All Branches (3)
Opening Hours
12:00 - 22:00
Mon - Sun
12:00 - 22:00
Public Holiday
12:00 - 22:00
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Review (37)
Level1 2024-11-28
I recently dined at Flat Iron to celebrate my anniversary, and it was an unforgettable experience. The steak was incredibly delicious, cooked to perfection with a delightful balance of flavors. The ambiance of the restaurant was fantastic, creating a warm and inviting atmosphere that enhanced our celebration. The staff were friendly and attentive, making us feel welcome and ensuring we had a memorable evening. Overall, I highly recommend for a special occasion or simply a great meal. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
前一排同朋友聚會,留意到中環有間餐廳 Flat Iron Steak 逢星期二 1.2kg T骨扒半價優惠,於是特登book咗位 trial 一 trial。間餐廳真係好full,所以最好都係book位定位,環境唔會太嘈 好適合一班朋友聚會傾計。我哋五個人見係半價所以嗌兩份medium T骨扒同埋每人一杯cocktail。其實餐牌係寫住每份係兩人份量 如果多男仔嘅話可能要嗌多啲嘢食。首先每份T骨扒都會配一大碗沙律同埋薯條,睇相都見到其實份量好多,沙律菜係經過醬汁調味嘅,個薯條就已經充滿住香辣粉 ,好有誠意製作。T骨扒一邊係菲力另一邊係西冷,呢一set簡直係肉食愛好者的盛宴 T骨扒燒到金黃焦香,鎖住咗肉汁,菲力同埋西冷雙重口感都畀你食到雙重口感,調味簡單 突顯牛肉的天然風味,鍾意嘅亦都可以點下黑椒粒、海鹽、或者黃芥末試下唔同風味,T骨扒本身都好夠味道,我自己就點啲海鹽就已經覺得好好食。😝請大家多啲like❤️同share🎤等我多啲動力幫大家去trial更多美食。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
突然興起想去鋸扒於是搵埋一班frd黎咗中環呢間「FLAT IRON STEAK」到試試!位於中環荷李活道既佢就係大館附近,只要沿著中環街市既扶手電梯去到大館附近既位置就到啦樓下係好多人既主Bar區,然後餐廳上少少位置就有另一個餐飲既位。店舖唔算大,但氣氛好好。因為鄰近SOHO區,星期五晚係非常之熱鬧&開心!!今日我同班朋友分別就試咗「FLAT IRON STEAK 平鐵牛扒 $208」丶「FLAT IRON DELUXE 豪華版平鐵漢堡 $208」丶「MORETON BAY BUGS 琵琶蝦(1KG) $398」同埋「FRENCH OYSTERS 生蠔 $88 6隻」。生蠔好新鮮丶仲要好重海水味個人就好鐘意食偏鹹海水既所以非常滿意,仲要88$有6隻!圍返每隻都係大約15$係西餐黎講呢個價真係算抵食~ 漢堡更加係人人讚口不絕!雙重芝士同煙肉個味道夾埋佢地既洋蔥&美式沙律醬簡直超正!!同班朋友成晚最愛就係個漢堡,就算四個人一齊分都夠過口癮夠哂大份~超愛食蝦既我,琵琶蝦既1KG份量亦都滿意~啲蝦大大隻,食落啖啖肉。岩哂鐘意食蝦既朋友~反而本身既牛扒冇咁吸引,有少少overcooked,但其餘既野食都好滿意 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2024-11-15
最近小編同朋友仔去咗間西式扒房,餐廳裝潢以綠色、鏡同金屬元素結合,時尚簡約,空間感十足。仲有個長bar枱。當日真係座無虛席,連bar枱都坐滿!食飽飽之後可以去大館行下,距離好近,幾分鐘就到😆😆 ∴∵∴ ୨୧ ∴∵∴ ୨୧ ∴∵∴ ୨୧ ∴∵∴ ୨୧ ∴∵∴ ୨୧ ∴∵∴ ୨୧ ∴∵∴ ❥ Flat Iron Steak $22811oz 澳洲黑毛安格斯,簡單用蒜蓉牛油煎一煎,香濃牛味,焦香軟腍爽脆幼薯條撒滿惹味調味粉新鮮沙律菜淋上開胃醬汁,解膩 ❥ Peri Peri Chicken Breast $208有煙熏味,小小辣辣哋嘅雞胸,軟嫩juicy配搭埋綿密牛油香嘅薯蓉同爽口西蘭花苗,多種口感一碟有晒 ❥ Lobster Mac & Cheese $98用芝士同麵包糠整成嘅Mac & Cheese,芝味滿滿,加埋龍蝦肉,口感爽彈 ❥ Chocolate Oreo Brownie $48 ❥ Strawberry cheesecake $48邪惡幼滑奶昔之選!!一杯底層喺朱古力醬同吉士,最上層配搭濕潤朱古力Browine同脆口Oreo碎碎,朱古力味超濃郁另一杯充滿士多啤梨香氣,用雲尼拿綿密芝士蛋糕同全麥餅乾碎碎做點綴 ∴∵∴ ୨୧ ∴∵∴ ୨୧ ∴∵∴ ୨୧ ∴∵∴ ୨୧ ∴∵∴ ୨୧ ∴∵∴ ୨୧ ∴∵∴ continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level2 2024-11-04
點了Flat Iron Steak $168, Gaucho steak $158 & house wine (Happy hour $28)。Flat Iron Steak 較淋身,Gaucho 較有肉香味,配菜用的沙律菜未夠新鮮;Happy Hour House wine 質素吾得,可以不試,改叫啤酒可能較好。兩份牛扒質素呢個價錢係 Soho 區絕對有性價比,所以平日中午都有不少人光顧,可以再試。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)