3-min walk from Exit N2, Tsim Sha Tsui / East Tsim Sha Tsui MTR Station
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Opening Hours
11:30 - 22:30
Mon - Sun
11:30 - 22:30
*Last Order: 22:00
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Crusta is a place we walk by in Tsim Sha Tsui a lot. So we decided to give it a try.What they serve is pizza, baked rice and a crusta (which is a pie). They have sets available. Menu is in English and Chinese. There is no 10% service charge.We decided to get one pizza set for $64. This includes a pizza, coleslaw, fries, chicken wing and soft drink and added an extra pizza ($44) to share.This is the Margherita with Bolognese pizza. Lots of cheese and the generous amount of sauce. The crust was very crispy and thin. This was pretty good with the bits of mince meat on top.This is the London Grilled Chicken pizza was also generous with the toppings. The chicken meat was not dry. There was also some mushrooms and lots of cheese.The set included fries and boyfriend wanted sweet potato fries. These weren't very good at all. Too starchy and not seasoned.The coleslaw was ok. Not a real coleslaw as it didn't have that tang.The chicken wing was really good. The sauce was sticky and sweet. The wing was juicy. I wish the set gave more than one. We will be back. We thought to try the Crusta pie next time but we saw the person next to us had it and it looked very dry and hard. So, probably just come back for the pizza.
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【油尖旺區】【Crusta】食嘢嚟講,健康同好食從來都唔喺同一條道路上面,點知今次喺尖沙咀被我同春哥試到呢間西式快餐咁樣樣但又標榜健康食材嘅餐廳。我哋叫啲嘢嚟 share 食,一齊試。先試 $64 嘅「吉仕地薄餅套餐」,試「倫敦炭烤雞肉」味,食落香脆足料又好味喎。佢哋新鮮出爐嘅八吋脆薄扁餅原來係用天然發酵成份同橄欖油整,掂呀。之後試 $52 嘅「吉仕打套餐」,試「泰式甜辣雞」吉仕打,其實就好似加啲配料喺個 tart 上面咁,不過都好好食。套餐仲有小食,我哋試晒「薯仔餅」同「番薯條」,都好特別,好味。而「涼拌沙律」、「新鮮甜醋沙律」同「日式照燒雞翼」都幾好,乜都有得食咁。之後試埋 $38 嘅「吉仕地焗飯」,試「蜜糖豬扒配法式多蜜醬汁」味,唔算勁大份但勝在味道夠好。我哋各加 $3 試「新鮮凍檸檬茶」同「新鮮凍奶茶」,都係好飲㗎喎。。。(地址:尖沙咀赫德道1-3號利威商業大廈地下1號舖)#1amfoodie #foodie #hkfoodie #thatfoodiething #hkfood #food #instafood #yummy #foodlover #delicious #foodies #tasty #globaleats #tastyfood #dessert #foodpics #followforfollowback #love #eat #1am油尖旺區 #紅磡 #尖東 #尖沙咀 #1am紅館 #Crusta #吉仕地薄餅套餐 #吉仕打套餐 #薯仔餅 #番薯條 #涼拌沙律 #新鮮甜醋沙律 #日式照燒雞翼 #吉仕地焗飯 #蜜糖豬扒配法式多蜜醬汁 #新鮮凍檸檬茶 #新鮮凍奶茶 #1am1535 #1ambackup
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我久唔久lunch time都過黎食pizza今次帶埋同事黎先發現原來佢哋係健康快餐黎但點健康唔太知我諗係原材料健康同新鮮🙈但主要黎食係因為個薯仔餅同佢地combo 好平 $64有 pizza、薯餅、沙律、雞翼加野飲同事叫咗 甜辣雞pizza c覺得幾重味,食多少少有啲咸我叫咗 margarita with blue cheese覺得都唔錯,不過都係食多兩件有啲咸但最鍾意都係個 potato fritters因為真係似新鮮材料做啲洋蔥唔係雪藏,見到仲有水份然後先留意到個盒寫住 100% prepared fresh daily 😂雖然啲野略咸左少少但呢個價錢咁多款野食我覺得已經好好
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無意在社交平台見到這間主打健康原料的店,見有一人平價套餐,即刻去試一試。11點半開門,應該是今日第一個客。下單一個薄餅套餐,兩位外籍員工在後廚忙碌,大概10分鐘就上齊。🍕BBQ chicken thin pizza餅底薄脆,感覺似食餅乾,沒有一般麵團煙靭的口感。芝士放得多,雞肉粒亦不少,稍嫌BBQ醬有些重口味,不過一口接一口,好快食完,亦沒有太大負擔感。🍟sweet potato fries套餐跟一份蕃薯條,味道不會太甜,但炸得不夠脆,而且滲油不少,感覺似是火候不夠,炸得不夠乾爽🍗至於雞翼同埋沙律就正正常常,沒有特別。一個女仔食一個套餐都不會感覺太heavy,下次會再想試其他主菜 特別是推介的Crusta
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CRUSTE吉仕迪焗飯套餐Cruste Rice Combo $58蜜糖豬扒配法式多蜜醬汁(CRUSTE RICE) Honey Pork Chop⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️吉仕迪焗飯套餐以$58的價格,提供了一個令人滿意的用餐體驗。蜜糖豬扒搭配法式多蜜醬汁,口感外酥內嫩,醬汁的甜味恰到好處,讓人一試成主顧。清淡的蛋炒飯與多汁的蜜糖豬扒相得益彰,讓整體風味更加豐富。飯粒分明,炒至適中的蛋香味濃郁。搭配的奶油薯蓉柔滑細膩,為整道菜增添了豐富的口感層次,讓人垂涎欲滴。上餐時店員亦貼心提醒焗飯的碗很熱,小心觸碰。套餐中還有雞翼、薯條和沙律。整體而言,這個套餐不僅在價格上合理,還兼具了味道與視覺的享受,絕對是值得推薦的美味選擇。
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