2-min walk from Exit L5, Tsim Sha Tsui / East Tsim Sha Tsui MTR Station continue reading
Opening Hours
Mon - Sun
12:00 - 17:00
18:00 - 21:30
Payment Methods
Number of Seats
Other Info
Alcoholic Drinks
May Bring Your Own Wine
10% Service Charge
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Review (72)
Level1 2019-04-09
a very unique and petite ramen place with delicious chicken soup for the ramen. corn and soft boiled egg are included in the ramen which you don't have to think about choosing extra ingredients. if you're not full with the ramen, chicken cartilage dumplings can be added for the side.Staffs are very nice and each time I've visited (I've visited 5+ times) they'll ask for improvement areas continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2019-03-20
稍為注意一下尖沙咀區,近期該區又開了幾間拉麵店,尖沙咀是拉麵店密集區,開到拉麵店大門對著别家大門,是嗎? 厚福街新開的麺処一家對面就是麵屋元祖達摩,另外Strikenoodlesどストライク軒開在柯士甸路武士拉麵的隔鄰,而AOI葵亦是在宜昌街開在鶴龜的對面,真是一場唔係你死就係我亡的白熱化的局面,話說鶴龜都可以說是較新的拉麵店,對於AOI葵的出現,餐牌亦有了變化,三文魚黑松露和牛櫻花蝦帶子等等較豪華的材料出現在其拉麵或沾麵上,但是兩間店知是有心定無意,並未以相同的麵款對陣,各自各有自己特色,我這個滿懷陰謀論的食客在想知兩店又是否有著什麽關連,而有趣的是,下午時間兩店都是正常營業,AOI葵只在下午5時至6時閉店休息。AOI葵帶給我的印象很鮮明,店舖外貌鮮黃似外國麵包店,內裝修白色牆身木傢俱,店員制服白衣黑圍裙,有一名店員還帶著扁帽,好一派青春氣派,絕對吸引年青情侶光顧。AOI葵的餐牌也是簡單清新,主打雞白湯拉麵,另外附加麵款是加入柚子或辣味噌,限定拉麵則加入黑蒜油,副食只有胸軟骨餃子一款,女性顧客會較為喜歡及接受。在這稍為離一離題,像AOI葵以雞白湯為主打的店舖越開越多,香港拉麵的歷史似乎又展開了新一頁,遠早的北海道札幌牛油拉麵熱潮,直到九州豚骨湯底無孔不入作香港拉麵的主流,以至沾麵專門店的一時無兩的興起,此刻雞白湯湯底的拉麵或沾麵店開始隨處可見,似乎又是一股熱潮與豚骨湯底要鬥得分庭抗禮。話說裝修設計是颇吸引顧客入內,但是始終是小店,空間略為窄小,餐枱座位有限,人多就變得狹窄亦坐得舒服。木枱擺設簡單,筷子盒紙巾盒牙簽筒,調味品有辣油七味粉及柚子鹽,食客若有背囊手袋跟身,對起這裡沒有位置放置這些東西。AOI葵在餐單上有一項選擇是教本人或女性食客欣賞,這就是雞油的份量要多要少還是沒有,至少在心理上沒有什麽健康上的罪孽感。今次我點選了柚子雞白湯拉麵,雞油量普通,雞叉燒及豚叉燒都要。AOI葵的雞白湯味道雞味濃度適宜,不濃不淡,易入口亦不嗆喉,口感還可以,但以一眾以雞白湯掛帥的拉麵店來說,AOI葵出品的雞白湯的評分是合格有餘,但未見突出吸引。拉麵麵條附有一點兒小麥粒,與雞湯同吃亦配合,麵量較適合女士胃口,男士可能需要點選替玉加麵。半熟蛋大隻亦有相當蛋汁,我覺得很好味。雞湯附有一小片粟米,觀感不俗,口感普通。柚子醬擱在一旁我感到無奈,這樣擱置的方法優點無錯可令食客先嚐原本雞湯的原味,然後才將柚子醬撥散再嚐新的口感,這原本的打算是好的,但是另一方面來看,感覺就是在樽裡拿出一點醬,就這樣放在麵內便大功告成,似乎沒有精心泡製過,煮法又過於簡單,這未得到我太大的歡心,整碗拉麵口感不平衡,有濃有淡,無意中一啖吞了點柚子醬,那並非清新的口感,而是滿口濃烈生果的酸澀感。雞叉燒用雞脾肉製造,口感鮮嫩有味有咬感,但形狀較細小,建議如果剩要雞叉燒,原本有三塊,不妨加錢要多兩塊,這個處理得不錯。豚叉燒則及雞叉燒出色,雖切得大塊及有點厚度,味道亦有點兒,肥瘦亦平衡分佈,但味道與雞湯及柚子醬太配合,各有各的味道而肉質一般,好處就是增加飽感。我亦點選了胸軟骨餃子,賣相錯,$28四件,餃子汁加上芝麻,餃子用平底鑊兩邊煎很脆口,略為大件,女士自己單叫可能會很飽肚,軟骨有點咬口,餃子皮薄多油份,餡料口感略為普通。吃罷AOI葵你會記得這間小店,小店現在的經營方式會吸引較年青的客源,但餐牌的食品及飲品仍有改進的空間。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level2 2019-03-19
店舖細細 大概坐到10個人左右枱下面有位放隨身物品吸引我專登出去食就係個柚子雞湯一上枱 真係幾香!一試味 OK! 柚子味係有少少既,可能期望過大,其實係冇咩特別 睇圖都知 其實份量就唔係話真係特別大既叉燒一樣 無特別, 唯一貼心既係我覺得食果個粟米幾方便食到一半 天降灰塵 不過就冇降落到我碗野到但係我都係覺得 非常核突 急急腳食完就走算 以尖沙咀食拉麵既價格黎講 佢真係就唔算貴 所以佢都係比番咁上下質素你 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2019-03-13
Hidden from the busier part of Tsim Sha Tsui on Ichang Street, Aoi is a homey Japanese restaurant that sells ramen in delicious chicken soup. I came here once before during weekend, and there was a line outside the restaurant since there are only a few seats inside. So I decided to pass it. This time, I gotta try it on a relatively less busy Tuesday evening.Aoi has a simple menu, which tells me they know what they are doing, and they should be quite good indeed. I came here for the white chicken soup, and thought that maybe a bit of yuzu would make a novel ramen experience?Each bowl of ramen comes with three pieces of cha siu, with two pieces of barbecue chicken, and one piece of barbecue pork. You could opt for all chicken or all pork on the order sheet. I went with the two chicken one pork option, and it was so satisfying!The chicken char siu was quite thick, yet it’s not chewy. It’s actually quite tender indeed! The sesame on top definitely worked its magic and made the chicken tasted even better!The pork char siu was comparatively less wowing as it’s quite common. Nevertheless, it’s very delicious.Ramen was ordinary. The yuzu chicken soup base was outstanding though. It wasn’t oily at all, unlike what you normally find in other Japanese restaurants. The yuzu gave a refreshing fruity flavor to the soup, which made it so much more enjoyable to drink or have with the ramen! Nice! I would recommend you to try out this soup base.What surprised me most was how Aoi served corn with the ramen. Usually you get individual corn which sinks and gets lost in the soup once you start eating your noodles. Yet, Aoi chopped out whole pieces of corn which remained in the soup (not sure if I am making myself clear but you could see it in the picture), so that you could eat them all without much hassles! Amazing! Such a smart way of cooking! New cooking skill learnt! Well done Aoi!Not to neglect is the onsen egg, the runny egg yolk was so delicious!I strongly recommend Aoi to you if you happen to be in Tsim Sha Tsui for dinner. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2019-03-10
又到放工時候緊係搵間就腳嘅好野食下野喇,係openrice搵左一陣,最終決定去呢間離公司近嘅餐廳,地方雖然唔算太大,但員工就夠晒親切,個人真係好耐無食過日式拉麵湯底湯底餐廳係用左個雞白湯,呢個真係值得喝下,真係用雞去熬出,雞湯唔會太肥,入口夠肉味,連飲晒完都係唔會口渴,真係一個幾令人驚喜。雞叉燒呢度嘅雞叉燒都真係幾有心思,夠份量唔再講,重點係雞叉燒師傅都好細心咁幫我地呢啲食客即日整,唔會入口又唔會好多肥膏餐廳嘅拉麵都真係幾令人興奮,價錢都唔算太貴,幾個朋友食下野傾下偈都算係好地方,下次都要再黎先得。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)