Opening Hours
0630-2300 hrsSet -Lunch, lunch boxes -Extensive a la carte dinner -Free home delivery -Party catering Minimum order $98 for free delivery
Payment Methods
Cash UnionPay
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Review (5)
Level4 2014-01-23
We were hoping to try something outside of the Plaza and Murray Building, and wandered past this restaurant run by a Nepalese family on a small street in Stanley. There was "indoor" and "outdoor" seating even in winter, but actually it all feels the same as there was no partition and the cool winter air filled the place. The temperature called for a hot Masala tea, which was smooth and rich in flavour. Pompadoms were served with mango chutney and mint sauce, and that got us into the mood of going through the menu and picking dishes that were not the usual suspects.The lamb salad and Mulligatawny soup were served at the same time, the salad was tasty with tender pieces of lamb, while the soup was quite light in consistency and thus not overly filling. Then came the Himalayan chicken, the fried eggplant and potato, accompanied by the lamb naan bread. The chicken was tender and beautifully seasoned, while the fragrant eggplant and potatos was a small but hearty dish brought alive by wonderful spices. The minced lamb in the naan was a slightly disturbing reddish-orange colour, but the bread itself was fine, though not as fluffy with large air pockets as some others in town. The young lad serving us was very friendly and polite and we got talking about the daggers hanging over the bar. The food was overall quite tasty, but the portions are on the small side. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level2 2012-06-29
WEEKDAY到赤柱一遊上一次入赤柱已經是十年前的事明知赤柱食野會貴,已經SET高左個BUDGET奈何,同學卻因為沒有經濟收入,只能AFFORD AROUND $40-50的 DINE本身打算到赤柱餐廳,點知12點鬆D就全場爆滿拖著疲累的身子,在大街小巷左穿右插要知道在赤柱找一所附合以上BUDGET的餐廳也是一件難事殊不知,在一條小巷中找到這所餐廳起初看到MENU,,SET LUNCH要$65同學就打算走,不過我SCAN到SET LUNCH隔離個TAKE AWAY MENU只是$35大洋就折回頭然後,老闆娘就用那印度腔英語SELL直接問我們要什麼我首先CONCERN的問題是不是只限TAKE AWAY可能當天沒有人,老闆娘很NICE地說提供EXCLUSIVE DISCOUNT給我們讓我們以TAKE AWAY的價享受堂食(要知道,足足差了$30)印度餐廳一般給我的感覺都是暗暗的橙色的牆,一種很鮮明,很光亮的感覺與赤柱的陽光與海灘形象配合家庭式經營,父母加上女兒,由廚房到樓面一手包辦餐廳內播放印度音樂,而且燃點印度香煙??所以下次想感受印度風味,佐敦或重慶大廈以外的另一選擇入正題印度咖哩羊肉拼薄餅首先,印度咖哩是沒有薯仔的羊肉也不錯薄餅不像在TOAST BOX的飛碟般,是沒有味道可能真正的印度薄餅只是一團面粉???!!!!!老闆很NICE當我們吃得七七八八就跟我們閒聊很窩心的一頓飯!!下次我去赤柱,會再去探你的!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level3 2011-10-25
家族式經營的小鋪,媽媽女兒都招呼殷勤,滿載人情味的餐廳。 1. (免費) 脆薄餅:真的很鬆脆香口,備有兩種醬汁選擇(甜酸/青加哩),咬落有種介乎吃薯片與玉米片的波波脆感覺。 2. ($4x) 海鮮菠菜湯:很鮮味,海鮮用料也很新鮮,第一次吃感覺不錯。 3. ($3x) 印式宮保雞粒(唔記得原名):唔辣,素材新鮮,味道無乜特別,食完都無印象 4. ($7x) 咖哩羊:羊肉幾冧,不過分量太少,味道一般,有點不值這個價錢。5. ($25) 芝士薄餅:店員介紹,煙煙奀奀,沒有預期的那樣好味。6. ($20) 普通薄餅:半脆半軟,比芝士薄餅更可口,與咖哩汁最匹配。餐廳並非位處大街,要經過迂迴小(斜)路才可到達,星期日的晚上人流不多,不過都有三枱客,証明有口碑。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level1 2009-08-26
晚上興起, 同大人到赤柱食飯. 見openrice 有間印度餐廳介紹, 就動身走去試下喇, 去到赤柱, 唔記得左間餐廳正確地址, 搵左一輪, 之後索性打個電話去該餐廳問下喇! 唔問由是可, 一問先知原來0係巴士總站對面間超級市場同咖啡店中間, 有條樓梯, 一落就見到.........真笨...是夜到達時, 已大約9時..只見店內空無一人...心想...唔係阻住人閂門下ma???之後有一位印度女侍應出迎, 一問之下原來閂11點. 心想: 都冇咁驚~~~侍應之後問我地想坐外面還是入面, 因為天氣都有番咁上下熱, 所以選擇左店內.先說環境, 一進入店內,感覺唔錯, 都幾舒服~聽到柔柔的印度音樂, 再看, 即喜上眉梢 ~~ 同大人講: 哈~ 仲唔比我搵到間冇印度mv 播緊0既印度餐廳?? 之後女侍應遞上餐牌, 我地就點菜喇~~~點左個燒雞, 一個羊咖哩, 一個豆, 一個plain nan, 一個"卡斯媽lee"nan (唔識串呀), 一杯mango lassi, 一杯lemonade soda女侍應一路從旁介紹, 非常細心女侍應幫我地落完單後, 就送上d 胡椒餅呀, 咖哩角呀0個d 典型印度小食~~~塊胡椒餅幾好食,但冇咩特別,同其他印度餐廳差不多個咖哩角呢...之前食過d 印度餐廳, 都唔太鐘意, 嫌佢地太干, 太硬淨,又有青豆喎 所以都係抱住是是但但食左佢0既心態... 殊不知~呢個正喎, 首先夠熱啦, 個皮都夠鬆脆, 入面d 咖哩薯仔唔會好干,有d 食緊日本吉列薯餅0既感覺~~~但係都有青豆.....之後女侍應又送上mango lassi 同杯lemonade soda, 大人飲mango lassi, 佢話好飲喎咁我咪又試下law~飲左一小口, d 芒果味都幾正喎, 不過冇試真, 下次自己叫杯再試真d 先上菜前有d 時間, 阿女侍應無啦啦主動問我地點會搵到唻~之後我地三人之間,言談甚歡,講講下不知不覺就上菜lu~~~先來的, 是chicken tikka, 即係個燒雞, 喂, 正喎, 外面夠干身, 入面又竟然仲有肉汁喎, 而且一d 都唔硬, 都幾軟身彈牙, 真係 "口感唔錯"呀~d 菜都好好食, 索晒d 汁~下次試下佢叫攞d 洋蔥去薦底先, 應該會仲好味~之後唻左個羊咖哩, 同個豆, 仲有plain nan, 即係印度薄餅, 先講個羊咖哩, d 汁好香,唔太辣, fit 呀, 鐘意辣0既朋友大可同佢講聲因為佢話有隻汁,又唔記得左咩名喇, 可以好辣下, d 外國人好鐘意夏天唻食, 出一身汗咁喎~~而d 羊肉, 又確係幾盞, 淋得唻都好嫩下, 又係唔干, 唔太羶, 好味道~個豆就有d似食汁, 入面煮d 豆仔, 味道都唔錯,用唻點d nan 就真係一流喇~~~個"卡斯媽lee" nan 都唔錯喎, 而個plain nan 本人就略嫌唔夠厚, 可以好dd食食下, 都 9點幾喇, 仲見有幾個外國人唻幫襯,我諗佢地係唻宵夜喇... 食飽當然要埋單啦,兩個人, 埋單2百幾, ok 喎, 女侍應仲話下次唻比個9 折過我地~~~heheh正呀 自從中環阿Jay間小店結業後...都好少搵到一間咁好0既印度餐廳喇...試過印度媽媽, 雖然冇0個種親切 但都唔錯... 不過又結業lu...而其他~試過一次後都未有再去0既意欲,而呢間~~~好彩本人家住香港仔,大概會成為常客吧~~~ continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
(Non-member) 2009-08-25
搵o左咁耐終於搵到間唔錯o既印度餐廳 !!最喜歡吃的印度燒雞 (好似叫chicken tikka?)入味得o黎又唔會燒到好乾!有d肉汁 !讚 !!!仲有d咖哩香得o黎又唔辣~o岩哂我個怕辣o既朋友 !!食到好飽o既一餐飯 !!同埋d服務好好 !!個waitress 好有禮貌又好nice~ continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)