Restaurant: | CHICKEN FACTORY (置富第一城) |
Info: |
To promote a new salt and sugar reduction (RSS) dietary culture and living style to the people of Hong Kong, the Environment and Ecology Bureau, the Committee on Reduction of Salt and Sugar in Food and the Centre for Food Safety of the Food and Environmental Hygiene Department have launched the "Less-Salt-and-Sugar Restaurants Scheme" ("Scheme"). Restaurants participated in the Scheme will offer less salt or sugar options to the consumer or even tailor-make less salt or sugar dishes in designated restaurants. Participating restaurants will be granted with the Scheme Labels for displaying in the premises for public identification. For details, please click here: https://www.eeb.gov.hk/food/en/committees/crss/restaurants.html
Opening Hours
11:00 - 21:00
Mon - Sun
11:00 - 21:00
Public Holiday
11:00 - 21:00
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Chicken factory has quickly become one of my go to spots for a quick dinner. It’s ideal for those times when I’m in a hurry because I can fill my stomach is just 15 minutes. They have a new menu available for Monday to Friday. I visited it last Friday and tried to $39 meal deals, which features chicken curry with fried dumplings. I was pleasantly surprised by the quality for that price. The portion of the rice was generous and came with plenty of curry sauce, and the fried chicken was both crispy and juicy. I love the spicy powder they sprinkle on top. The dumplings were also meaty and juicy. Plus the meal include a drink. For a quick dinner, I will definitely choose this again.
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份量好太,叫左焗薯同飯。焗薯超好味,份量係超級多 個飯就有小小可惜有d硬但麻辣汁好好味,唯一係雞有小小老 不過個汁可以多小小,因為汁配飯應該會加分!不過$48蚊 咁多嘢食都好抵
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最近試了Chicken Factory的外賣,真係非常滿意,特別適合注重健康和健身的朋友!🍗🥦首先要強調的是他們的原隻烤雞,這道菜式真係一絕。烤雞外皮香脆,內裡肉質鮮嫩多汁,完全沒有多餘的油脂,吃起來既美味又健康。每一口都能感受到雞肉的鮮甜,絕對是健身人士的理想選擇。🥇另外,他們的烤雜菜也是一大亮點。各種新鮮蔬菜經過烤焗後,保留了原有的營養和鮮味,口感豐富,色彩繽紛。無論是西蘭花、紅蘿蔔還是甜椒,每一口都充滿了自然的甜味和香氣,讓人食指大動。🥕🌽Chicken Factory的外賣不僅食材新鮮,還提供了多種低卡低脂的選擇,非常適合想要保持身材的朋友。餐廳的服務也非常周到,外賣包裝精美,送餐速度快,確保食物到手時仍然熱騰騰。🚴♂️整體來講,Chicken Factory的外賣不僅美味,還非常健康,是健身人士和注重飲食健康的朋友們的絕佳選擇!👍
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首先食物可以擺上收銀檯,點餐時就會噴曬口水落去。咁變相我哋食人口水尾,極度唔衛生。其次,攞餐時已經再三confirm 係未138,因我一開始聽到佢叫139先。但佢話系我照攞,仲話我做咩咁遲先攞,係未溝緊女。最後其實係139,同佢講返仲要我錯咁款。最後,我要堂食最後變外賣。員工再三出錯究竟想點?落單時佢一心二用要執餐,以為自己好醒?但其實錯漏百出。最後,外賣竟然無餐具無紙巾,我唔知係員工出錯定公司環保政策啦。未食已經一肚氣
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