Restaurant: DONDONYA (Millennium City 5 (apm))

To encourage eatery outlets to reduce food waste at source together with customers through offering portioned meals and adopting food waste reduction measures, the Environmental Protection Department has launched the “Food Wise Eateries” Scheme. Participants will be awarded with a Food Wise Eateries (FWE) accreditation status if they comply with the assessment criteria and will be granted with the FWE Logo and Stickers for displaying in the premises and their promotion for public identification. Applications are accepted all year round and are FREE of charge.

For details, please click here, https://www.wastereduction.gov.hk/zh-hk/waste-reduction-programme/food-wise-hong-kong-campaign

3-min walk from Exit B3, Kwun Tong MTR Station continue reading
All Branches (6)
Founded in 2010, DONDONYA is a Japanese donburi specialist committed to offering its guests the most authentic donburi in town. All donburi in DONDONYA are made with carefully-selected Hitomebore rice, which has a sweet taste and a unique soft texture. Moreover, the restaurant presents exclusive Japanese signature donburi every year. With an aim of bringing the unique Japanese donburi culture to Hong Kong, DONDONYA partners with two of the most representative food organizations in Japan – “Donburi Senshuken” and “All Japan Donburi Union” since 2016 and 2018 respectively. continue reading
Opening Hours
11:30 - 22:30
Mon - Sun
11:30 - 22:30
Public Holiday
11:30 - 22:30
*Takeaway until 21:30
Payment Methods
Visa Master AlipayHK Alipay Cash Octopus AE UnionPay JCB Apple Pay Google Pay WeChat Pay
Number of Seats
Other Info
Alcoholic Drinks
May Bring Your Own Wine
Accessible Environment Details
Kid-friendly Details
10% Service Charge
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Review (261)
丼丼屋不定期都會引入日本當地名物,令大家在香港就能品嚐到日本的味道。今季丼丼屋就與名古屋海鮮丼專門店 Sakana Factory聯乘,將人氣 No. 1 名物丼「極の海鮮丼」同「赤海老丼」帶到全線丼丼屋及丼丼屋×鳥開聯乘店,期間限定供應至 9 月 16 日.ᐟSakana Factory是名古屋排隊名店,在日本著名食評網站 Tabelog 上的評分更高達 3.5 分,如今在香港就能輕鬆品嚐到這份美味真的太幸福了♡⧐ 極の海鮮丼 HK$118 ⧏極の海鮮丼的賣相可謂一流,更齊集香港人最愛的三文魚、油甘魚、吞拿魚及三文魚籽等食材,上面的海鮮小山丘更是混合了青瓜粒、蘿蔔漬粒及洋蔥粒,口感綿滑細膩又清新!頂部的日本無菌生雞蛋更是一大點綴,蛋汁香濃細滑,令海鮮丼的味道更為鮮美~這款極の海鮮丼有一丼三食的獨特食法,首先以配搭芥末及醬油品嚐海鮮丼原味,再加入香濃的胡麻醬品嚐獨特和風味道,最後剩下1/3時再加入鯛魚高湯,能提升食材的口感和鮮味,從頭到尾吃到各款海鮮的鮮味~⧐ 赤海老丼 HK$78 ⧏赤蝦刺身份量十足,能完全鋪滿飯面,赤蝦口感爽口彈牙,味道鮮甜,搭配口感爽脆的飛魚籽和日本無菌生雞蛋,整個丼飯的鮮度再次得到提升,呈現出完美的口感比例和層次~凡點以上兩款名物丼都可以$10 優惠價升級定食,有齊前菜、日式湯、甜品及果茶,滿足度頓時拉滿!⧐ 三文魚帆立貝刺身 加配優惠價HK$29 ⧏現凡惠顧任何主食,就可以以$29優惠價加配三文魚帆立貝刺身一客,如此優惠又怎能錯過呢?三文魚肥美可口,味道香濃,帆立貝則鮮甜味美,入口細嫩,能夠以優惠的價錢享受到優質的刺身真的物超所值~ continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2025-01-10
星期日返完教會崇拜🤩成個團契去咗APM丼丼屋,一大張長枱,我地屋企叫咗松葉蟹土鍋飯定食$123,吉列蝦兒童👧🏻餐$75同咖哩🍛滑蛋唐揚雞飯$62。首先上咗土鍋,原來未煮,有爐,要煮20分鐘,小朋友唔皓掂,有隻雞計時⌛️器,仲有龍蝦🦞鉗攞煲蓋,之後上兒童👧🏻餐,兩個小朋友👧🏻share,但大家爭架車,之後上滑蛋唐揚雞飯,蛋真係滑,雞外脆內滑,咖喱就一般。土鍋煮完20分鐘,要熄火等5分鐘,打開蓋,飯🍚都係濕,撈勻,有蟹肉蟹鉗,自己再落三文魚🍣子同蟹膏,儀式感多過好味😋,上咗餐飲咖啡☕️諗住埋單走先發現冇面豉湯同寒天,叫返侍應補返,寒天正,有黑糖,但湯一般。有咁大地方俾我地算係咁 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2024-12-25
開始踏入冬季,正宗日式丼物專家丼丼屋為餐目帶嚟更新,推出咗冬季限定鍋物,同埋主餐目嘅大更新🆙雙滿足鍋物定食 $82 而各款鍋物一人前$78起,有齊鍋物、主食、果茶,加多少少就可以雙拼,甚至三拼,超抵❣️鍋物嘅自選湯底好多選擇,有鰹魚湯、壽喜燒湯,仲新增咗胡麻擔擔湯,辛香十足💥 肉類有牛五花、豬五花、雞腿肉揀,啲肉份量好多,估唔到咁抵食!另外其他配料都好豐富,野菜、菇菌和炙燒豆腐等唔少得。主食可以揀白飯/烏冬,連醬汁都可以自選胡麻醬/柚子醋),自由配搭出自己想食嘅組合🍲 所有鍋物定食仲附送埋果茶,只要$8 起仲可以追加額外配料👍🏻主餐目仲更新咗大約20 款料理,海鮮丼、烏冬、咖哩飯系列及配菜等等都有新嘢!全線丼丼屋同埋丼丼屋x鳥開聯乘店都有供應💁🏻‍♀️「丼丼屋」拖羅蓉海鮮丼 帆立貝 $118 海鮮份量超足料,仲要好新鮮,食哂飯都未食哂啲海鮮😂👍🏻 加配做定食仲可以有齊前菜、甜品、飲品,超值❣️除咗各樣定食,仲可以優惠價自由加配刺身、甜品等等,呢個炙燒焦糖芝士蛋糕好香濃😋 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
下晝喺APM睇戲前諗住食少少嘢,就搵番戲院同層嘅丼丼屋。同老公各叫一個餐,佢豬扒,我魚。主食個魚還好,湯不過不失,係啲飯硬咗啲。炸魷魚鬚失望,上嘅時候都已經唔熱嘅🙄花生同Jelly我都無食到…評論唔到!個豬老公食嘅,佢咬左兩啖豬扒就無再食成個餐。佢俾嘅comment係……「如果喺我最窮嘅時候,食呢個價錢咁嘅質素,我會好嬲!未食過咁難食嘅豬扒!」Errr… . . 睇得出老公今次嘅experience 唔係咁好! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
我地暑假去完日本旅行✈️個女成日都話好掛住日本嘅野食🇯🇵我地一家呢日就去左apm食日本料理❤️原來丼丼屋最近新增左多款料理岩哂我地一班日式料理愛好者👅即刻要去試下🫵🏻🐷滑蛋吉列豬扒丼豬扒雖然厚切但一啲都唔韌 食落口係外酥内嫩搭配秘製蛋汁佐日本產 A級米飯🍚每一啖味道都好豐富👏🏻🌶️鳥開泡菜親子丼名古屋交趾雞雞肉配上半熟蛋漿🥚再加入酸辣嘅泡菜🔥呢個配搭創新得黎又好味👍🏻入面嘅雞肉🍗肉質結實又彈牙🌀成個飯都比較濕潤 食落口好順滑❤️🍲豚肉鍋燒烏冬好鍾意個湯底🍲清清地但又好夠味豚肉都好高質🐷份量都夠多👍🏻其他小食炸魷魚鬚同雞軟骨都一樣炸得好出色👅鍾意食日本料理嘅你地🫵🏻要黎試下‼️ continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)