4-min walk from Exit F1, Causeway Bay MTR Station
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Opening Hours
*外賣最後訂單時間: 21:00
Mon - Fri
12:00 - 22:00
Sat - Sun
11:30 - 22:00
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
8人叫左8個Lunch set 上得又亂又慢,其中個lunch set 等左40分鐘。服務差欠staff training l。問侍應佢話一份有4個小龍包,後尾等左半粒鐘,先黎多一份lunch set,再問佢,佢就咁一包「講錯左,係2粒」就算,very bad services。唔怪愈黎愈多人北上消費。食物正常,環境好,始終利園3期,但明知出得lunch set 要service 公司客,但欠缺員工training and bad 上菜 flow and not timely at all….not up to a fair Restutant standard in lee garden. Not coming again.
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呢間餐廳係公司樓下,貪方便行去食lunch,嗌咗三個set,淨係簡單炒飯同面,結果等咗成個鐘,d嘢又好難食,米飯又硬又幹,羊肉麵好大騷味,服務員態度又差,以後都唔會再來。This restaurant is close to my office, and I went for lunch with some colleagues, expecting it to be a quick but nice gathering. However, we ordered three lunch set and waited for 60 mins, and it turned out to be the worst meal ever. The rice is dry and hard, the mutton has a strong smell that we even didn’t finish half of the food.
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This restaurant is a disaster. Food was so so, the service was sooooooooo Bad. It was like a joke, the waitress suddenly spilled over the drink on the table when serving. And she immediately took my napkin on the table to clean the water, then served a new drink again without even saying sorry. Unbelievable, I asked in English any recommendations of you dish, the first waiter said wait I get you another wait, cuz he doesn’t speak English, okay then he got me another waiter who also cannot speak English. Was totally dumm, and in the end we got a smarter waitress who speaks English. Later we wanted to added more dish, I still wanna get the English speaking waiter, the male waiter just doesn’t me and ask guest from another table to ask what the hell we wanna. Never in my life had I such ridiculous restaurant experience. The staff is not professional and friendly at all, they also don’t know anything about the dish, and guess what, it is also not cheap, 500HKD per head. The good looking video who posted before, Thanks for misleading. Totally embarrassed us with friend visiting HK. That was the impression of resto in HK
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家人喜歡寧靜氣氛吃晚餐, 大哥提議去 銅鑼灣 利園三期 [ 淂記 ] , 這間餐廳在地庫, 面積大, 燈光昏暗, 裝飾有點像西式餐廳. 入門看見有大酒吧, 飲酒朋友至愛.店長介紹, 他們主打 新派 北方菜, 今晚有推廣套餐, 4位用, 用指定信用咭 有 5 折, 看這 menu, 真係好豐富, 有頭盤, 海產, 湯羹, 片皮鴨, 菜, 包點, 甜品. 立即確認落單. 先送上兩小碟: 香煎素鵝, 香辣鴨舌. 賣相不錯, 入口不俗, 雞頭米蜜豆炒蝦球 : 蝦球好鮮爽脆口, 雞頭米蜜豆糸中國出名風物, 價錢貴, 口感清新甜美. 伴炒蝦球非常好.菊花鮮魚羹: 每人一碗, 份量吾多, 鮮魚羹好食吾腥. 北京填鴨半隻, 同調味配料齊上. 鴨皮片得好薄, 沒有肥膏. 不過隻鴨可能很細型, 因為鴨皮比較少.附上一籠暖暖包皮. 皮薄. 每塊皮包上一片鴨皮, 青瓜, 大蔥, 豆辦醬, 一齊食, 超正. 最值得一讚就係鴨肉食落, 軟滑及鴨味香濃.粉絲金銀蒜粉絲蒸圓貝四隻, 用上鼓蒜去蒸, 可口惹味.沙律軟殼蟹糖醋汁, 炸得好香脆, 吾油膩, 茶樹菇上湯時蔬, 清新好食, 健康有益. 灌湯小籠包: 一籠四隻, 每人一隻, 小籠包的皮好薄, 裏面有豐富湯汁, 豬肉餡又夠軟嫩 , 新鮮蒸煮, 熱辣辣飯後香芒布甸糕: 香芒味濃厚, 甜而不膩, 布甸口感滑溜. 芒果 個味都好天然.食材組合非常好. 大家對這家餐廳有好感了.
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