6-min walk from Exit B3, Sai Ying Pun MTR Station
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This brand was founded in 2015. This branch combines premium butcher, grocer and British restaurant concepts. It aims at providing high quality ingredients that are directly imported from farmers. Besides, meat items which are free of hormones, free of antibiotics, and free of growth stimulants.
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Opening Hours
08:00 - 22:00
Mon - Sun
08:00 - 22:00
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
About Reward Scheme
Recommended Dishes
西環steak house 推介Lunch set $198 包一杯飲品 Sourdough with tomato and cheeseSourdough很脆口芝士醬芝士味濃郁蕃茄同沙律菜都很新鮮 Minute SteakWagyu rump cooked medium-well with roasted portobello & a mushroom brandy sauce牛扒是薄牛扒Medium well剛好幾juicy不會過熟但牛味不是太重蘑菇醬汁好好味 加$48有Tiramisu甜品上Tiramisu甜品時會有侍應捧住一大個紅色碗的Tiramisu在席前舀起一大羹放在碟上Tiramisu 很多cream、好滑、咖啡酒味濃!
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呢度環境都幾chill, 夜晚食dinner 幾放鬆鐘意食牛既朋友就正啦, 好似係可以自己出去揀想食邊舊肉雖然我唔食牛, 但除左牛, 都仲有其他肉類可以揀, 牛,豬,雞,羊試左羊肉, 雖然唔似一個主食, 味道還可以的, 但最好可以配埋其他野一齊食見佢都有做D平日PROMO , 有興趣可以試試另外值得一讚既係, 去到最後同行友人既都仲未上枱, 嬲就梗係嬲啦, 大家都食哂啦嘛, 最後都即刻跟返單, 仲好有誠意咁送左甜品同免飲品依家無幾可餐廳有咁既誠意嫁啦, 所以值得一讚的~!!
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朋友自遠方來,誠意要做東,揀咗近佢酒店,就只有此間見得人。星期一,優惠可選店內超市價瓶裝红酒白酒,多澳洲和美國的,好少來自法國,南美,最終揀咗澳州,我要dry,厚身, 二百零蚊,可以。我最欣賞 雞肉凱撒沙律, 生菜索索聲,大件雞蛋,香脆煙肉。芝士大腿拼盤$298,軟硬不同味道三種芝士,大大嚿,火腿三文魚大大片品高,脆片,牛油果蓉,酸瓜酸椒橄欖,多多滿足烤三文魚柳$228, 皮脆,厚身嫩滑, 火口剛好,我最喜歡就係薯蓉。Tiramisu, 最驚喜, 唔係切一件件上, 侍應從個鐵兜,括一勺達落個碟度,形狀隨意,蛋糕成份少,奶油較多,都香。
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Was recommended by a friend to this feather and bone restaurant, turned out to be a disappointing and frustrating experience. The waitress and butcher was not helpful at all during the meal selection process, and did not offer much recommendation. The whole dining process was unclear , and there was a lot of confusion in the process. As a first/timer in a restaurant, we expect the staff to be friendly and offer recommendations, all of which feather and bone staff did not provide. Would not try again.
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Feather & Bone 個概念感覺係有啲似西貢海鮮檔咁 lol,你可以即刻自己揀款買料,然後店面可以幫你做來料加工 (所以有堂食同買食材兩款唔同嘅價錢)食物方面自己揀得嘅,塊扒靚就點整都唔會太差。牛柳嫩,dry aged 扒都唔貴🥩而亮點係啲芝士都好好食~7點前Happy hour 買一送一,係幾抵飲~🍷🍻🥂========我是分隔線========要批評嘛,就係個服務真心好唔up to standard (除咗門口個帶位香港男係好 cheerful 之外)。平時去唔同嘅舖頭都好少見啲賓籍員工係會咁樣西曬面(迎合返西營盤個名?),我哋星期五夜晚去就見識到曬啦。問佢哋嘢就不太 friendly啦,叫佢哋 recommend 食物都係好吝嗇回應咁半直接地幫你揀完就算。(唔係要追求 fine dining 咁話你逐款介紹返,但都係想聽下你哋舖頭有咩係 signature 嘅嘢食推薦囉)然後,漏單嚴重得很。我哋叫咗兩支酒,支嚟嘅時候變咗做杯,然後啤酒追咗幾次先嚟。食物,牛扒嘅 sauce 唔嚟,side dish 唔嚟。要埋單時 check 單再 cancel。明白可能星期五晚市係特別忙啲員工做到踢曬腳嘅,但比咗一人六百蚊換嚟得啖笑一肚氣,會唔會再嚟就不好説 (買返屋企己煎應該會開心啲)
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