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在幸福甜蜜的小熊餐館享受著有品味及創新料理。 Teddy Bear 是一種歷史悠久及最受兒童歡迎的毛絨玩具,常常陪伴兒童的成長,渡過開心難過的每一天。 在懷舊的環境內,有經歷滄桑的傢具,各種的故事浮現眼前。室內裝修大部份用上天然木材,古樸的窗花,手做的Teddy Bear掛飾和十字繡,襯托著柔和燈光,散發出一份浪漫溫馨的氣氛。設有兒童書籍供小朋友借閱,暫時逃離電子的世代。小熊餐館除了提供有品味及創新的意大利麵,焗飯及扒類,還加上多款的兒童餐,雪糕及甜品等,希望讓客人感受到餐廳營造的氣氛,同時留下美好的回憶... continue reading
Good For
Family Style Dining
Opening Hours
11:30 - 22:00
Mon - Sun
11:30 - 22:00
Payment Methods
Visa Master Cash Octopus
Other Info
Online Reservation
Phone Reservation
Reward Dining Points
10% Service Charge
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
About Reward Scheme
Review (655)
今日去咗Megabox 睇戲,去咗呢間以熊仔為主題餐廳「熊小館」🧸,每張枱上都有熊仔🐻,部份仲有大熊仔🧸,陪住我地食飯!餐廳入邊有好多熊仔嘅裝飾同埋畫,有唔同種類嘅熊仔,世界盃特別版嘅熊仔⚽️,仲有小朋友corner,仲有間大房,慶祝生日一流🎊🎁!啱晒打卡🥰🔹️鐵板肉眼扒 $155 (套餐)肉眼扒好有驚喜!厚切大塊!叫左5成熟,肉質嫰滑,好淋易切同埋無筋🥰,揀左黑椒汁好惹味,仲有勁多薯條。套餐包咗餐湯、牛油法包、餐飲!真係CP王!🔹️軟殼蟹牛肝菌意粉🦀 $95單點咗呢碟意粉,軟殼蟹好酥脆,牛肝菌嘅味道幾香幾出,意粉份量都幾多下!加$28可以配咗餐湯、餐包、餐飲。🔹️幸福寶寶🐻 $42呢嗰訓緊覺嘅熊仔甜品好可愛😆,其實係雪糕來,下邊仲有涼粉,真係唔捨得對熊仔郁手🤣🔹️心太軟🍫 $42即叫即焗,切開有好多香濃嘅流心的朱古力醬,好窩心! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2024-01-26
🐻 Recently, I had the pleasure of dining at Cafe MED in Megabox. From the moment I stepped into the restaurant, I was captivated by the charming bear-themed decorations that adorned every corner. The ambiance was warm and inviting, and the staff's exceptional friendliness added to the overall delightful dining experience.1️⃣ Set Menu A for 2 ($318):Embark on a culinary adventure with this set menu, featuring a delectable selection of dishes:- 忌廉湯+牛油法包 (Cream Soup with Butter French Baguette): Start your meal with a comforting and creamy soup accompanied by a side of buttery French baguette.- 法式香草牛油焗田螺 (French Herb Butter Baked Escargots): Indulge in tender escargots baked with fragrant herb butter, creating a delightful combination of flavors.- 鐵板肉眼扒 (Sizzling Ribeye Steak): Enjoy a sizzling hotplate presentation of juicy and succulent ribeye steak, cooked to perfection.- 卡邦尼煙肉扁意粉 (Carbonara Bacon Linguine): Delight in a twist on the classic carbonara pasta, featuring smoky bacon and creamy sauce.- 兩杯餐飲 (Two Refreshing Beverages): Quench your thirst with a choice of two refreshing drinks.2️⃣ Dessert - 幸福寶寶小睡熊雪糕及涼粉 ($42):Conclude your meal on a sweet note with this adorable dessert. Indulge in a combination of bear-shaped ice cream and refreshing jelly.💰 The total bill for our dining experience amounted to $496, including a 10% service charge. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2023-12-05
#MegaBox 啱哂一家大細嚟食飯 shopping 玩係1️⃣1️⃣樓仲有間以 #啤啤熊 做主題嘅café四周都有好多大大細細嘅啤啤熊公仔啱哂 #一家大細 👨‍👩‍👧‍👦帶小朋友去入面卡位 有好多同🐻🧸嘅 #打卡位外圍就四至八人枱為主 仲可以高覽下面溜冰場⛸️🤭🤭隨時仲有曲棍球比賽睇🏒大人有sweet sweet❤️二人餐👧🏻👶🏼👦🏻小朋友有 #小熊套餐小編就揀咗 #ClassicSizzlingPlateSet #鐵板餐 有餐湯➕牛油法包是日係 小朋友至愛嘅 #粟米火腿忌廉湯 法包仲會焗到脆卜卜 加上蒜蓉牛油🧈 👍🏻👍🏻#鐵板牛柳拼吉列魚柳 $155有燒汁同黑椒汁可供選擇牛柳肉質好嫩 又夠juicy 😋吉列魚柳外脆內嫩仲有粗薯條🍟 粟米粒🌽 車厘茄🍅 同 西蘭花🥦做配菜餐飲亦可+$ 升級要特飲🍹仲有quota 不妨為呢餐畫上 #完美的句號有好多款甜品🍧🍮🧁最開心嘅係🥳🥳原來有個 #HappyCorner 有玩具🧸圖書📚俾小朋友食飽飽 玩返陣🤹🏻‍♀️ 各位家長 可以考慮帶小朋友嚟呢到包場開 #BirthdayParty #ChristmasParty 🥳因為小編都想😝😝 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level3 2024-05-14
今日fri携一家大細去熊仔餐廳一起慶祝生日,算係第一次去親子餐廳,好多熊仔好得意,小朋友亦都有地方可以玩,安格斯西冷牛扒,加28可以配湯、蒜蓉包同飲品,已經幫手切成四塊,配埋薯條同粟米,仲有一條大大蘆筍,燒汁另上,滿足到我呢個少鹽食客,七成熟牛扒,牛扒好嫩,好香濃牛味,唯一缺點就係記得要趁熱食,朋友個西冷+豬扒配黑椒汁都唔錯,肉質好嫩滑,bb可以食兒童套餐,解放爸爸媽媽雙手。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2024-05-13
我哋今日去咗一間叫熊小館嘅餐廳,裡面有好多熊仔裝飾同公仔,亦都有個區域可以俾細路仔玩。環境好溫馨同搞笑,非常適合親子用餐。我揀咗安格斯漢堡包生日大餐,除咗有漢堡包,仲有雞翼同薯條。漢堡包上面會插埋唔同款式嘅生日快樂裝飾,整個盤子都用一個生日快樂紙皇冠圍住,好有節日氣氛。安格斯漢堡包肉質鮮嫩多汁,加上新鮮嘅配料同芝士,味道非常出色。另外,我試咗蒜片辣椒煙肉芫茜扁意粉,可以選擇加$20去增加鮮蝦。意粉炒過,麵條乾爽,配上蒜片、辣椒、煙肉同芫茜,味道香濃辣味適中,非常開胃。至於飲品,我揀咗橙汁熊熊,佢系用新鮮橙汁製成,而且有個熊熊造型嘅冰塊,好可愛。橙汁酸甜可口,加上冰塊令飲品更加涼爽,好適合解渴。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)