Restaurant: | Capital Café (Shau Kei Wan Main Street East) |
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To promote a new salt and sugar reduction (RSS) dietary culture and living style to the people of Hong Kong, the Environment and Ecology Bureau, the Committee on Reduction of Salt and Sugar in Food and the Centre for Food Safety of the Food and Environmental Hygiene Department have launched the "Less-Salt-and-Sugar Restaurants Scheme" ("Scheme"). Restaurants participated in the Scheme will offer less salt or sugar options to the consumer or even tailor-make less salt or sugar dishes in designated restaurants. Participating restaurants will be granted with the Scheme Labels for displaying in the premises for public identification. For details, please click here: https://www.eeb.gov.hk/food/en/committees/crss/restaurants.html
4-min walk from Exit C, Shau Kei Wan MTR Station
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The restaurant owners most likely are the practitioner in the music industry. One of the owners is EO2 member and actor, Eddie Pang. Filled with nostalgic images of old Hong Kong, Capital Café has very unique decorations with music star accessories and collections. The signature dish here is their fried egg toast with soup noodles. And this is their first branch.
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Opening Hours
07:00 - 17:45
Mon - Sun
07:00 - 17:45
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Chef Ecy’s Dining Experience:🥰 Food | Ambience | Service | Price | Easy Access | Restroom Cleanliness | Wheelchair | Easy Parking🙂 😠 Pet Friendly | Cake Cutting Fee | Corkage FeeThis small 茶餐廳 is famous in Hong Kong with many different branches. The one I went to is in Hong Kong Island at Shau Kei Wan. It is easy to go by tram, bus, minibus or even MTR. It is just 4min walk from Exit C Shau Kei Wan MTR station. It is at the main street level so wheelchair is ok too. There are many meter parking at the back. If you take a quick meal, you can also take your own risk parking your car outside. The ambience is very good with traiditional Hong Kong style decoration. They are not fancy but with a very Hong Kong style 懷舊feel. They also have 大排檔 feel too. There are many choices in the menu. The full set breakfast only costs $40. Price performance is very attractive. Restroom is clean. But surprisingly, most guests are men with a minority of women. Service is good and the waiters are very friendly. I chatted with one of them and she said they have been at this place for 14years already. The food quality is good. I like the toast very much. Definitely, I will come back again!
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下晏肚餓同朋友搵下午茶食,醒起佢穿過電車特燈行過去。佢比東大街行小小,之後記會見到依個門口。好幸運啱啱就有位,大部分位置都有人食緊入門口就見到好多香港特式poster, 仲寫左有咩可以食哈哈全部都想試!叫左個特餐,黎左我最喜歡的茶走先! 煉奶係底,繼續搞左先飲,好香既紅茶底加好滑餐入面仲有多士,可以揀炒蛋定太陽蛋,仲有雙腸,係好滿足既下午茶!可以配埋麵/夾麵包食好耐無食過沙嗲牛肉岀前一丁!麻油佢地俾你自己加,牛肉夠大塊同幾腍,唔會好咸,希望其他分店都咁有特式同水準!
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呢間冰室開喺民生區,主要都係做返街坊生意,亦都係我哋全家嘅飯堂,百吃不厭,諗唔到食咩嘅時候,華星就係我地最好選擇🤭裝修唔講,食嘅係人情味,好有家的感覺(因為食到同啲員工都已經好熟)🤭一個常餐已經飽到上心口, $47依家嘅物價嚟講好抵🤭仲要有質素👍我同仔都係常餐揀左叉燒意粉:叉燒軟腍,意粉煙靭,湯底濃郁👍炒蛋蛋味好重,好滑👍牛油厚多士超級鬆軟,真係超鍾意佢個多士口感👍熱奶茶,茶底濃郁,口感好滑,奶味唔會過重👍全部都好啱我口味🤗老公呢次揀左沙嗲牛肉出前一丁餐,沙嗲味濃郁,用新鮮牛肉,無梳打味,牛肉味重,沙嗲醬份量足,用出前一丁,跟埋包麻油自己落,麻油沙嗲湯底原來10分惹味,正👍兩仔爺唔夠喉,再加多兩塊炸薯餅🤭全部嘢食清曬🥰
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