7-min walk from Exit D, Jordan MTR Station
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BV Kitchen & Bar is known for their cream of mushroom soup and truffle cheese fries. Apart from their great food, they also have a wide selection of cocktails. All of their cocktails are unique, with some of them being brightly colored.
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Opening Hours
*Only drinking is available on Sunday
Mon - Thu
12:00 - 00:00
Fri - Sat
12:00 - 01:00
16:00 - 00:00
Public Holiday
16:00 - 00:00
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Recommended Dishes
約左朋友食late night 放題,見仲有時間就去附近飲嘢吹陣水先。沿住山林道直行到尾,就會搵到呢間酒吧。正正喺一間酒店對面。入面環境唔錯,有live performance。樂手唱得幾有feel。除咗有得聽歌,又可以睇波。一班朋友吹水傾計最正。趁住happy hour叫咗 1664啤酒 ($68)🍺有啲snacks落肚...飲埋就真係好飽肚!
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This restaurant is not very easy to find and they only have few table.The chicken wings and fish N chips are not surprisingly good.The drinks is quite nice especially after a long walk from the station to restaurant.The salad is quite good, very refreshing and a good starter.The pasta and risotto are quite tasty, the scallops and shrimp are very fresh. The angus beef is tender and juicy, good portion to share with 5 people.
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現在很多餐廳(尤其是開在旺區如銅鑼灣/灣仔/尖沙嘴/旺角)都有指定的用餐時間,一大班朋友卻只有一兩個小時邊吃邊談,那足夠?所以我們找到這裡來,BV Kitchen & Bar一個可以慢慢坐有飲有食的地方!一行6人,我們從晚上6點半左右入座,一直暢談到淩晨1、2點。期間一直都有飲品跟食物(小吃、正餐都有)供應,服務員的態度也很友善!還有就是9點前有live music,喜歡音樂的朋友可以來支持一下這裡的獨立歌手。總括來説,BV Kitchen & Bar真是個聚會的好地方!
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真係好開心, Dry佐好幾年, 好不容易先至識到新女朋友, 梗係帶佢去一間有情調又有口碑嘅餐廳, 食下野啦, 食西餐應該係唔錯嘅選擇, 而且應該啱佢口味, 一定係-除非唔係 。先上一個湯, 係松露蘑菇湯, 味道好濃郁入口食到菇菌蓉, 味道上面係好嘅, 而且夠creamy 但係我就覺得比較杰咗少少, 如果希番些少唔會比較好, 我覺得係咁。至於主菜, 我嗌咗鵝肝和牛漢堡, 我未食過有鵝肝既burger, 所以試下, 其實聽個名就好似好油膩好heavy咁樣, 只不過咬落口就完全唔覺油膩, 只係覺得味道豐厚, 兩樣野味道都非常之夾, 鵝肝味道夠濃郁, 個和牛漢堡排又鮮嫩, 真係頂瓜瓜。
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因為想飲龍蝦湯,所以上網search,見依間西餐好多人贊,所以就去試試,點知中伏了! Refreshing 就甜到死。豬肋骨就咸到死。龍蝦湯就得幾啖又唔好飲就$68。真唔明點解咁多人贊。我從來未寫過食評,但今次為大家著想,所以就寫了。
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