4-min walk from Exit F1, Causeway Bay MTR Station
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Fourtune Kitchen is a Chinese restaurant that mainly serves Cantonese food. The interior of the restaurant along with the flavors of the food is quite nostalgic. Some of their recommenede dishes include their poached chicken, almond tea and egg white fried rice.
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Opening Hours
Mon - Sun
11:30 - 22:30
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
嚟間小廚嘅瑤柱浸雞非常出名,我每次來到一定會點。點解咁鍾情?理由是皮薄雞嫰,食過你會回頭吧!每次來都爆場,好彩一早有預約。兩人卡坐非常舒適。瑤柱浸雞/$128金黃的色澤好美。皮薄薄的, 透出晶瑩脂膏,嚼落爽口。肉質夠瘦嫰,絕無肥位,每啖充滿瑤柱海鮮的味道。鮮蟹鉗肉桂花銀絲/$148蟹肉好多,鮮甜美味。整體炒得乾身夠火喉,有層次,一絲絲並不油膩,銀芽增添了爽囗感。香橙鮮淮山/$45清新健康的小吃。淮山爽脆,滲透了橙汁的酸味,開胃。
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三個女仔約去食中菜呢件事好佬呀!不過想坐得舒服又唔限用餐時間可以慢慢食同傾偈, 中餐係一個好選擇。因為天氣凍好想飲湯, 叫左一鍋番茄豆腐魚湯, 可以分到四碗侍應會係一邊分湯料同湯再上枱。個湯好足料, 番茄, 娃娃菜, 豆腐, 草菇, 仲有兩條細紅衫魚唯一係D魚鱗好似刮唔清, 好多時食魚肉都食到一口魚鱗然後叫左金銀蛋豆苗同招牌瑤柱雞半隻豆苗無咩特別, 新鮮煮得唔老就好食瑤柱雞反而有驚喜瑤柱絲Toppings好鮮甜, 同朋友搶食哈哈個雞無咩雞味, 不過肉質就好嫩滑最正係佢果兩碟蘸料薑蔥蓉同酸辣薑蓉, 好味到狂點黎食之後仲撈炒飯食xD天氣咁凍係要有飯落肚先暖, 加左個招牌炒飯Menu無寫有咩材料(英文係Signature Fried Rice lol), 抱住少少隨遇而安心態啦上碟時比佢個份量嚇親, 我諗5-6個人都分到大半碗入面材料有瑤柱絲, 火鴨絲 (其他唔記得)飯都炒得夠乾身, 非常香口唯一係我覺得佢D燒鴨粒太乾, 唔知佢係咪特登烘乾先炒?我個人鐘意軟冧少少既鴨肉, 同炸瑤柱絲一齊食會有唔同口感兩個朋友食到一半就投降, 搞到我一個人清曬成碟飯 (做個惜食人呀喂), 飽到反艇=.=結論: 中菜都係適合一大班人食, 我地三個女仔真係唔識點預份量@@"
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繼續銅鑼灣返工搵野食。餐廳光線柔和,座位舒適。下午茶時間入座,食客非常之少。雖然這樣,店員還是不讓我自由選座。點了一個香菇野菌乾燒伊麵。賣相以為是茶餐廳 或 大排檔的炒作。碟邊也沒有抹乾淨,感覺很求其沒想過一間裝潢漂亮的餐廳菜色賣相會這樣。不過味道倒不差,不會太清淡,但卻是一般茶餐廳的水準。說不上要為味道再光顧。下午茶餐另一特色是有例湯送,份量不多,不過有熱茶一杯。不會讓客人口乾。例湯的味道偏淡,可能是水太多吧吃完以後店員說送糖水,不知道是否每天都送,不過吃飽的我決定不吃了!
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Aunt have a dating with me at Causeway Bay, Uncle proposed a small number of young and middle aged near the canal that is not good o Both "Fukkatsuki Kittens" degree Xiaodan Yan, Zhong Xiao embedded two small brothers Tim excited. The restaurant o has a bamboo-framed facade to the beam o A lantern strap, surrounded by o Both the equipment is extremely Chinese. A multi-page menu and color map promotion program will be on display outside the restaurant for customers to see. Uncle Zhang Zedai booking early in the morning, a group of nine people who step by step that is to sit. Manager brother is very disappointing hospitable, embedding the tea also did not forget to introduce the value of o both eight and ten lunch course star. The elders should recommend a ten dishes set, $ 968 package without adding the old fire soup, the original only profit signs scallop soaked chicken, optional eight designated dishes, rice and desserts, a single Air prices have felt good
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