beef but it didn't come until the end of our meal. The Tom Yum Kung noodle I had was watery and the lemon grass drink was bland. The food isn't good and the service is one of the worst I've seen in HK. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level2 2024-12-19
今天和朋友11時30分到達黃竹坑 Southside Another Hound門口的接待員跟我們說你倆是第一個客人隨便坐我剛食完飯在喝湯的時候突然有一個兇神惡煞的女侍應站在我們面前她已經預備好收銀器跟我們說今天訂位很爆你兩需要立刻付錢然後離座電話顯示當時是12點33分我跟她理論入場時沒有人通知我們有60分鐘的用膳時間限制她竟然說我有很多訂位要應付總之你們要走香港市民請考慮是否應該縱容這種服務態度 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level1 2024-12-08
服務差,唔抵食。同朋友約左喺Southside食晏,決定試吓一直都OK既Greyhound Cafe 旗下Another Hound。我地share嗰頭盤(雞翼- OK嘅)所以叫伙計等我地食完先上主菜。頭盤食到一半朋友主菜突然出現。佢食完,我嘅主菜無影,要催先到,雖然當時餐廳只有兩三抬。到左,個蟹肉奄列 D料少到難以置信。應該得兩羹蟹肉咁多,仲有一路D服務態度好差,完全好似係我地錯咁。唔怪得咁多人覺得香港飲食業。。。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)