Restaurant: dolos
Offer: Dine and earn miles at this Cathay partner restaurant !
Dine at partner restaurants and earn up to HKD4 = 2 miles as a Cathay member. T&C apply.
Terms & Details:
  • Asia Miles can be earned on eligible transactions of up to HKD10,000.
  • Cathay members can earn HKD 4 = 1 mile when dining at Cathay partner restaurants. Standard Chartered Cathay Mastercard® holders can earn an additional HKD 4 = 1 dining rewards when they pay with their card, for a total of HKD 4 = 2 miles.
  • Asia Miles earned are based on the total amount spent including service charges, taxes and tips.
  • Asia Miles may not be earned on certain promotional menus. Please check with individual partner restaurants prior to dining.
  • Asia Miles will be credited to members’ accounts 10 working days after each eligible dining transaction.
Other Cathay Terms & Conditions apply.
9-min walk from Exit A2, Sheung Wan MTR Station continue reading
Opening Hours
18:00 - 23:00
Tue - Sat
18:00 - 23:00
Payment Methods
Visa Master AlipayHK Alipay AE UnionPay Apple Pay Google Pay WeChat Pay OpenRice Pay
Number of Seats
Other Info
Online Reservation
Alcoholic Drinks
May Bring Your Own Wine
Reward Dining Points
10% Service Charge
Spot payment
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Restaurant: dolos
Offer: Dine at partner restaurants and earn up to HKD4 = 2 miles as a Cathay member. T&C apply.
Terms & Details:
  • Asia Miles can be earned on eligible transactions of up to HKD10,000.
  • Cathay members can earn HKD 4 = 1 mile when dining at Cathay partner restaurants. Standard Chartered Cathay Mastercard® holders can earn an additional HKD 4 = 1 dining rewards when they pay with their card, for a total of HKD 4 = 2 miles.
  • Asia Miles earned are based on the total amount spent including service charges, taxes and tips.
  • Asia Miles may not be earned on certain promotional menus. Please check with individual partner restaurants prior to dining.
  • Asia Miles will be credited to members’ accounts 10 working days after each eligible dining transaction.
Other Cathay Terms & Conditions apply.
Review (3)
Level4 2023-11-25
.[🇭🇰香港- 中環 @dolos.hk ].🔻大愛呢間日法fusion 嘅Bistro, 7道菜嘅set dinner, 道道都超好味😋就唔全部介紹曬, 留返啲驚喜俾大家😛 介紹三道當晚我最愛嘅菜式: 👉🏻 Monkfish Liver - 鮟鱅魚肝 搽落自家焗嘅酸種麵包👉🏻 Three Yellow Chicken - 炭燒本地黃油雞, 醬汁用左本地花蟹熬製 再加日本松葉蟹肉 同 百里香薑蔥油👉🏻 Grilled Eel - 超肥美嘅本地白鱔 配黃蕃茄同巴馬臣芝士醬汁.🔻🍽 dolos📌 地址: 中環蘇豪士丹頓街60號地舖. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level6 2023-08-09
經常喺蘇豪區出沒嘅數字auntie發現鴨巴甸街斜坡上有新店「dolos」開張,即誠邀肥肥家族一試。啟業僅兩個月嘅西餐廳鋼鐵嘅外牆樸素得黎有種神秘感。真係冇諗到入面嘅樓底咁高,啲波波吊燈好似月亮咁,好太空。據悉,右方嘅七個高櫈吧位最搶手,因貴客都愛觀賞大廚即席獻技。左邊拍牆為半梳化合併式散座,可容納上十二人。木造嘅餐桌椅櫈簡潔企理,席上均擺出自用嘅餐具及酒杯。XO仔不得不承認自己才疏學淺,以為枱邊嘅擺設係紙壓藝術品,要經理哥哥講解先知此物乃迷你版「防波堤」,即店名「dolos」之來源,象徵著海洋與陸地嘅交匯點。店子只有一款七道菜品嚐餐單($880/位起),師傅會以本地及日本嘅海陸食材交織出嶄新嘅法日料理,每個月會轉一次,食客只需揀選主菜。不得不提嘅就係經理哥哥極為細心,起菜前再一次確認大家有否食物敏感要廚房留意。部份食材其實就吊咗喺正門旁嘅紫外光雪櫃內,未食已感安全。相信酒鬼們最激動就係知悉開瓶費全免!每道菜上桌時除咗有專人作出簡介,就連餐具架上都會換上適用之餐具,專業又衞生。晚餐隨即由兩款餐前小食揭序。下圖或許有啲誤導性,第一款生蠔唔係每人三隻,而係三人份量用咗一隻碟上。肥嘟嘟嘅法國名蠔Fine de Claire爽彈滑溜,簡單伴配酸酸甜甜嘅燈籠果醬,醒胃得黎清新尤甚。第二款每二人一碟嘅鰹魚撻一口一件,極易入口。乾脆嘅撻皮入面嘅初鰹魚肉源自沖繩,混入咗鱈魚子及地中海醬汁,食落帶出微微嘅煙燻味,一啲都唔腥。Saba, Smoked Cream, Red Wine:和食鯖魚大多為醋漬,西餐師傅就洋化地轉用紅酒、橙汁同紅酒醋浸醃鯖魚件。銀光閃閃嘅鯖魚肉質爽厚潤澤,鮮味濃郁,點上碟上綠色嘅法蔥油即添上芳香柔滑,連同上方用和牛肥膏炸出嘅麵包食落去,獨特嘅組合口感十分豐富。下方其實仲有一球白色嘅煙忌廉,只係小肥唔係咁啱其濃烈嘅煙燻味,所以試咗一小口就冇撈埋入去食。Monkfish Liver, Japanese Fruit Tomato, Banyuls Vinegar, Sesame Semolina Sourdough:靚碟上看似唔係好多野食,但此道招牌菜絕對唔講得笑!鮮紅色嘅日本靜岡蕃茄又甜又多汁!右旁以紅椒粉及蕃茄粉覆蓋著嘅鮟鱇魚肝慕絲球超級軟滑,黑色嘅地膚子仿魚籽醬則好鮮濃,不過淨食真係好易會溜。所以每人都跟咗一籃自家製嘅芝麻酸麵包。外表脆脆嘅酸麵包本身帶有一陣咖哩味同羶味,原來係用咗茴香焗製。喺包面塗上微辣嘅鮟鱇魚肝慕絲,剛好中和返強烈嘅味差,同時又可以減輕個溜滯感,化學作用於舌尖上奏起嘅樂曲實在細膩!Abalone Dashi, Green Tea, Winter Melon:以綠茶油點綴嘅鮑魚高湯香濃甜美,碗中半隻鮑魚軟熟腍滑,一啲都唔韌,加埋啲冬瓜粒粒尤其消暑。Ocean Trout, Tomato, Basil, Mint, Golden Berries:法日大餐當然係唔少得魚魚啦!炭烤海鱒魚嘅魚皮香脆非常,同其親戚三文魚最大分別就係橙色嘅魚肉質地好似舊肉咁緊實彈牙,黏上以蕃茄及龍珠果混製出嘅秘醬,效果清新輕巧。Three Yellow Chicken, Crab & Ginger Sauce:除咗多款外國貨之外,大廚亦冇忘根,接著嘅菜式就選用咗本地三黃雞。經過三天熟成嘅雞雞肉質鮮美嫩滑,毫不乾嚡,炭燒雞皮仲好似薯片咁脆卜卜,頂面嘅炸薑蓉加添惹味嘅同時,墊底混合咗本地花蟹及日本長腳蟹肉嘅秘汁則帶出海洋嘅韻味,成功締造出防波堤海陸交接嘅特性,設計者明顯花下不少心思,妙哉!風趣嘅大肥形容此菜為「日法沙薑雞」,酒精影響下更逗得數字家族嘅成員哈哈大笑,掀起一陣高潮!主菜共有三款,有選擇下怕骨嘅XO仔係絕對唔會食魚,不過都影咗相相同讀者們分享。第一款魚魚為日本炸笛鯛伴青口醬「Fuedai, Mussels Béarnaise Sauce」。第二款燒本地白鱔「Grilled Eel, Shiokara Tomato, Parmigiano Reggiano」同屬游泳健將。Wagyu Beef Hanger Steak, Smoked Oysters & Bone Marrow Sauce(+$80 Supplement):食肉獸所點選嘅和牛乃澳洲M9級別,外裙柳嘅部位肥膏唔多,滲透著骨髓油香嘅牛味香濃,就連配角嘅牛油生菜都入哂味。三成熟嘅和牛肉質鬆潤軟腍,肉汁豐沛,雖則話用上煙燻生蠔作汁液,但其燻味輕淡不過火。Sake Kazu Ice-Cream, Coconut:甜品嘅日本清酒酒粕雪糕完全唔甜,而且唔會太重酒味,雪糕底嘅椰子肉同椰子味啫喱都好清爽。Jasmine Tea Madeleine:結尾嘅甜點新鮮出爐,上枱一刻已傳出熱力及香氣!沾上士多啤梨及梅味果醬嘅貝殼蛋糕極其鬆軟,咬落去當中嘅茉莉花香迅即洋溢口腔,直上鼻樑,飯後竟能三兩吓手勢成籃清哂,掂呀!蘇豪新店「dolos」幽閒溫馨,服務生專業友善,中法日薈萃嘅廚師發辦晚餐嶄新味佳,潮派配搭不難接受,全面不收開瓶費已屬有心之舉,侍酒時所用嘅酒杯及保溫各方面仍做到足,認真態度無減,絕對值得支持! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2023-07-21
Restaurant taking up the space left by Hatch. Approximately 4 tables; counter seating 6. Same group as Interval and Vivant.No corkage, but their group’s wine selections have always been good- so ordered a bottle of red Burgundy. Only 1 set menu (seven courses for $880 pp). Here’s what we had.French Fine de Claire oysters with a slightly acidic gooseberry dressing; balanced well with the freshly fruity flavor of the oyster. Cuttlefish with shisho leaf and taramasalata (a Mediterranean mayonnaise)Smoked katsuo (鰹魚/Bonito) with coffee vinaigrette and Pickled beetrootMonkfish liver in the form of a Creamy mouse, to be spread on a slice of sourdough. On the side: Japanese fruit tomato, wine vinegar and vegetarian caviar which was in fact Belvedere Fruit (地膚子), a Mild Chinese medicine good for treating Eczema. Loved the sourdough- which was made with Sesame and semolina (a type of coarse flour made from durum wheat, slightly golden in color).Crab bisque made with Local and Japanese crab; with Puff pastry topped with bits of Corn. Unfortunately was only served Lukewarm; def not hot enough.Charcoal grilled Pomfret with sake butter sauce.Three yellow chicken with sauce made with clams and Drops of oil made with lovage (歐當歸, which tasted similar to celery and parsley).Shima aji belly in a Pork knuckle and squid sauce; chopped bits of Mexican tomato.Eel- aged for 5 days, wrapped in kumbo, submerged in iced water. Steamed first, deboned then grilled. Sansho sauce with carrot oil. Loved the light crunchy skin and moist meat.Sake kazu ice cream made with sake lees and Sticky rice on a bed of coconut jelly. Jasmine tea Madeleines dribbled with homemade Slow cooked strawberry jam. In summary: enjoyable dinner. Chef managed to expertly deliver the restaurant’s philosophy of bringing to diners the ultimate seasonal land meets sea experience. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)