5-min walk from Exit A, To Kwa Wan Station continue reading
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Review (7)
Level3 2024-11-29
Located in the vibrant neighborhood of Toh Kwa Wan, Arche • Gala 嘉御嶄 offers an exceptional dining experience with its thoughtfully curated dinner set menu. Each dish is a testament to the restaurant's dedication to quality and culinary excellence.1. Hand-torn Eggplant & Jinsha Shrimp Balls (手撕茄子 • 金沙蝦球)The meal begins with a delightful combination of hand-torn eggplant and Jinsha shrimp balls. The eggplant is tender and flavorful, perfectly complemented by the crispy and succulent shrimp balls. This dish sets a high standard for the rest of the meal.2. Braised Beef Ribs (紅燒牛肋骨)The braised beef ribs are a standout, featuring meat that is incredibly tender and rich in flavor. Slow-cooked to perfection, the ribs are infused with a savory sauce that enhances their natural taste, making this dish a must-try for meat lovers.3. Steamed Meatloaf with Squid (土魷蒸肉餅)The steamed meatloaf with squid offers a unique and satisfying combination of textures and flavors. The minced meat is hearty and well-seasoned, while the squid adds a delicate touch, creating a harmonious balance that is both comforting and intriguing.4. Salt Baked Aconite (鹽焗烏頭)For those who enjoy seafood, the salt-baked aconite is a highlight. The fish is baked to perfection, with a crispy exterior and moist, flavorful flesh. The salt baking technique brings out the best in the fish, making it a memorable dish.5. Saliva Chicken (口水雞)Despite its unusual name, the saliva chicken is a favorite among diners. This cold dish features tender chicken pieces in a spicy, flavorful sauce that leaves a lasting impression. It's a perfect appetizer to awaken your taste buds.6. Ginger Kale Pot (啫啫芥蘭煲)The ginger kale pot is a comforting and nutritious dish that combines the freshness of kale with the warming flavors of ginger. It's a simple yet satisfying dish that pairs well with the more robust flavors of the other menu items.7. Fried Glutinous Rice (生炒糯米飯)The fried glutinous rice is a delightful addition to the meal. This dish is both filling and flavorful, with each grain of rice perfectly cooked and infused with savory seasonings. It's a comforting dish that rounds out the meal beautifully. 8. Exquisite Desserts (精美甜品)The meal concludes with a selection of exquisite desserts, providing a sweet and satisfying end to a delightful dining experience. Each dessert is carefully crafted to offer a perfect balance of flavors and textures, leaving diners with a lasting impression.ConclusionArche • Gala 嘉御嶄 in Toh Kwa Wan is a culinary gem that offers a diverse and delicious menu. Each dish is thoughtfully prepared and beautifully presented, making it a perfect spot for a special dinner or a memorable dining experience. Whether you're a fan of traditional flavors or looking to try something new, this restaurant has something to offer everyone. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2023-02-27
朋友搞紅酒局, 搵到係呢間中式私房菜餐館包房寫菜單, 私隱度高環境舒適價錢合理, 除咗地點係土瓜灣可能相對冇其他旺區咁方便, 係個幾好一班人聚餐嘅好選擇酥炸墨魚餅拼黃金炸魚皮 - 脆卜卜香口下菜酒, 墨魚餅加咗麵包粒(?)炸更加酥脆蒜蓉粉絲蒸扇貝 - 如果扇貝肉冇開邊應該可以更有口感更juicy羊肚菌姬松茸燉水鴨 - 每人湯碗都有羊肚菌, 燉湯清澈清甜夠火喉, 湯料都已經燉稔哂砂窩焗大海斑 - 魚肉煮到好稔, 一夾就散當紅炸子雞 - 賣相平傭但外脆內軟蟹粉扒豆苗 - 清菜間一間場, 略為唔夠鹹同較水, 蟹粉足料紅燒牛肋骨 - 牛肉入哂味, 飲酒飲到最尾食呢個重口味可以回魂客家紅燒肉 - 軟稔適中, 唔會稔到夾唔起, 加上梅菜調味唔會油膩, 大家都爭住食生炒臘味糯米飯 - 糯米飯唔會太濕, 臘味夠而且好多花生碎, 夠香口甜品有蕃薯糖水, 薑味唔算好重 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level2 2023-01-22
今年團年飯我們和表哥,表嫂食。表哥就介紹到這裡食,沒想到土瓜灣有這麼好食的中式私房菜,且很用心去準備。每一道菜式都見到師傅嘅手工用心。頭盤就有柚子炸蝦球,非常開胃,食到蝦新鮮和彈,蜜豆煎班片,本身我對魚一般,但我都食了2片,一點都唔腥。還有2道菜,就是發財好市和鵝掌加扣海參,花膠白肺湯,湯味濃郁,炸子脆皮雞,皮真的好脆,比大酒樓嘅水準不煌多讓。好滿足嘅團年飯。且服務質素一流。下次同朋友聚會都會考慮這裡。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level3 2023-01-18
朋友 carry 一齊去呢間新開嘅「私房菜」訂左一圍菜酒聚。 餐廳係地鋪嚟,招牌都好顯眼,唔難搵。 入去到店員非常有禮貌,坐好等齊人就開飯喇~ 酥炸墨魚餅拼黃金炸魚皮:魚皮夠咸蛋味但唔會好油膩,墨魚餅面一粒粒好鬆化好有口感同魚皮有好強烈對比。蒜蓉粉絲蒸扇貝:夠晒大隻,開左邊望落更大但削弱左口感,蒜蓉粉絲都無「手緊」值得一讚。羊肚菌姬松茸燉水鴨:一大煲湯枱面放晒酒無位於是就喺外面分晒,湯火喉夠,隻鴨已經燉到散晒,鴨肉都仲有啲味可以食下。砂窩焗大海斑:汁味道偏濃,上台時薑葱味好濃烈,魚係斬晒件,容易成舊夾但就變左食到好多骨。當紅炸子雞:香口有水準,但無乜野伴碟影響賣相。蟹粉扒豆苗:蟹粉無「手緊」,呢個菜只要唔手緊就一定唔會輸客家紅燒肉:出色! 係無諗過大家係會搶肥豬肉食。紅燒牛肋骨:大大舊骨賣相好,牛嘅味道基本上已被汁完全蓋過生炒臘味糯米飯: 大家對呢個飯讚不絕口呢個質素呢個價錢絕對可以再戰~! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2023-01-06
土瓜灣呢一間私房菜真係超級好味,盡量又大件又足料!全部嘢食都好好味!聖子大大件,加埋蒜蓉同埋粉絲真係一流!炸墨魚金針菇,真係超級出色,原本以為中間嗰個鳥巢係啲咩嚟!原來係炸得非常之好食嘅金針菇!真係好細心呀,將全部金針菇一條一條咁炸出黎!鹹蛋黃鮑魚都真係第一次食到好好味!牛肋條真係好正!大大件原條骨上上湯豆苗花甲真係勁好味!嗰個上湯超好飲!花甲同埋豆苗都好新鮮香鍋焗龍躉都超級滑~ 好好味超級香既醬汁配埋好滑嘅龍躉 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)