Opening Hours
Mon - Sat
12:00 - 14:30
18:00 - 22:30
Payment Methods
Visa Master Cash UnionPay
Number of Seats
Other Info
May Bring Your Own Wine Details
Cake-cutting Details
10% Service Charge
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Signature Dishes
Lamb rack Cold abalone Italian scallops rice Lobster
Review (17)
Level1 2011-01-19
第一年的結婚周年老公帶我去到d17過了一過好難忘的晚餐電梯門一打開就有位侍應走過來帶我們到訂了的桌子我地唔係好熟識D生蠔品種,古唔到廚師來介紹比我地,佢講左6-7種但是我地得2個人食唔到太多...就點了3種(半打)第1隻食的係美國:好大隻好肥(好好味)第2隻食的係法國:細小就唔係好肥(海水味太勁)第3隻食的係南非:最細隻最肥(非常鮮甜,我同老公都係最愛它)之後我地點了兩杯紅酒2份廚師介紹的tasting menu 我點了牛,我老公就點了大蝦前菜係1個吞拿魚魚生:廚師將矮瓜茸夾在魚生裹(口感很滑,味道很特別!!)之後到食煎法國鵪鶉配沙津(外皮煎得香脆,肉質鮮嫩美味)湯是一個黑松露菌蘑菇湯(一上菜已經聞到黑松露菌香味,味道好濃)茄汁意大利麵配蟹肉(個汁好醒胃,味道清新)主菜我的牛就5成熟...肉質好嫩,又多肉汁仲一d都唔靱 (但係對我個胃來講就太大了,所以我老公就有口福啦,分左我個牛扒1半)大蝦就煎到岩岩好..又爽口又鮮甜(最緊要係"隻蝦真係好大隻")最後到個甜品...係1個黃莓果法式燉蛋(好滑..但是唔夠甜..岩我老公食唔岩我)因為我老公訂位時講左比侍應知係結婚周年...廚師同侍應都來恭喜我地同我地飲返杯(有種好似認識左好耐感覺,好有親切感)因為我地坐車時唔見左相機放唔到d相上來食物同服務已經令我好難忘...唔見左相機令我非常難忘 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
是晚我與太太到該餐廳晚膳慶祝結婚周年,可惜換來不太好的經歷。我們叫了一客凍鮑魚及一客煎鴨肝作前菜,一客燒大蝦及一客肉眼牛排作主菜,以及兩杯紅酒。本先對該餐廳感覺尚可,但不久就發覺侍應的態度有些問題。前菜凍鮑魚混了wasabi汁,非太太和本人杯茶,鮑魚質感普通,可惜味道方面除了刺鼻的wasabi味之外也嘗不出鮑魚本身的味道。煎鴨肝做得尚可以,軟硬適中,不太生不太熟,只是沒有心思、少了些驚喜而已 - 兩塊鴨肝、一小堆沙律葉。以前吃過印象最深刻的鴨/鵝肝會有一些額外的伴碟,刺激一下你的味覺。一塊蘋果、一塊啤梨、數粒藍莓,配搭得宜的話,可減少鴨/鵝肝的油膩口感,為那道菜增添不少分數。之後問題就來了,就在我太太還在品嘗那道煎鴨肝之際,不可思議的事情發生了 - 侍應忽然把我們叫了的那碟牛排拿來了,他有些驚訝我太太還未把鴨肝吃完,但他還是嘗試把它上桌。我差點以為我到了茶餐廳!印象中,我從來未試過在稍有級數的餐廳遇到過這令人尷尬的情況。可是明顯地侍應並不覺得這有什麼問題。問題當然很大!作為一間有水準的餐廳,沒有理由會在客人還未完成上一道菜就把下一道菜拿上來吧?那道菜還未開始吃不就開始冷了嗎?而且還會令客人覺得你想他趕快走!結果還是要我們要求他把牛排先拿回廚房,待我太太把前菜完成再拿出來。結果侍應一臉不以為然的樣子把牛排拿回了。當時餐廳的聲浪不大,太太和我雖然聽不清楚侍應怎樣和廚房說,可是我們很清楚地聽到一些粗言穢語夾雜其中。這是怎的服務嘛?侍應明顯亦沒有明白一所西餐廳應該怎樣提供服務。過了一兩分鐘,他又把另一碟主菜送上來了。好像還對我說了一句「那你可以先吃吧」。這樣的服務真是令我呆了。老實說,在此之後實在是沒有甚麼心情吃了。記憶中那牛排、大蝦味道普通,只能說不過不失,未能讓人留下甚麼印象。本餐廳除了有「突出」的服務之外,食物的份量亦令我留下深刻印象。首先一般餐廳無限免費提供的麵包,這裡是要付款買的。若然你好像我們般沒有點麵包,那就建議多叫三兩客主菜。因為本餐廳的主菜都是十分袖珍的,而且大致上欠缺伴碟的澱粉質食品。真是令人失望的餐廳! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2010-11-10
是晚和朋友在銅鑼灣吃晚飯,地點我是不知道的,最後才知原來是來到 D17。原本朋友在網上以半價買了它的現金卷,所以特地來吃吃看。朋友一早訂了位,所以來到立即有位啦。這裡環境算非常不錯,裝修簡潔,感覺寧靜優雅,位置也挺舒服的。不過內裡的二人位置檯與檯則有點接近,我很多時也聽到旁人的對話呢。星期六晚這裡也不算很多人,大部分也訂了位的,可能我們來得比較早,再晚一點就開始客人越來越多了。店員來到介紹一下menu,朋友想試它的Tasting menu,如果兩個人也叫tasting menu則太多了,所以我則選擇散叫了一道前菜和主菜。另外這裡看來也出名吃蠔的,我們就叫了半打蠔,說是廚師挑選的,我們當然沒有異議。先來的是半打蠔,店員介紹分別是蘇格蘭,法國和南非來的,另附有三種醬汁,雖然通常我是不要醬汁多的。三款蠔大小不一,卻一樣鮮味十足,尤其南非那款感覺是特別重海水味的,味道幾鹹但又覺得很特別。法國則是最大路肥美鮮味的,加點點檸檬汁已很好吃,相信應該最受歡迎,總括我覺得三款都很不錯呢。豬腩肉小吃是我散叫的前菜來的,其實看名字時實在想不到它是這個樣子。原來是將其弄碎塗在麵包上,麵包焗過很香軟鬆脆,配上很弄碎了的豬腩肉,味道非常濃郁,好味好味~~~ 軟殼蟹沙律則相對上面的較為清新,簡單的沙律跟上少少沙律汁,軟殼蟹炸得香脆不油膩,還有點點鮮味,可中和一下之前濃味的豬腩肉呢。煎三文魚扒不算太大件,和朋友一人一半,咬下去油脂溢出,都幾香的。肉質尚算嫩滑,味道淡左少少,而且它的表皮有點靱呢。跟著就是湯... 其實我不太記得它的名字,印象中好像是青豆湯來的,我試了一兩口,味道濃郁,感覺不會太「杰」身,都幾好味的。Tasting Menu內主菜前還有一道非常合時節的大閘蟹粉,不過這個來到覺得太鹹啦,鹹味完全蓋過了蟹粉的香味,看來下手重了呢。雖然意粉弄得幾al dente,但那個蟹粉真的太鹹了... 所以麻麻地呢。主菜分別是鱈魚和short rib,兩者也弄得不錯。鱈魚肉質嫩滑,表面的皮煎得有點點香脆,味道帶點點鹽味+魚香,覺得不配它的醬汁更好吃。Short rib沒有問我們幾多成熟,自動煎成接近medium rare,咬落肉汁豐富,一點也不會靱,肥瘦適中有肉香,好味喎。最後跟Tasting menu的甜品是綠茶焦糖布甸,而我們再另外叫了一個心太軟配雲尼拿雪糕。綠茶焦糖布甸味道一般,只有點點綠茶味,食落感覺好凍,有蛋香但不算特別好吃。心太軟味道則幾好,雖然內裡不算勁軟心,但外表脆身,內裡朱古力漿味道香濃,與雲尼拿雪糕一起放進口也感覺非常幸福呢~~~最後吃畢再緩緩的喝著餐茶,算是為這一餐有一個完美作結,是晚吃得很滿足很開心,最後當然要多謝朋友是晚請客啦~ =))))) continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Overall a great experience. Good location, atmosphere, food quality, but one thing ruined the "perfect" experience which was one of the staff's attitude Anyway atmosphere wise the seating is comfortable although the sofa chairs are a bit dirty near the corner? =SAnyway the menu has some great choices. We had half a dozen of the chef's selections to share which was delicious and fresh Two of us had the tasting menu and every dish is of appropriate portion. There are few main courses to choose from and the price range is about $300 - 350. Overall the tasting menu is a great value for money. I have to specially comment on the pasta. Simple but well executed. Well done! You can tell the chef prepares the food with heart so that's good I had the appetizer grilled portobello mushroom which was delicious. Nice and hot with tomato sauce with well dressed salads on the side For the main I had the grilled king prawn with salad which was also delicious The food overall was well done and I am definitely interested in going back to try other dishes.The server towards the beginning of the meal was courteous and very knowledgable about the food. HOWEVER, there's another staff, I am assuming of lower rank, dressed in all black with thick black glasses frames, didn't speak a WORD. I was appalled by his attitude. Even when he gave us our bill to sign he didn't even say "Thank you" and when we left he just stared at us didn't even say "good bye" What's wrong with him?? The dining experience would have been so great if not for this waiter's obnoxious attitude. The chef shows his sincerity with the food but the servers also account for a substantial part of a diner's experience. So a constructive criticism would be for them to make sure the training of their stuff is on par. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level1 2010-09-12
Earlier in the week I had made a booking for this restaurant having seen good reviews on Openrice. I was called on Friday by the restaurant asking if we could squeeze 5 people into one of those booths as they had a larger table to accomodate, I said it was fine and they said ok, we are now confirming your table. Last night I received another call from the restaurant asking if we could come at an early time as they had to accomodate a larger table at a later hour. Having a prior appointment that I could not get out of I advised them that I couldnt change my appointment, I was then asked if I could change the day of my dinner . I told them no I couldnt and if they could ask other diners, I am sure that we were not the only 4 people + table booking that night. 10 minutes after this call, I was called once again by the restaurant saying that I had to change the booking to 7pm or another day. I told them to cancel the booking. If you couldnt accomodate my booking when I booked earlier in the week, you could have advised me when I made the initial booking. What kind of message are you sending when you are obviously placing the importance of one customer's booking over another. Very disappointing continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)