Restaurant: Glasshouse (太古城中心)

To promote a new salt and sugar reduction (RSS) dietary culture and living style to the people of Hong Kong, the Environment and Ecology Bureau, the Committee on Reduction of Salt and Sugar in Food and the Centre for Food Safety of the Food and Environmental Hygiene Department have launched the "Less-Salt-and-Sugar Restaurants Scheme" ("Scheme"). Restaurants participated in the Scheme will offer less salt or sugar options to the consumer or even tailor-make less salt or sugar dishes in designated restaurants. Participating restaurants will be granted with the Scheme Labels for displaying in the premises for public identification. For details, please click here: https://www.eeb.gov.hk/food/en/committees/crss/restaurants.html

All Branches (3)
Traditional cookery combined with innovative ingredients, adding the elements from Hong Kong, Asian and international. The restaurant is spacious and comfortable, and is suitable for gathering with friends. continue reading
Opening Hours
11:00 - 22:00
Mon - Sun
11:00 - 22:00
*Due to the pandemic, our opening hours may differ and are subjected to change. Kindly contact our restaurants for more information
Payment Methods
Visa Master AlipayHK Alipay Cash Octopus AE UnionPay Apple Pay Google Pay WeChat Pay PayMe
Number of Seats
Other Info
Online Reservation
Alcoholic Drinks
May Bring Your Own Wine
Accessible Environment Details
Phone Reservation
10% Service Charge
Spot payment
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
About Reward Scheme
Review (233)
當晚有朋友黎左探我地😛想近近地想係屋企附近搵野食今晚就係機會喇本身OpenRice book枱A La Carte Menu有8折,店員見我地一行4人,介紹既時候分享話有個4人set 幾抵食 $878 + 10% 😋望過d野食幾岩心水所以就試下:A: Appetizer 8選3🍴凱撒沙律配煙三文魚沙律菜爽脆,醬汁份量啱啱好 兩大塊煙三文魚 正常發揮🍴 炸粟米蝦餅 有小小似泰式小食既蝦餅,比較薄食味道一般🍴酥炸魷魚鬚食完蝦餅,對炸物減低左期待😳點知哩個有驚喜😍 每條魷魚都炸得香脆調味岩岩好,唔點汁都正哩個推介!! B: 是日餐湯 x4 當日個湯係雜菜湯另外可加$20轉龍蝦湯 我地轉左2個雜菜湯正常發揮 龍蝦湯幾好,味道濃郁,可以一試C: 主菜 9選4🍴五色芝士薄餅薄底脆Pizza,芝士本身就係咸咸的但佢食落面頭有一點甜味 咸咸甜甜 好過癮重點係 芝士Pizza食完唔會有膩嘅感覺😳個人認為哩個太岀色,我一個人食左3塊🤣👍🏻🍴美國頂級西冷 +$28叫咗七成 黎到應該3成左右我問左屋企人要唔要換 佢哋話唔使 點知店員已經拎住隻碟行過黎主動問: 「牛扒應該無七成,你夾俾我拎返入去再煎」真係好sweet 好暖心💚💪🏼 好抵讚雖然當晚既牛扒幾有牛味,不過筋位比較多🍴松露焗豬飯唔係用豬扒,係用豬腩加入菠蘿、茄汁、芝士仲有松露去整甜甜酸酸都唔錯 (不過其實已經好飽)🙈😂🍴炒貴刁 好大碟 充滿星馬泰風味我就覺得還好 不過友人就覺得辣辣地幾惹味最後仲餐飲 & 甜品🙈🤣疏乎厘同埋兩件蛋糕🍰總結Dinner Set真係好抵食,質素唔錯飽到4個人都抱住個肚返屋企 大滿足店員服務態度好,全程不停斟水,收碟 。推薦🥳 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level2 2024-11-08
今次用餐體驗真係令人難忘!我哋唔單止試到精緻嘅士多啤梨芝士蛋糕,仲品嚐到香濃嘅皮鴨pizza同入味嘅西冷牛扒,每一款菜式都好出色。首先,個士多啤梨芝士蛋糕可以話係整個餐單嘅亮點。呢個甜品表面光滑細緻,入口更有層次分明嘅酸甜口感,配埋鮮紅欲滴嘅士多啤梨,實在太過誘人。每一口都令我回味無窮,好似置身於夢幻般嘅甜品天堂。跟住造型獨特嘅皮鴨pizza同樣令我讚不絕口。餅皮酥脆,邊角仲帶有一絲焦香,托住咗香滑濃郁嘅鴨肉同各種爽口嘅配料。每一口都有唔同嘅口感,真係層次豐富、令人垂涎。仲有點左呢塊紮實多汁嘅西冷牛扒更加係絕佳之選。肉質嫩滑入味,每一口都散發住濃郁嘅牛肉香氣。店家調味恰到好處,既唔會太鹹又唔會過於辣,可以完美融合肉質本身嘅鮮味。整個用餐過程可以話係目不暇給。由細淡雅嘅甜品到濃重嘅主菜,再到扎實嘅牛扒,每一款都有自己嘅特色,都令我嘅食慾大增。服務人員嘅熱情周到,亦令整體用餐氣氛更加愉快。相信下次嚟,我一定會再光顧,重新體驗呢份難忘嘅美好時光。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
如果可以 我星都唔想俾我係app叫外賣 講真我幫襯左好多年 堂食同外賣都係 依家到底發生咩事?換左廚師?完全係趕客一樣個意粉又乾 唔上色 仲要有啲係痴埋一舊 我每次都叫同一個意粉 最近既水準同以往既完全唔一樣 今次簡直係乾啃一樣鴨肉湯河個湯 清澈既顏色無左 以往有分湯 今次又無 黎到個河粉糊晒不特止 個湯唔知係落左青檸定咩 酸既仲算 仲要有苦澀味!龍蝦湯仲過份 黎到得1/3碗 好似俾人偷飲左大半一樣 打開個盒唔知以為係醬料多過湯 震驚到仲要好鹹 2塊包一塊仲要燶晒!大佬你個湯唔平架 原價過百架 減左價都8x 你俾幾啖咁既水準我?單骨雞翼同以前食既都唔一樣 又油又鹹!成餐飯可以用難食2個字黎形容!完全係唔洗再幫襯!市道差你都唔係咁呀?!生意差真係唔好怪人 你睇下你地岀咩食物俾人先!好過份! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level1 2024-08-22
店內服務員由帶位開始已經呼呼喝喝,成場大把吉位,係都要我地坐正中間………..食物合格。但未明原因店內有位但會不停做出催促的行為,如一食完一碟就立刻收碟。埋單仲離譜,叫埋單唔應我,我就出去前台,疑似經理大聲呼喝叫我行番去中間埋單…..服務差,店員無禮。無下次! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level2 2024-07-04
平日去食,點咗set lunch,蘑菇濃湯,香辣龍蝦炒意粉(加$20),埋單$185。蘑菇濃湯,味道偏鹹,溫度只係屬於微暖。香辣龍蝦炒意粉,好多辣椒,龍蝦肉堆埋只有一隻龍蝦鉗嘅份量, 令人失望。凍檸檬茶,茶記都會好飲過佢沖。有機會,我唔會再試。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)