2541 1401
Chez Patrick is a truly authentic French restaurant offering fine dining in a warm and homely environment. Soak up the atmosphere of a typical Parisian apartment with Chez Patrick’s elegant black and white decor, wooden parquet, white wall panels and stylish furnishings for a true French dinner. continue reading
Opening Hours
*Closed on Sundays and Public Holidays
Mon - Sat
12:00 - 15:00
19:00 - 23:00
Payment Methods
Visa Master Cash AE
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May Bring Your Own Wine Details
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Phone Reservation
10% Service Charge
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Signature Dishes
Foie Gras Terrines Foie Gras Profiteroles Trio of home-smoked appetizers yogurt and foie gras terrine Bouillabaisse Cheeses selection
Review (29)
Level3 2011-08-18
要吃法國菜,通常我嘅首選係有米芝蓮星星果幾間喺酒店嘅餐廳,但如果嫌那些太花費、太拘束,我喜歡到這間喺卑利街斜路上嘅黑白色小店,Chez Patrick。Chez Patrick 嘅 Menu 詳列於餐廳網站。去之前可以望一下嘢食是否合胃口,同是否 within budget。 晚餐價錢如下 : 3-course Dinner $499/person 4-course Dinner $599/person 5-course Dinner $699/person當晚入座後,先點了sparkling water,之後餐廳端上麵包籃、牛油及磨菇慕絲。麵包是暖暖的,基本合格。 磨菇慕絲幼滑,散發陣陣磨菇香氣,配麵包很不錯。我倆吃了 3 個 course ,菜色如下 :頭盤 1) Foie Gras and rhubarb creme brûlée, mesclun salad, passion fruit dressing人說法國菜有三寶:魚子醬、鵝肝、松露。這個頭盤就有其中一寶。通常一般餐廳都是供應煎鵝肝同哩凍鵝肝醬,但這裡算有新意,將鵝肝整到成個creme brûlée 咁,面層脆,內層軟滑。鵝肝整體香濃,是喜愛濃味人士的好選擇。鵝肝配上清新的熱情果汁沙律菜,輕輕減低鵝肝膩口感覺。頭盤 2) Herby crabmeat and mascarpone cake, king prawns sauce, hint of sherry vinegar相比之下,這頭盤感覺清新,啖啖蟹肉,蟹味香甜可口,好refreshing!  主菜 1) Pan-seared US organic blade steak, rich red wine sauce and comfit shallots牛切成兩件,二人分吃剛好,牛肉質不錯,都算juicy,但表面烤得不算香口。有驚喜的反而是配菜,做得很好,有心思,不馬虎,絕不是港式餐廳那些蔬菜、薯仔伴碟。一個伴碟配菜用金屬小容器盛著,薯泥類。另一伴碟配菜似是蛋批類,都很好吃!主菜 2) Pan-fried sea bass fillet, fennel bulb marmalade, and creamy ginger sauce同樣地,伴碟配菜又是比主食鱸魚有驚喜。鱸魚算滑,但略為平庸。反而一個看來似個卡通蘑菇屋的配菜,可愛又有內涵,因為打開屋頂,屋內是釀有配料的。另一個鮮紅色的,我以為是一件番茄或紅菜頭,但反轉一看,又是釀有配料的。抱歉我不能確定食材是什麼,又忘記拍下照片。總之,我看出配菜有用心造啊!好食! 甜品 1) Caramelized apple tart "tatin", vanilla ice cream雖然我們是order dinner set,但甜品都有十個可以揀,又或者可以要芝士。這算誠意十足。甜品選擇無頭緒,就請了侍應介紹。 Apple tart "tatin"係其中一個推介。 據理解,tart tatin 意思是反烤蘋果撻,烤焗時蘋果在酥皮下面,上桌前把蘋果撻反轉。好處是令酥皮保持酥脆,不會被濕潤的蘋果弄濕酥皮。 但是,當晚所見,我們的蘋果撻比一般的高身,酥皮同蘋果有點分離,不知是否更改了做法,還是我理解apple tart tatin 錯誤。但無論如何,蘋果撻是美味的!暖暖的玉桂蘋果跟冷冷的雲呢拿雪糕是經典好配搭。甜品 2) Poach pears in a red wine and five spices coulis 第二個甜品本來心目中選了Floating Island,但係侍應說Floating Island 比較甜,朋友不是甜魔,所以我們放棄了。 心血來潮,信自己選了紅酒煮梨,結果証明係不錯嘅! 個梨切得幾靚,微暖,煮得夠唸同夠入味!碟邊嘅紅酒汁甜甜地又有d酒味,好好喝!雖然這甜品可能比較簡單,但個人很喜歡,清清哋,好健康!3 個 course 嘅晚餐對我們來說份量剛好,因我們都不想常常吃太飽。 這餐飯大致我們都很滿意,要批評的是服務一般,特別是那「天使」的態度吧! 但整體以食物來說,菜色不錯,味道很好,不會覺得很港式西餐啊 !雖然餐廳地點有點近街市,但餐廳的黑白色裝修有型格,洋溢著巴黎的氣息! 店內環境舒服,而我又特別喜愛地舖小店,所以會再來光顧 ! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Having heard all the good comments Chez Patrick, we tried it tonight instead of Ruth Chris. Very nice that we can mix and match different menus. We chose a three-course meal.Hot and cold foie gras - the cold is a bit too cold but no doubt the taste is quite good.Veal tartare - very good, I really like it. The taste is spot on and the salad is a perfect match!Pigeon - it's very tasteful but at the end, we said to ourselves, Chinese pigeons are the best!Veal tenderloin - the meat surprisingly tendered but a bit salty; the pumpkin sauce is good too!Sea bass filet - the fish needs to be a bit thicker to balance out the grilled skin (salty and crispy) and the fish meat.Wine selection is limited though we've got what we needed. Service is good too, the waiters are always reachable but not disturbing.Price is reasonable.We were in France couple months ago and we still have the taste buds in my mouth! We spent around a week in Paros and all of the restaurants (except one lunch) are worth revisiting. Having said that, Chez Patrick still worth a visit! Bon appetit! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2011-07-20
之前係中環返工, 間唔中到會路經位處卑利街的Chez Patrick. 但一直都未有機會試吓, 今晚就訂位食個法國晚餐先. 室內裝修蠻有情調, 可惜後來來了十多位操英語的客人們, 剛好坐在我們附近, 他們傾計的聲浪很大, 破壞了這裡的氣氛. 今晚點咗以下菜式 :前菜a) Foie Gras and rhubarb crème brûlée, mesclun salad, passion fruit dressing => 以法式燉旦方式弄的鵝肝, 味道與平常煎不一樣, 很特別. b ) Herby crabmeat and mascarpone cake, king prawns sauce, hint of sherry vinegar => 蟹餅, 好鮮味. 主菜a) Pan-seared US organic blade steak, rich red wine sauce and comfit shallots => 牛柳, 很有肉味, 美味 b) Pan-fried sea bass fillet, fennel bulb marmalade, and creamy ginger sauce => 這個一般甜品a) Warm Chocolate => 唔太甜, 好食b) Poached Pear in Red wine sauce => 梨肉略帶紅酒味, 很腍. 唔錯. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level2 2011-05-07
A nice looking cosy restaurant on Peel Street. Food was OK, nothing to rave about. The portions were really small and the meal in general was not memorable. We had the house smoked salmon but it was so small (half a slice) and buried in salad. A lot of customers looked like they were regulars though but it's not a place I would go back again and again and pay that kind of price. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2011-04-28
為了一嘗正宗Bouillabaisse 法國馬賽海鮮湯, 找到了Chef Patrick!Bouillabaisse 法國馬賽海鮮湯, 它讓我想起的不單只是美味, 而是為了找尋年少輕狂, 無牽無掛, 四處遊蕩的快樂日子,在馬賽海旁一家無名小店遇到的感動! 中環有位法國廚師Patrick Gobier,依足傳統規矩炮製的馬賽海鮮湯(Bouillabaisse),對炮製以當地魚獲及有著無限堅持,吃罷還記得那份鮮濃而帶幽香番紅花味道的漁民濃湯!餐廳以主廚Patrick 的名字為名,膽敢以自已名字作餐廳招牌,正正表現他的信心。而揚名立萬的立基,也絕絕對對在於主廚、並非餐廳的招牌。他確以著創作者的理想與熱情,追求高度創作表現與藝術境界的達成為目標使命,除了味蕾上的美味與滿足外,還有很多的苛求、突破,很多凌駕於想像之外的窮究與創意,令你不能不為之驚喜、感動……….而我想,這種種,也正是法國美食之所以始終令人由衷沈迷傾倒之處吧! 前菜: 煙三文魚沙律仔細處理的新鮮蔬菜, 跟慕斯狀的醬料點綴著, 讓我不禁讚嘆起廚師的巧思翠綠的各式沙律菜,淋上特製醬汁,清爽可口。煙三文魚有著魚油甘香, 野生的品種相對甘腴豐盈, 跟清爽可口沙律搭配, 平衡了原本就不油膩的口感, 打開了味蕾,不失為開胃餐前小品。檯面已放著魚湯必備的多士、Rouille及芝士條Bouillabaisse 馬賽海鮮湯先嚐湯,記憶猶在,依古法炮製的馬賽海鮮湯風味依然,番紅花為湯頭添上嬌嫩的紅色,由馬賽運來「當日捕」鮮魚經長時間慢火熬煮後,入口不帶魚渣,濃郁而帶有番紅花香料的幽香層次,魚的精華盡入湯中,帶點濃稠細滑海水味,漁民風味活現眼前,再在湯內配上地中海海鰻(Congre)魚頭、青口和 scorpionfish等-肉質細緻得彷彿一碰就要碎了的鱸,精華匯聚湯中,喜歡的濃湯的我得到了極大的滿足,喝起來有意猶未盡的感覺。一碗不夠滿足的話,Patrick Gobier就拿著湯壺替大家加湯,保証味蕾大滿足!薯仔片滲雜了魚湯濃鮮再來一碗, 還是熱氣騰騰的配上口感清怡的白酒, 讓我原本緊繃的神經 終於鬆弛開來Dessert: Hazelnut Iced Nougat乳酪雪糕,質感柔滑、酸甜適中、口感清怡For more about tonight dinner, please feel free to read my blog,enjoy!http://hk.myblog.yahoo.com/jolovam/article?new=1&mid=7191 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)