Exit A3 , Sha Tin MTR Station continue reading
Authentic German restaurant, which offers a variety of imported draught beer, beer and cocktail. Enjoying it with a series of German dishes such as salad, starter, main course and dessert that let you have an experience on traditional German delicious cuisine. continue reading
Opening Hours
Mon - Sun
12:00 - 23:00
Payment Methods
Visa Master AlipayHK Alipay Cash AE UnionPay WeChat Pay
Number of Seats
Other Info
Alcoholic Drinks
Phone Reservation
10% Service Charge
Outdoor Seating
Spot payment
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Review (80)
Level3 2019-12-29
今年同好朋友既生日飯就揀左呢間、朋友介紹既西餐廳,生日飯就緊係要見得下人啦😂呢間唔只見得人,野食都好正,價錢都合理最好就係點2款甜品就可以免切餅費。我地食完都好滿足 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2019-12-23
衣家週未可以喺沙田新城市廣場食飯係一件好幸福嘅事,而幫襯呢間德國餐廳,最主要原因就係見佢有個open area對住條街,諗住咁樣一邊食野一邊飲啤酒會好爽,點知入到去先知道原來嗰個open area係唔open嘅,無計啦,坐入面照食啦。先講野食,我地4個人叫咗德國豬手同埋德國香腸拼盤,豬手夠入味,而且唔「鞋」,皮又夠脆,好味;至於個香腸拼盤係就係貴少少,不過食得出d腸係真係好味d,我自己覺得佢嘅肉香味好過出面一d德國餐廳。啤酒方面,想飲d少見d嘅牌子,所以揀咗Benediktiner,呢隻麥啤嘅麥味好香,我就覺得佢好味過E字頭嗰隻,大家有機會都可以比較下。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2019-10-14
Chose this German eatery with credit card discounts - decided to try the slow cooked pig knuckle instead of its crispy and oily counterpart. The meat was so tender that it practically melted in my mouth and was perfect with the coleslaw; we had a number of sauces to choose from, we liked the fruity one best. The sole fillet was unexpectedly generous in portion - lightly pan fried to a golden yellow and was crunchy and fresh. The chips and mashed potatoes were of the usual quality - good enough I guess. The staff were attentive and dishes served quickly. A mega bargain at $245 for two, definitely worth a revisit. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level3 2019-10-05
今日兩個人出左沙田買野,見差唔多食飯時間,就食埋先返去。揀左間食德國菜的餐廳,香港少D地方有得食,比較新鮮,但而家原來開到入黎沙田都有。德國菜出名大份,我地兩個人唔食得幾多,就要兩樣最經典的名菜,德國燒豬手同埋香腸拼盤。黎到係兩樣加埋好大嘅一份咁,好大堆頭。燒豬手OK,個皮唔係話太硬,一定要新鮮食辣食,凍左就會又油又硬好難攪。醃得透,又唔過咸,唔錯。我地都好中意食腸,所以食親德國野都好期待個香腸拼盤。就咁睇好似每款腸一條唔係好多,但其實加加埋埋都差D食唔哂。個人心水係白色果款,但其實有隻SPICY的都唔錯。作為食肉獸,我地依餐梗係食得好滿足啦。不過依D野都幾漏,食一次要等一排先會想再食。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2019-10-02
**Beerliner German Bar & Restaurant**Sha Tin Shop行過見到有SET LUNCH,百 有湯 + 沙律+ 主菜 + 甜品都幾抵食 我就要左200g澳洲肉眼牛扒配紅椰菜+炸薯角及黑松露肉汁 HKD158牛扒有少少over cook左 ,餐湯係龍蝦🦞湯沙律🥗係無花果巴馬臣火腿沙律,份量好多!甜品係Gelato 雪糕 🍦而同行友人就散嗌,要左蕃茄黑松露醬大蝦意粉 HKD175 , D料都算多 唔係得意粉SET LUNCH 咁多野食,決定下次再黎! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)