4-min walk from Exit A2, Sheung Wan MTR Station continue reading
Opening Hours
Mon - Sun
12:00 - 22:00
Payment Methods
Visa Master Cash Octopus UnionPay
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10% Service Charge
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Review (65)
Level4 2016-01-21
本來想去生記吃碗魚湯米線, 不過到達上環之時已經是7時40分了。生記收8點, 不是吃不完, 但總是不想吃得太趕。畢竟, 這是難得的和姐姐在外吃飯的機會。拿出The Entertainer 看了看, 就決定不如去試試Foxtail & Broomcorn吧。之前有在午餐時分經過小店, 總見它人滿為患。麵店走的是新派的路線, 雖是小小的, 卻感覺非常摩登。地方乾淨企理, 女性化的色調也顯得很舒適呢。翻開菜單, 竟是全英文? 再翻翻, 才知道菜單分兩部分, 後半則是全中文的。雖然主打是麵食, 這裡也有小食、甜點的選擇。但比較有趣的是, 每款麵食竟然都細心地做的酒/啤酒的配搭建議。很清晰的感覺到小店的主要目標客人, 不是純華人? 也只是我的感覺。從小到大, 我都不覺得身邊的大人會看重「飲食搭配」這一點。甚至是被教導, 要吃完了才喝, 有次有序。雖然現在時代有變, 中西方飲食習性的分別已經模糊化, 但始終覺得, 是西方人比較看重食物和飲料的配搭。 下了單之後忍不住把玩這一個調味料的盛器。它非常的重手, 加上粗獷的水泥色, 很有特色。只是, 中間那一格Fresh chili的中文竟打錯了作「炸乾蔥」, 好大的一個暇疵啊。不知怎地腦海中就浮起了畫面 - 店主滿心歡喜地收貨、急不及待地拆箱, 要欣賞這個自行設計的盛器。包裝紙撕開, 「炸乾蔥Fresh chili」就映入眼簾。一下子, 又驚又怒又失望, 多番交涉, 最後卻是因為總總原因而只能勉強接受..不過, 有此暇疵也不一定是壞事, 至少它如今令人印象深刻呢? 沒有因為錯誤而把它棄置, 也是對地球很友善的舉動。但, 還是三格之中都放上小匙吧, 用起來方便。Katong - laksa HK$92加東是新加報東邊的地區統稱, 應該不算一個城市。而因應這一地區所做的麵, 自然是叻沙。只可惜麵湯太淡, 沒有叻沙應有的辣和鮮, 感覺有點「唔湯唔水」。香辣豬肉小黃瓜 HK$40在森巴醬牛肉和香辣豬肉小黃瓜之間爭扎良久, 才揀了要豬肉。沒想到一樣也是用上森巴醬去撈出來呢。雖然青瓜清香, 不過醬下得太多, 味道顯得有點咸亦太霸道。恰好店長(?)走來詢問意見, 就老實說之。沒想到店長竟馬上要去叫廚房再做一份。噢, 不不不, 我們只是提意見, 也不是要投訴甚麼的。但見到店方如此誠意, 還是很感動。Taipei 台北 HK$74一個我堅持不要店方把豬肉小黃瓜換走的原因是, 我個人覺得這碗「台北」味道太淡, 想把兩個東西混著吃。這一來, 咸淡度就剛好了。同行的姐姐卻說「台北」的味道很夠。仔細思量, 也可能是豬肉小黃瓜的味道太霸道, 影響了我對台北的觀感吧? 那大家如果想要吃這一道小菜時, 就必需要考慮把它放在最後吃噢。以城市命名的麵食款色都比較基本, 不算難做。味道方面則是中規中矩, 雖不難吃也沒有讓人大驚艷。但服務卻是真的非常好。店員(店長?)甚至會與獨自前來的客人聊一下天, 淺談數句, 不亢不卑的讓人很自在。會回頭, 也是為了這輕鬆無壓力的用餐氣氛呢。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
上個月係上環覓食,經過蘇杭街比一間裝潢非常新潮奪目的餐廳引左入去 - Foxtail & Bromcorn門面及招牌都以「&」的符號作為店名,真係幾靚同幾型。店內主色是淺藍色,好舒服同埋好搶眼 位置唔算大,但係店主好識利用空間,全間店都坐到二十人左右,但係又唔會覺得台貼台咁逼,最緊要個燈光好柔和好舒服。「&」獨家製造的辣椒油,睇落好足料,有花樣八角辣椒等等,樽身真係好靚,成間店都可以用靚字黎形容,岩曬我:P(心心眼)餐具都以「&」符號為設計藍本,由細微既位可以睇得出呢間店好比心機經營,值得比個讚比呢間店。講左咁多店內既裝修,係時間到我地既主角食物。呢間店以麵食為主打,取材於不同國家地區既麵食,有台北、杭洲、東京、廈門等等。最後簡左呢兩個,由於佢地店每個月會轉餐牌,所以我都唔肯定你地搵唔搵得返呢款。海南雞撈麵鴨胸肉撈麵森巴醬牛肉(5星)雞胸雜菜沙律評價:呢間店真係好靚之外,我摸不透佢地點解以麵食為主打,首先,麵質過淋,醬汁過少,醬汁撈堆去淋巴巴的麵,整碗麵即時變成一舊舊麵團。唔好食之餘個口感都好差,而且醬汁太少撈堆去咁大碗麵到變得非常啖味,海南雞似白恰雞完全無味。唯一想讚既係森巴醬牛肉,肉質好軟熟而且森巴醬好香好蒜,辣味帶少少酸而且好清新,成個配搭都好高級。另外沙律都尚算不錯,雞胸炸過非常香口,配上芒果好開胃,作為前菜算出色。雖然「&」麵食對我而然并唔吸引,不過如果下次經過想食個Light dinner,佢既牛肉同埋沙律都都會係我既選擇。5星為滿分味道評分:☆☆值得一試:☆☆☆價錢:Around $100/p推薦:森巴醬牛肉地址:上環蘇杭街84號地下&灣仔蘭杜街2號麗都大廈5號舖 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
The stark white interior and bright clinical lighting could be blinding like those jewelry shops but touches of “tiffany blue” make the whole experience quite attractive to the ladies. Given that there are a little bit more females in Hong Kong than males, we (or it’s just me) are more willing tp spend money on food than a Tiffany diamond ring; a meal here and there at Foxtail & Broomcorn is very do-able. With wine and being ok full stomach, it could be about HK$200+/person.Had a regular catch up with a girl friend at the Sheung Wan outlet. Small place and the whole restaurant probably overheard every single word we said about those online dating apps, eyebrow-raising encounters and my friend’s little adventure in Seattle recently. After 2 glasses of Sauvignon Blanc each, our midget-selves were more concern on falling off the high chairs at the kitchen counter, laughing our heads off, than the hipster couple that was throwing us looks periodically.The restaurant concept was to fuse European techniques into an array of Asian (noodle) dishes. MSG-free, the menu was short and concise, clean and unpretentious. Most dishes took on the spicy goodness from Southeast Asia and Japan. I thought they did a better job on the starters and sides, and could step up on the noodles with more depth for the palates to savor (well, for that one noodles we had at least).The Gurney was the hae mee (Hokkien prawn noodles), assuming inspired from Penang. It had all the core ingredients except the stock was missing the “bang” of rich dried shrimp / prawn head flavors (Foxtail actually got it right on the sweet characteristic in the seafood but the stock was towards the watery side). I would describe it as a recipe that had toned down to fit the more European taste buds.We loved the Beef Tataki with sambal sauce. The Wagyu slices had just enough fat to let them melt in the mouth. The sambal woke us up with a sharp and spicy kick but didn’t linger long to affect our palates for the other dishes.Teriyaki Style Squid was a great companion with our wine. The edges were slightly toasted with peanut powder.This restaurant is good for 2-person dining because dishes are on the smaller side yet still reasonable. There are 8 noodle choices with 4 being Japanese so it’s an interesting move in the highly competitive (authentic) Japanese cuisine scene in Hong Kong. The edge here at Foxtail could be one can enjoy a wide range of flavors simply at one stop. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2015-12-14
Happy Friday人人放工之後都出街搵食gathering跟朋友相約於上環A出口等晚上七點鐘已經人山人海沿着人流一邊逛一邊搵食邊逛邊看走到內街見到呢個外型好特別嘅小店看看Menu小食跟麵條感覺特別精緻先叫杯飲品解一下渴先自製果茶係紅茶配青檸汁西柚熱情果同埋一片片嘅蘋果四川風味茄子小食方面全部都好有創意份量唔會太多可以試多幾款味道豬肉巴馬臣芝士黑松露餃子配襯陳醋及辣椒油餃子皮薄涵靚芝士黑松露配豬肉感覺真係好fusion店內坐滿人客大部份是外國人椰子雞湯米粉湯底新鮮冇乜味精味但係就有好鮮甜嘅椰子雞湯味感覺健康嘅椰子雞湯飲到一滴都冇得剩連配料都特別過人有少見嘅秋葵細心的把煎到香噴噴嘅香茅雞扒分上好味道滋潤嘅八寶清湯 原來入口咁清甜係有原因嘅材料有雪耳紅棗桂圓及杞子絕對適合貪靚嘅女仔飲天氣凍冰冰食一碗湯麵真係好溫暖開心星期五 Foxtail & Broomcorn 健康煮食新主義 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2015-12-13
上環晚餐新鮮選擇 新鮮椰青 清甜椰青水我仲有嫩滑椰青肉 辣到飛起嘅森巴醬牛肉 森巴醬果然夠特別食到辣嘅我食少少已經覺得好刺激牛肉真係冇得頂入口即溶嗰隻 香辣豬肉小黃瓜 香辣豬肉的醬料是我最喜歡的小辣香而不太辣讓我越食越想食十分惹味又開胃的前菜 好掛住鄉下嘅我仲叫咗碗東京 拉麵溫泉蛋再配埋牛肋肉鮮味嘅湯底 有水準的溫泉蛋加上 slow cook 48小時的牛肋肉味道濃郁 舌尖的享受 最後梗係忍唔住叫一份甜品啦椰絲卷好特別嘅班蘭葉味配黑糖椰絲 全晚讚不絕口 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)