港鐵銅鑼灣站 F1 出口, 步行約4分鐘 continue reading
Opening Hours
11:30 - 15:00
17:30 - 23:00
Mon - Sun
11:30 - 15:00
17:30 - 23:00
Payment Methods
Visa Master Cash AE UnionPay
Other Info
Phone Reservation
10% Service Charge
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Review (34)
Level4 2025-02-02
昨晚和幾個朋友新年聚舊,去了這潮州菜館食飯。我們沒有點貴的山珍海味,只是叫了鵝肝豆腐 (鵝肝大塊厚肉),牛肉芥蘭(芥蘭新鮮鮮甜和牛肉非常嫩滑),墨魚丸菜鍋(墨魚丸大大粒,湯底), 炸豆腐,白飯。甜品叫了兩個無糖杏仁茶 (雖然是無糖,但有很重的杏仁味,做得非常好,滋潤),和豆沙甜品。因為是常客,也只不過每人要三百多元 (不過相信他們給了我們折扣). 以這一餐的質素,實在物有所值,非常好。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2024-12-07
潮洲菜向香港也有好多人中意食,而今次選擇這裡地方不算大,但服務員就好多,所以服務不錯👍🏻而食物方面:- 卤水鵝🪿就必定要食👍🏻好掂,好入味⋯⋯必食推薦- 凉拌百合🤗好特別,平時多數食炒百合,唔知原來凉拌係咁好食🥰又甜又爽口- 炸物通常叫炸双棗,但今次介紹炸芋泥鴨件好好味,原來係功夫菜,唔係成日有🫰🏻- 高湯灼手切牛肉🐮朋友話好淋好好味- 支竹炆老虎班煲🐟魚肉好新鮮,支竹吸晒D汁巧正- 再加多幾個點心🫰🏻🫰🏻一樣好好味下次午餐可以來飲茶👍🏻👍🏻温馨提示:记得要先订位🤭 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2024-08-14
Friends’ recent favourite. Top notch ingredients, execution and service from start to finish. 特式凍馬友魚 To start. Incredibly fat and sweet.潮州軒鹵水拼盤 Foie gras and tofu were silky smooth. Goose intestine very crunchy to the bite. 脆炸普寧豆腐 My new favourite. Delightfully crunchy exterior. Interesting textured silky interior. 手工鮮蟹棗 and 潮陽鮮蝦棗 Both fried to golden perfection潮州紅燒魚翅 Flavourful broth with generous amount of shark fin. 花雕蛋白蒸大紅蟹 Server proudly presented it to us, saying that they do this better than The Chairman. Potato noodles were used as the base as opposed to the usual rice noodles. Crab was meaty and sweet. Could have added more Shaoxing wine for better fragrance. And I personally prefer rice noodles for better absorption of the crab essence.豉油炒海南吊片 Cuttlefish was way too chewy and salty for my taste.青瓜肉碎煮魚鰾 Fish maw done right soaking up the hearty broth.糖醋兩面黃伊麵 beautifully done. 返沙芋頭 and 清心豆爽 to end. The fried taro were deep fried to perfection. I was full to the brim but I couldn’t resist having two!!Overall Chaozhou cuisine at its best. Already looking forward to our next visit!! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2024-07-10
一間極難book嘅餐廳,每次打嚟都full曬,要提早成個月book,除非坐房,最低消費好似要六千蚊起🙂餐廳服務好好,事先有確認訂位亦都有短訊提示當日新寧道入口扶手電梯暫停,建議老人家喺恩平道方向搭𨋢,但係估唔到某啲侍應係唔識廣東話,要用普通話溝通😂店面唔大,只有約十張枱同埋其他貴賓房,我哋被安排坐喺角落頭嘅圓枱,位置好舒適。坐低奉上嘅功夫茶同食完所有嘢之後奉上嘅功夫茶味道係唔同,前者唔會削胃苦澀,後者好甘香比較解膩。鹵水拼盤 有鵝肉,鵝肝,大腸,腎,豆腐,雞蛋,鵝肝有兩種唔同嘅口感,一種比較硬身有咬口帶甘香,另一種好軟糯好滑。鵝肉份量比較少,有啲到喉唔到肺嘅感覺🥲蠔仔烙餐牌有幾種蠔仔烙,唔同價錢,我哋叫普通果種,食落鮮嫩濕潤,唔會炸到乾爭爭,但食唔出有蠔味。脆炸普寧豆腐附上韭菜鹽水, 新鮮炸起點嚟食外脆內 嫩,上面仲配咗炸海苔點綴,一齊食好好味😋脆炸九肚魚擺盤感覺上同炸普寧豆腐相似,都係有炸海苔點綴,但比較失望係佢將九肚魚開咗邊去炸,應該係為咗起骨方便食客享用,但食落就失咗原條厚身嘅口感🥲涼瓜黃豆腩肉煲涼瓜甘香軟淋,同黃豆係絕配,細個有飲過媽咪煲嘅涼瓜黃豆豬骨湯,有種兒時回憶湧出嚟🙂最後,叫左兩款甜品,分別係反沙芋同侍應姐姐推薦嘅羔燒四寶,有黃糖配芋頭南瓜銀杏山藥,好新奇好味。反沙芋嘅芋頭好香,砂糖入面有少少葱粒,雖然食唔出葱味,但望落去感覺特別清新,溶咗嘅砂糖亦將芋頭包得均勻,係必食推介😍整體性價比偏低,屋企人係潮州人都覺得好似去打冷會適合啲,氣氛同味道都會更好😅人均消費$500評分:最高為5分治癒度:👩‍⚕️👩‍⚕️👩‍⚕️抵食度:💉💉翻兜指數:🩺🩺潮州軒銅鑼灣新寧道8號中國太平大廈1期2樓#healingbobo #foodie #hkfoodie #foodiehk #香港 #美食 #CWB #銅鑼灣 #潮州菜 #潮州軒 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level3 2024-07-04
前兩天打算到銅鑼灣Brick Lane午飯,點知去到發現已關門,而open rice綱頁仍未有這更新,結果行到利園農圃,但見到門外歺牌不多選擇,便上多一層到陌生的潮州軒試試,結果喜出望外,點心精緻,可每件計(最少兩件),適合人少飯局,價錢略貴,$28位茶,我們2人吃左4點心、1️⃣蠔仔粥,3百幾埋單,不得不提蠔仔粥非常好吃魚湯底味道濃郁👍🏻環境也可以,燈光好、枱與枱之間距離甚寛,有私人空間,唯一是冷氣略凍,我們坐的卡位頗大風所以大家女仕如要到訪,一定要多帶件外套或披風😉 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)