3-min walk from Exit B1, Wan Chai MTR Station continue reading
The environment of the restaurant is spacious and the decoration is using logs that feel simple and elegant. The restaurant provides French cuisines and offers a variety of steaks and seafood. continue reading
Additional Information
Opening Hours
Mon - Sun
11:00 - 22:00
Public Holiday
11:00 - 22:00
Public Holiday Eve
11:00 - 22:00
Payment Methods
Visa Master AlipayHK Alipay Cash Octopus AE UnionPay Apple Pay Google Pay WeChat Pay
Other Info
Alcoholic Drinks
May Bring Your Own Wine
Phone Reservation
10% Service Charge
Spot payment
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Signature Dishes
meat & fish meat / fish / sea food / pastas meat / fish meat / fish / sea food / pasta meat / fish / sea food
Review (157)
餐廳以綠色做主調🧩盡顯奢華優雅✨主廚糅合左法式同日式高質食材 烹飪風格貼合現代飲食潮流🍴==============================𝐅𝐨𝐨𝐝 𝐋𝐢𝐬𝐭📌🍽️晚市套餐🦪新鮮時令生蠔 2隻 新鮮嘅生蠔真係檸檬汁都唔使已經非常有鮮味😍🍘炸松露芝士可樂餅 有別於一般嘅可樂餅 呢個比較脆口 唔會令你有飽滯感 非常出色😊🥩烤澳洲肉眼扒配薯仔配黑醋燒汁 溫度剛好💯切落去感受到個份牛肉幼嫩🔪零油膩感 好喜歡這道菜😊🍰紅絲絨蛋糕 是日甜品除咗igable 睇得又食得👍🏻🍲沖繩苦瓜炒豚肉 苦瓜去除咗豚肉嘅油膩感🧈而豚肉亦都去除咗苦瓜嘅青澀味🥒配合一齊係最佳組合🙌🏻🥬炒雜菜 輕輕炒過🍄新鮮嘅蔬菜簡單炒已經非常好食✨🐮厚身牛舌串 本人見識小 第一次見到厚到好似牛扒嘅牛舌😲 係要用牛扒刀切真係不得了 好淋好滑😍==============================一試難忘 無論食物質素 環境以至服務都不負所望 完全沒有扣分位💯 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2023-06-19
灣仔抵食好食推介👍🏻法日主題,滿足到想食西北餐又想食日本烹調風格😋今次試咗一個set dinner ,包羅萬有,質素高,好鍾意佢用咗日菜烹調方法,一啲都唔會膩🫶🏻✨頭盤:新鮮時令生蠔2隻,好新鮮鮮甜🦪✨頭盤:龍蝦湯🥣味道濃,仲好香酒味✨炸松露芝士可樂餅,外脆內軟😋✨主菜:烤澳洲肉眼扒配薯仔,黑醋燒汁🥩半成熟,肉質剛好😍✨是日甜品:紅絲絨蛋糕🍰蛋糕鬆軟,好鍾意中間夾住啲cream好好味🐖✨串燒:厚身牛舌串🍢非常用了十足,真係好厚切,只係$38👍🏻✨一品:生姜炒野菜🫚用日式調味再配生薑,味道好正,好啱送飯😍✨一品:沖繩苦瓜炒豚肉🐖調味將兩種食材配在一起,食到停唔到咀😝 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level3 2023-06-14
相都唔想影叫左個set dinner。加錢有個龍蝦湯,叫左Parma ham with mozzarella cheese and kale salad, 有個ribeye 要左medium rare, 甜品係兩嚿朱古力蛋糕,餐飲叫咗個凍奶茶。龍蝦湯色水就算深個味偏淡…就係淡又唔係稀咁…個沙律就正常之你買齊料喺屋企自己都做得到。ribeye話就medium rare 但食落係medium。正正常常咁唔好期望係啲扒房級嘅質素,佢都唔係行嘅條路線。兩嚿朱古力蛋糕…我有諗過係咪某連鎖散水餅店到買…凍奶茶,因為小弟一向唔落糖嘅關係我以為自己飲緊水。另外叫咗串燒雞皮同豬頸肉,同埋一碟汁煮牛脷。串燒雞皮做咗幾脆但係真係好細串,豬頸肉個汁係同出邊食串燒有唔同,串燒嚟講算ok,但呢間嘢又唔係主打串燒咁…個汁煮牛脷好咸…都叫做日式嘅。初初望到呢間部以為係食法國菜,望多兩望又似係食西餐,睇睇下次係食日本嘢,但又似係fusion菜。整體嚟講我都唔係好知你做緊乜,但係waitress一個二個都講英文㗎喎...總之呢講就覺得呢間嘢不倫不類咁,但係侍應嘅服務態度又好好……唔係好識形容識完之後嘅感覺。就總之好似係食咗一餐快餐嘅西餐。佢容許你坐低傾下偈嘅,但係裏面啲冷氣唔係好夠。總而言之就係有事冇事都唔會想再幫襯第二次。點都好,有睇開我食評都知道我要求比較高。而我只會讚呢一間餐廳服務幾好。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Joining friend living nearby, we came here without booking and luckily we got a seat. First impression is this is unlike any other yakitori shop, its decor is a typical bistro but with a wall of sakes😆There is a large variety to choose from, offering appetizers, meat skewers or special dishes and fried food options. We ate so many different dishes, that lost track of it all. All the food came quickly, and miso crab meat is the highlight of the meal. The brown meat mixed well with the white meat, and it paired well with the crispy thick toast. Not too salty but bursting with umami flavor. The crab croquette had a perfect crunch revealing a creamy interior of crab meat and potato. 同住附近嘅朋友會合後,我哋冇預訂過嚟,好彩都有位。第一印象係這不似其他燒鳥店,裝修是典型法式小酒館風格,但有一面牆擺滿日本清酒😆呢度提供咗各式各樣嘅選擇,包括前菜、串燒或特色菜和炸物等。我哋點咗好多不同串燒同菜式,所有食物都好快上桌,我覺得甲羅燒最好食,蟹膏蟹肉混合得好好,配上酥脆嘅厚多士非常好食。味道不太咸,但卻充滿鮮味。蟹肉炸餅外皮鬆脆,蟹肉同薯茸內餡滑溜。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
本身經過呢間餐廳以為係食法國菜,入到去發現竟然有日本菜食😂而且仲有唔少款式嘅串燒食,所以我地即刻轉軚食串燒🫶叫左唔少串燒,仲有d炸物同前菜😋😋我自己最鍾意食燒白鱔,外皮脆薄,魚油燒到好香,好惹味😋鵝肝多士嘅多士烘到好餅乾咁脆,質感鬆化。鵝肝燒到外焦內軟,唔油膩同多士好夾,伴碟嘅蒜頭漬物好好食,酸酸地甜甜地,配埋多士食好夾。原條燒魷魚一上枱好吸引,條魷魚燒得好靚,打卡一流👍👍燒到啱啱好,厚肉唔乾,自家製海鮮酸汁加入蟹膏,點埋魷魚食鮮味十足,非常有驚喜。飲品我點左自家製lemonade,好似冇酒精嘅mojito咁,新鮮薄荷葉味香濃,配串燒估唔到都幾夾😋餐廳另外仲有提供西餐,下次過黎試下佢個紅蝦意粉😋😋 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)