3-min walk from Exit B2, HKU MTR Station
The Japanese founder worked at Australia. The cafe uses the coffee bean from Melbourne.
Opening Hours
Mon - Sun
08:30 - 18:00
Public Holiday
08:30 - 18:00
Payment Methods
Visa Master AlipayHK Alipay Cash Octopus
Other Info
Spot payment
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Review (92)
自從返咗工之後, 唔知幾耐冇同屋企人食早餐啦啱啱嗰個weekend早少少起身, 同屋企人去咗石塘咀嘅Brew Bros Coffee聚一聚食個早餐<Egg Benedict with Spinach on Brioche Bun>Brew Bros Coffee嘅Egg Benedict with Spinach on Brioche Bun好誘人兩隻脹卜卜嘅水波蛋放喺菠菜茸上高, 加入自家製嘅Benedict醬汁同鬆軟嘅麵包, 味道正宗得黎亦好清新<Smoked Salmon, Scrambled Eggs, Tomato, Sourdough>想食豐盛少少可以嗌呢個Smoked Salmon, Scrambled Eggs, Tomato, Sourdough煙三文魚分量非常驚人, 有五、六片左右, 炒蛋又多又滑又有蛋汁, 酸種麵包都好煙韌<Flat White>當然一個醒神嘅咖啡又點可以少咗杯咖啡呢呢杯Flat White味道酸酸地, 但咖啡尚算濃郁, 奶泡都合格 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2021-12-20
好耐都冇去Cafe度食個靚早餐今日去咗位於石塘咀嘅Brew Bros Cafe,同一條街有好多唔同嘅Cafe,好似都幾吸引,下次再嚟試吓<Eggs Benedict with Spinach on Brioche Bun$88>喺OpenRice見到食評嘅相覺得,非常之吸引,好彩真人嘅賣相都係咁靚,冇失望兩隻黃澄澄嘅水波蛋,上面淋咗好濃郁嘅蛋黃source,中間鋪滿菠菜茸,上下再夾一舊充滿牛油香嘅甜麵包成個配搭好香脆好味<Matcha Oat Milk Bircher Muesli, rolled oats, chia seeds, seasonal fruits, bee pollen$88>女朋友就叫咗個健康之選,Muesli 上面鋪滿咗好多雜果賣相色彩繽紛得來非常之健康啱晒女仔keep fit continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
搭入考試季節白熊小編基本上是宅在家裡沒出去 回想起這個學期去過的cafe寫寫食評 就當是眼睛去旅行的概念吧🥲-🌟-Brew Bros (圖三)▫️ Eggs Benedict with Spinach and Bacon on Brioche Bun $118▫️ Iced Latte (隨餐附送)在山道轉上去一眼就看到藍色的Brew Bros😍雖然價錢比上一間稍貴 但我覺得這家的食物的質素算是最平均👍🏻 他們有招牌的 French Toast也是很多人推薦 但午餐不想吃甜就沒點了 有機會一定再訪💖(抱歉照拍的有點醜……)建議指數:🐻‍❄🐻‍❄️️🐻‍❄️🐻‍❄️/5/Brew Bros Coffee 西環石塘咀保德街1號地舖/ continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2021-10-24
星期日,去咗幾間都無位。攰攰地,見到呢間直入有位,就去咗。諗住都係簡簡單單飲杯野~ 餐廳唔算大,但座位幾闊落。餐牌食物唔多,主打all day breakfast之類。牆上黑板會寫上Daily dessert, 揀咗chocolate scone $28。 飲品揀咗杯Cold Brew 及Hojicha with soy milk .▶️ Cold Brew $55用上玻璃樽及附上小杯比你。有張卡寫住tasting note : Hazelnut with brown sugar and dried apple . 除非苦苦甘甘地,完全飲唔出有其他味,可能我唔識飲啦。▶️Hojicha with soy milk $50最為正常嘅一杯飲品。焙茶味濃,算不錯嘅焙茶豆奶。▶️ Chocolate scone $28上檯時都知不妙,賣相好似唔多好, Scone係硬實質地,入面好似好dry嘅蛋糕咁。一心想食scone ,都幾失望。因為幾難食下。飲品呢個價錢,質素咁,真係大把其他選擇。所以唔駛等位,無咩人係有原因的。4:30就開似打掃,搞到你都唔太想坐。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2021-10-17
某個星期六工作完畢後到咗HKU附近食嘢,自己一條冷去咗呢間cafe。大約2點,只得一檯客。我坐咗都好耐,因為呢度好舒服;而且喜見臨走前每張檯都有客,因為呢間嘅食物同咖啡真心不錯👍🏻🍳Egg benedict with spinach and bacon on brioche bun $118呢碟班尼迪蛋特別在佢有埋個麵包蓋,包你一定飽肚!蛋汁加埋荷蘭醬,放喺唔會太乾/太油膩嘅煙肉、份量超多嘅菠菜同埋香軟得來又有啲脆邊嘅麵包上面,配上新鮮嘅沙律菜消除飽滿滯感,都算係我食過之中最出色嘅班尼迪蛋👏🏻 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)