Opening Hours
Mon - Sun
07:00 - 00:00
Payment Methods
Visa Master Cash
Other Info
Phone Reservation
10% Service Charge
TV Broadcast
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Signature Dishes
八寶鴨 招牌炸子雞 馬拉糕 鳳城炒飯 蝦多士 糯米鴨
Review (26)
(Non-member) 2009-03-16
We, two, have visited this restaurant several times. We like their pig lung soup but haven't seen it in the menu for long time. disappointed!.Yesterday, we tried it again. We orderd (1) the suggested twin dishes: fish roll of half fish + Jie Jie Chinese lettuce and (2) Um Chun chop shue served with lettuce . Fish roll is still up to standard. Jie Jie Chinese lettuce is fresh with the exotic marinated shrimp egg smell. Fairly good.However, those lettuce leaves served to roll up Um Chun chop shue are not fresh (i.e with rusty rim and too soft in texture). I've mentioned it to the captain when I asked for the bill. Hope that they will improve.The free dessert - Pumkin "west rice" porridge is not too sweet. Overall: If you think about fish roll, Tai Leung wild chicken roll, and Shrimp Wo Tie, you may try this restaurant. Others, you are trying your luck, bros. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2009-03-01
寫食評前看到好壞參半...7 : 6, 銅鑼灣店試過了, 今晚試試荃灣店, 就看看我今晚的遭遇吧!星期天...六點幾去到, 只有一兩枱客, 我們被安排在靠邊四人位, 部長介紹每枱可選一種特價菜式, 我們選了清蒸海斑仔, $58 (約14兩), 另叫生啫農家菜, $5x, 後者先上, 砂煲燒熱, 倒下蝦醬再將生菜拌勻, 好再唔太鹹, 生菜都幾爽脆! 然後等了大半個鐘...條魚都未上, 問了一位姓梁主任, 她以教訓式口吻回應....條魚生劏, 新鮮蒸...梗耐啦, 如果即上, 你都唔敢食啦! 無耐地...再等了約十分鐘, 就黎啦....大小足秤, 夠滑, 有啲位置幾實下, 以 $58斑仔都幾抵, 不過, 連白飯兩碗, 前菜, 茗茶加一, $172, 抵唔抵就真係見仁見智! 市道差, 人手不足, 舉手既客都好多, 食物環境還可以, 但服務就真係麻麻地! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level2 2009-01-01
媽咪生日,諗住搵間酒樓食個全包宴,平時都有到鳳城飲茶,食物質素不錯,認為夜市食飯都唔會差我去邊,點知就咁就出左事.............花姿蝦仁: 都幾好味既,不過不失啦炸鮮奶拼野雞卷: 炸鮮奶尚可,雞卷好似翻炸過咁,咬落有渣雞絲生翅: 都係一般貨色,味道一般 我地將遼參改左上湯龍蝦伊面,點知成個餐,最差就係呢一個,真係唔好味蒸啜魚及貴妃雞: 冇特別,又唔係難食囉........ 壽包: 個賣相認真嚇人,一d宦唔靚,好失望呀糯米反: 呢個我都欣賞的,幾好味可能我要接受千幾元的全包宴,質素就係咁,話晒都包晒加一,飲料各樣,不過我自己就會繼續去飲茶,只係唔會再食全包宴 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level3 2008-11-17
15/11/2008去飲下午茶都幾多人呀我地叫左碗燒鴨檬粉,味道真係唔錯,不過碗野入面有d不知名既黑色野炸粉果幾特別,入面係包蝦食完炸就係蒸既粉果,味道真係一般咖哩蒸土魷,d土魷都幾爽,咖哩都夠味叫左芝麻蛋散,不過漏左單 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2008-04-26
媽媽星期六放假的話,一定來這裏飲早茶。鮮蝦腐皮卷,夠香,蝦爽。鮮竹卷普普通通。黑椒牛仔骨夠惹味,不過肉貴,份量較少。星期六早茶也有特價,感覺很超值。^^ continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)