This restaurant is white in theme, and the arched windows are bringing you a European vibe. There are lots of green plants and make you feel comfortable. It is suitable for couples and friends.
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Additional Information
We offer a tempting collection of modern fusion delights infused with the freshest land & sea treasures and seasonal ingredients from around the world. Give you a fresh and uplifting sensation in our place by the lake.
Opening Hours
11:00 - 22:00
Mon - Fri
11:00 - 22:00
Sat - Sun
10:00 - 22:00
Public Holiday
10:00 - 22:00
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
About Reward Scheme
今日上網先至訂1:30 pm, request咗Window seat,最後因為太多人,所以食頭盤嘅時候只可以坐裏面,食完頭盤個湯之後我哋就轉咗去window 位到坐😍今日環境天氣都好好,所以望出去特別靚,影相都特別靚。我同埋媽媽都每人都order咗一lunch set ,我就要個蕃茄海鮮扁意粉,另外就叫咗個rib eye , rib eye都好有牛味,個個薯蓉啲牛油好香,蘆筍都好食😋另外嗰個蕃茄扁意粉個味好好,又唔會太鹹,個扁意粉個質感軟硬適中,經已係第二次食😋原來今日仲有鬱金香展,食完嘢我哋就行咗出去睇,雖然唔係咁大,但都好靚,今日雖然係平日,都見到唔少人帶埋啲寵物嚟影相👍🏻
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網上好多人介紹過話,話要提早book位先至入到,今日好好彩walk in可以坐到吧枱附近,等其他客走咗之後就坐到窗邊位🥰,真係唔同啲對住個湖食野都有feel啲🍝🍝,同埋價錢就會覺得值,因為埋單都差唔多200幾一位,雖然嘢食都好味,但唔坐窗口位對比其他cafe就有啲貴個人比較鍾意佢個漢堡包好足料,好厚肉,而且啲薯條好脆,又大條,食過唔停口,個湯都好好開胃🤗 反而個all day breakfast就普通咗啲嘞
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朋友相約食午餐👍環境真係一流👍食物質素好👍可惜交通👎洗手間👎👎Daily soup👍蕃茄味太濃,所以湯酸味重!橄欖油香蒜雜菌辣扁麵意大利煙花女扁意麵Fish of the day美國肉眼牛扒伴蘆筍煙三文魚蟹肉凱撒沙律Rose Latte 🌹
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Throwback生日飯食評🫶🏿多謝店員電話booking都好細心Weekday夜晚入去好chill好鍾意呢個vibes無乜人 有如包場感覺😆😆周圍影吓風景 好好enjoy自己嘅birthday簡單叫咗個海鮮拼盤都算幾新鮮喎同埋一份牛扒(好食到唔記得影相)配菜係露荀都好好食甜品ok唔太甜,黑松露都幾香焦糖香蕉夠香夠脆
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我哋午餐後就到這里飲咖啡一坐低雙手掂到張枱😱點解黐立立?我哋各自點了飲品,我的Latte 還不錯,但張枱已經令我不想多逗留!😒香港飲食業真的要認真培訓一下,否則只會令更多人放假向外消費🥲好彩今日天气不錯,可以外面走走!
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