Restaurant: Cafe 100% (Nan Fung Plaza)

To promote a new salt and sugar reduction (RSS) dietary culture and living style to the people of Hong Kong, the Environment and Ecology Bureau, the Committee on Reduction of Salt and Sugar in Food and the Centre for Food Safety of the Food and Environmental Hygiene Department have launched the "Less-Salt-and-Sugar Restaurants Scheme" ("Scheme"). Restaurants participated in the Scheme will offer less salt or sugar options to the consumer or even tailor-make less salt or sugar dishes in designated restaurants. Participating restaurants will be granted with the Scheme Labels for displaying in the premises for public identification. For details, please click here: https://www.eeb.gov.hk/food/en/committees/crss/restaurants.html

2-min walk from Exit A2, Hang Hau MTR Station continue reading
All Branches (46)
It is a local tea restaurant chain. It provides Chinese dishes, Western-style dishes and tea sets that taste nice with reasonable prices. continue reading
Opening Hours
07:00 - 21:30
Mon - Sun
07:00 - 21:30
Payment Methods
AlipayHK Alipay Cash Octopus WeChat Pay
Other Info
Spot payment
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Review (38)
Level3 2024-11-01
以前我覺得呢間餐廳出品嘅質素幾好,但唔知幾時開始越做越差,服務又一般。自裝修後,只感覺餐廳光猛左!坐位比以前舒服左!地方亦算整潔左!總括而言這間餐廳食物與服務的水準,只可以講一句:有待改善! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Previously, I had once visited this branch, and I tried their Mixian with Fish Cakes .  The fish cakes and the broth were fine; however, much to my disappointment, the mixian was extremely broken up, without a chewy texture .  Still, I had an opportunity again to try Cafe 100% on this day , and so I decided to try the same dish again, after more than one and a half years !At the storefront, I immediately noticed that the store had been refurbished .  It now had a brighter and more eye-catching interior, as opposed to the previous storefront and interior that had a focus on darker materials and an 'industrial theme' ; the tables were also now pearly white, which not only gives an impression that the restaurant is cleaner, but also much more elegant .  Well done to the designers !Along with the updated interior, Cafe 100% also chose to introduce new cutlery as well, including a taller, more 'bowl-like' bowl for soup dishes, such as the Mixian with Fish Cakes that I ordered .  In my opinion, it was a good choice, as the new cutlery also has a 'grand' feel to it, and so complements the ambience  better .The dish was a great step further from the same dish I ordered before.  As usual, the fish cakes were both soft and chewy, infused with an umami taste that was rich but not to the level that it seemed artificial ; therefore, I could tell that Cafe 100% had procured fish cakes of high quality !  The broth was also up to standard, with a milky appearance and a slight fishy taste that accompanied the other ingredients, especially the mixian really well .  The mixian, which is arguably the essence of this dish, was much, much better than last time .  They were no longer broken up and mushy, but instead they were long strands that were chewy , but not to the level that it was difficult to swallow without excessive chewing .  The deep fried soybeans also supplemented the dish overall by giving more of a contrast towards the soft and easy-to-swallow texture of the rest of the dish; they were golden-brown and had a great crunch to them .  Even so, I did believe that there was slightly too less mixian in contrary to the volume of broth; thus, if there was more mixian, then this dish would have been perfect !It is also worth noting that the staff during my visit were very helpful and courteous -- they nearly immediately responded to my requests and gave efficient and helpful responses as well .In conclusion, this visit had transformed my previous image of Cafe 100% and its broader group of restaurants .  Not only was the Mixian with Fish Cakes dish of a much higher quality than before , but the storefront was also a greatly more comfortable environment to dine in , and the staff also fully fulfilled their duties as well .  Great experience ! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level2 2024-09-30
百分百相對其他同集團的餐廳較貼合口味,主打中式、港式菜系。我最鐘意食佢個四川麻辣牛肉飯,炒得有鑊氣,米飯又粒粒分明,加埋啲辣椒同花椒炒埋一齊,香香辣辣好好食。我每次都可以一個人清晒碟飯。然後再配埋杯凍奶茶,奶味同茶味都好香濃。解辣一流呀!不過中週末中午時間去,遇着佢地員工放飯,出餐同飲品都會好慢。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2024-07-27
週末假期難得早起,決定歎番個靚早晨先,落街去百分百醫肚。早餐~~沙嗲牛肉餐肉麵 $39跟熱咖啡大大碗麵,沙嗲牛肉味濃,餐肉厚切野菌鮮奶炒滑蛋 $38跟細火腿通粉、香蒜牛油多士、熱咖啡炒蛋嫩滑,多士蒜味濃香脆可口 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
此連鎖餐廳在區內有不同品牌的店舖, 算是區內壟斷市場的大哥。服務一般對於街坊來說,習以為常要視乎當日人客流量多寡,用餐時段是否三點後,廚房炒餸師傅較少的時段,影響出餐時間,有時即炒食品會漏單,等45分鐘催單後仍在等,就算遇著投訴,服務員態度依舊惡劣,一副你愛食就理應接受的態度。在裝修後雖然用餐環境感受舒適了,但是出品卻強差人意,首先最基本米飯,以前是用大飯煲放在出餐區內用作保溫的,現在是一個定量倒模器皿,預先盛載著,當有顧客點餐時,再把米飯放進微波爐翻熱,過程中有時會時間長了,甚至放久了用飯羹和叉都難以弄開,像膠了一餅的,有時米飯表面微暖,中心是凍的口感奇差。經常和朋友笑說到,需要用刀叉才能切開米飯進食。不知什麼玩意?若然想有固定份量的話,可用固定的器皿來盛載,只需保溫儲存便可 ,無需特地預先盛載擠壓儲存,弄至黏成一團。我和兒子多年到店舖光顧,他特別鍾情於魚香茄子飯,差不多每次都會點選,但在裝修後,出品已經和從前並不一樣,再看不到餐牌的照片所製作的出品有一點兒近符相似,記得最後一次點選這飯,是在裝修後的第一次惠顧,那天正直懸掛八號風球,當天是用了一款叫【手指茄子】 食材製作 , 不是用一直原用之【大肉茄子】,想著八號風球應該是食材配備不足,其後一直都沒有再點這個飯了,直到今天心想總要給予多一次平反機會,再次點選了這飯,結果和一上次所出品,幾乎無兩樣, 就是有幾件好像樹頭的手指茄子,配著近乎看不到的肉碎,一點點鹹魚肉,賣相十分差,好難想像58元的一個飯餐,用料不到幾塊錢,與别類大大件的扒肉飯,價錢相約,但用料價格有天淵之別,那麼便宜的食材為何弄到如此?此產品食材價格那麼的便宜,如今又為何不能保持以往水準呢?若然鹹魚肉是少了,我們可以理解是食材價格上升,為了平衡所至,一塊扒肉都有相當的件頭,而一點點肉碎為何又唔捨得付呢?今天所拍相片,是我兒經翻動飯餸後,我才拍攝的,一口也並未有動過,就這樣……他們製作飲品的員工非常隨意,要飲到正常出品,是需要講求運氣……例如奶茶少奶,會因應不同員工的沖制手法,產生不同的標準, 曾經坐近出餐區,看見員工一手五指圈著杯耳,一次過沖仔五杯同款飲品,正是因為如此經常熱飲,都是袛有大半杯份量,運氣好的那一次,才飲到有茶味真正少奶的一杯。此集團仲有一個特色,他們的店舖是沒有鮮檸檬片的製成飲品,而是運用濃縮檸檬汁配少許壓榨檸檬果肉碎混合而成,是否真實檸檬提取不得而知,但是相信更多的是水果及酸味劑混合而成。最後裝修後安裝了自助付款工具,便捷了顧客有不同的付款方式,正因如此店員經常過度敏感,懷疑顧客會走單,常常走來翻動查看帳單,我們經常和友人一起同枱用餐,好多時我們會分單付款,有時友人用餐完畢提前離開,店員會不停高調釘著你們,言語間及態度上,都展現非常不友善, 不時翻到帳單。在裝修前也經常聽到店員會詢問xx號枱的顧客結帳了沒有?因為發現顧客的帳單仍在桌上, 但人去留空,其實都了解他們的壓力,但是作為顧客我們的用餐感受,十分不理想!其實可以運用店員手機 上的系統,了解結帳情況!減少與顧客間的誤會!附上圖片可參考不同年份所製作的魚香茄子成品。希望集團管理階層聽到顧客的意見! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)