Maison 提供全部自家制蛋糕、麵包、批餅、曲奇、果醬,還售賣自家品牌‘O DESIGN’所設計的T恤,帽及精品。為一間集咖啡,麵包西餅及潮流服飾精品的小店。 continue reading
Good For
Group Dining
Opening Hours
Tue - Sun
10:00 - 19:00
Payment Methods
Visa Master Cash Octopus
Number of Seats
Other Info
Alcoholic Drinks
10% Service Charge
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Review (9)
Level2 2013-08-26
星期六不用工作我就喜歡到處逛這一天我就逛到中環九如坊這一區走進這街遠遠就看到一左一右兩條人龍看清楚就知道大部分都是拿著旅遊書的遊客要排隊等的話就不符合我要悠閒的心情啦~所以多走幾步來到這裡來店裡不大我選了一張小沙發坐下看了一下餐牌選好我今天的下午茶Rose Latte咖啡跟玫瑰的味道各佔一半沒有誰特別突出只是玫瑰的香氣總是很容易給人一種人工的味道...而這拉花也不怎麼樣.....煙三文魚三文治麵包裡加了一點亞麻籽所以吃的時候會咬到一顆顆滑溜溜的另外裡面的蔬菜也很新鮮只是煙三文魚還是覺得有點少呢~ continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2013-04-09
難得清閑,吃過正餐,很relax的行到過來,也很隨意的看看,有沒有targeted的蛋糕─紫薯撻、白朱古力香蕉撻, 和果仁撻配百里香蛋糕。很多次經過店子,人客也不多,今次進店鑑察一下餅櫃。蛋糕顏色賣相確有點不太奪目,但沒試過,也不可武斷人家的出品麻!買了兩件回家吃。紫薯撻,相信紫薯蓉沒什加甜,味道天然!白朱古力香蕉撻,欣賞她的香蕉片不是一般做法,用硬焦糖coverd。盡量保持原味。也喜歡on top的dark choco脆脆!論味道、觀感,使整件蛋糕得以平衡。香蕉下的白朱古力忌廉,質感濃郁柔嫩!兩者底部也同樣,是較粗口感的杏仁海綿蛋糕,但香蕉那件似乎多了朕焦糖味。驚喜的是餅底脆得很!餅碎粒粒分明,牛油味香純!沒想過這小店,蛋糕出品,比預期中出色。推介!! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2013-03-19
歌賦街一帶向來是食街,中西日式什麼食店都有, 消費豐儉由人(但畢竟是中環,還是「豐」的時候比較多)。Cafè Maison 似乎沒有太多人提起過,其實已有朋友以前介紹過我來學整餅,不過今次因為要找個好坐的地方工作,見這店中午時分竟然沒人,又有免費 Wifi 才來的。店內陳設簡潔舒適,印象不錯。不吃午餐了,此時有 cake set 配花茶的組合,$65 也算合理。要了一個紫色的組合:薰衣草茶配紫蕃薯撻,雖然兩者的味道不太夾但個紫薯撻又靚又好食。紫蕃薯撻香甜幼滑的紫薯茸底下,內部由忌廉、鬆化的、類似 Frangipane 杏仁奶油餅的餡和帶香料味的餅底,水準不俗,在中環單個賣 $38 也差不多了。(雖然記憶中隔壁 agnès b. 的蛋糕價錢也相近,但可以的話還是支持小店吧。) continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level3 2012-07-25
孩子們終於放暑假了。暑假的第一天是7月23日。竟然是風是雨是八號風球,隨後更掛起九號和十號風球。擱置假期第一天的行程,留家看了一部印度電影,every child is speciaI。。。長達兩小時四十分的電影,女兒流了滿臉的淚;總是寫"鏡文字"的兒子抱頭傷感。。。今天風球下了。帶悶了一整天的孩子們到TWG買點茶葉給老爺。到了IFC,孩子們總會領我到他們喜愛的食店,吃得飽飽,女兒想吃甜點。身在TWG的女兒卻要到Cafe Maison, 由兒子領航。兒子喜歡Cheese cake。 他從沒飲過好立克,見有好立克味的cheese cake,就給他點了。還沒影相, 兒子就開動了: あっ、たべたことないあじだ!! おいしくてたまらない!!!!!!!(啊, 沒嚐過這種味道, 太好味了, 吃不停口呢!) 不消一會兒子已吃光了女兒點了double chocolate tart 另外點了開心果味、咖啡味、雲妮拿味和朱古力味的marcaron 。飮品點了regular coffee和englisn breakfast tea。美味しいけど甘すぎるかな・・・?吃double chocolate cake 前 女兒已吃了兩件macaron, 所以她評價double chocolate cake雖是美味, 但很甜. (後來是我執手尾吃了那個tart 和另外兩件macaron的. 對我來說, 不是太甜. $15一個的 marcaron不算貴. 女兒曾經問我, 為什麼那麼小的一片要十多元, 甚至廿多元? 我說除材料貴外, 就是失敗率高, 要做出完美光滑的表面爐溫要掌控得好, 我試過烘一盤, 只有三個有光滑的表面......當然我不是專家, 所以做得不好了.)cafe maison的包點都出自 lucille小姐之手. 因為她曾留學日本, 所以她對食材要求很高. 吃她的作品, 總會感受到她對作品的熱情. 早前在她店裡買過手作天然酵母麵包. 給孩子們時, 我特意拋給他們, 讓他們接著, 兩人抱著說 " 重い!!!” 因為沒添加澎脹劑所以是沈甸甸的, 因為沒添加色素樣子是樸素的. 反之味道卻是自然的, 嚼著嚼著,嚐到 小麥的香, 乾果的甜不禁感動起來.......最近很忙, 半年沒到cafe maison , 在廚窗看不到手作麵包, 有點失望. 我想, 吃慣了鬆軟香甜麵包的大眾其實不易接受"硬硬實實", 要用不少牙力才可嚼出味道的天然酵母麵包, 所以被淘汰了? 抑或早已賣光了? continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2012-04-03
Was looking for a quick, casual lunch somewhere on Gough Street. Found Cafe Maison. This is both a clothing and food boutique store. One side of the cafe features casualwear for sale. Service:The day we visited, there was only one attendee/waitress. We were the only patrons. If the cafe were packed I think the attendee would have a difficult time meeting everyone's needs! Note that it is a self-serve cafe. You get your own cutlery and there is a pitcher of cold water (and glasses) at your disposal. Food:Bread with parsley butter (herbed)Nothing special about this dish. I originally wanted the baba ganoush but it was out of stock!! Sad. The waitress offered a herbed butter, I thought it would be soft butter but it turned out to be rock solid, which caused much anguish when we tried to spread it on the soft bread. The portion is unappetizingly small. ._.Rocket salad with parma ham (and accidentally, smoked salmon)So we tried to order smoked salmon salad but they ran out of smoked salmon as well so we made do with parma ham instead. And the waitress threw in the last bit of smoked salmon. The salad was tastier than the bread. Nice dressing, a bit on the tart side, average grade olive oil. Parma ham was not too salty. Average quality. Eggplant rocket pizza with tomato sauce on flatbreadWe had to wait 25 minutes for this. It was freshly made by the waitress (I think). It was yummy. Flatbread isn't as doughy as pizza crust, it is thin, and quite...crisp. A chewier version of Jacob's cream crackers. I liked the crust a lot because it was not oily, and it was thin. The tomato sauce topping was sweet and intense, the eggplant was nicely grilled and gave the flatbread a bit of moisture. Rocket was a perfect complement to the eggplant and tomato. Recommended! Conclusion: A nice cafe to hang out and read a book because it isn't very busy and nobody will bother you. The only downside being that its' self-served. If I come back again I will go for the pizza and perhaps a slice of cake. They look much more appetizing than the ones served next door. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)