3-min walk from Exit B, Quarry Bay MTR Station continue reading
Opening Hours
Mon - Sun
11:30 - 21:00
Payment Methods
Visa Master Cash UnionPay
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Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Review (21)
Level4 2017-06-10
Went here a few times because the crab rolls is really good.Quite expensive though so people wont eat it more than once a week so i didnt expect it to survive anyway.This time had the cheese and i didnt like it cos the bread was a bit soft and plasitc. The cheese was tasteless. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
三番四次想食,但奈何第一次店主有事收早,第二次飛車過到去又趕唔切(小店晚上9點關門)。終於皇天不負有心人!第一次食到招牌龍蝦包!滿以為龍蝦包已經係最好,但係我真心想推薦King Crab Roll! 啖啖肉!蟹味爆出嚟!真係估你唔到!沙律個醬汁幾特別,酸酸的好醒胃!雖然食落好似牛食草咁樣湯就可以略過。小店仲有做外賣,不過我覺得堂食新鮮d!價錢作為一間係中產地區嘅餐廳,已經算幾合理。如果只係龍蝦包作比較,佢更加可以講係抵!!寫食評前我已經幫襯咗兩次,下次有機會鋪頭見!仲可以試下個避風塘炒蟹包 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2016-12-21
當日由荃灣坐地鐵去鰂魚涌👻就係食包包包...仲要食咗好多個包😝雖然我是湯麵控,但久唔久食個咁豐富嘅包係爽嘅-<龍蝦包> 🌮$100 /跟餐有忌廉湯同汽水個包面搽咗牛油去烘焗,所以勁香又夠脆😍而龍蝦肉仲用咗緬因州出名水產嘅龍蝦,除咗夠彈牙外仲有陣陣天然海水嘅鹹味,加埋香草係面👍fit哂 -PS:佢哋嘅燻牛包、皇帝蟹腳包都唔錯添聽老闆講皇帝蟹仲係佢每日親自入去西貢攞貨,保證每一口都新鮮,絕對唔會交急凍貨 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
I'm always on the hunt for good food, this time for fresh crab rolls. I came across this place when searching on OpenRice and it was ranked as one of the top 5 places in Quarry Bay, so thought I'd give it a try. I was surely not disappointed! The restaurant was small, with only around 4 bar tables. I ordered their fresh crab combo which also included their curry crab soup (I would skip that as it was quite runny and somewhat bland, except the kick from the curry powder) and a drink. The crab portions were generous, with each bite full of crabmeat. The meat was sweet and succulent, it was perfect. The taste of the buttered bread roll wasn't overbearing. If I wasn't so full after, I would've ordered another one! I will definitely be back for more! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
呢間係我親戚樓下既舖已經留意左好耐,朋友入黎試我當然仆住去,咁近我。好多人都話咩東京乜乜味道,我未去過食所以唔知啦,淨係記得個鬼佬話每日去西貢入貨,材料食落真係好新鮮。我主要食左個皇帝蟹包,用上左阿拉斯加果種,海水天然既咸味同鮮味並非急凍貨可以媲美。而且麵包焗得外脆內軟,最緊要係份量慷慨而個包外脆內軟,用心既地方就係包內包外都有用上牛油去烘焗,所以有crispy既口感係度龍蝦包同樣都好多肉!用左香草、檸檬汁以及海鹽調味,朋友鐘意龍蝦所以比佢地食呢個啦,我食左幾啖都係鐘意食新鮮蟹獨有既咸味多d~呢度仲有湯可以飲,不過當日飲到既就偏咸,但就明顯飲到海鮮既味,用咁多海鮮拆肉唔拎落去煲湯咪浪費哂如果調味輕番小小等我地自己落鹽調教味道就更好了,因為我傾向飲到海鮮原味多過西式加base果種喧賓奪主味道(即係牛肉湯)。同場仲有個牛肉包,可能受太多海鮮衝擊,變相覺得呢個味道相對唔突出。除左牛肉嫩之外,我諗唔到一個優點。個人覺得洋蔥多d會比較好,同埋個汁我真係唔知點樣配合到個包。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)