6-min walk from Exit C1, Olympic MTR Station continue reading
以煎蛋海苔窩燒墨魚餅飯闖出名堂的神廚館,原本只是一間提供12個座位的小店,其招牌作墨魚餅得到越來越多人認同,現於埃華街設店,除了招牌墨魚餅飯及炆牛腩飯,亦為食客提供更多菜式選擇。 continue reading
Opening Hours
Mon - Sat
11:00 - 21:00
Payment Methods
Other Info
10% Service Charge
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Signature Dishes
咖喱牛腩麵 招牌煎蛋海苔窩燒墨魚餅飯 美極香煎薄牛扒 椒鹽排骨飯 紫菜濃湯魚上骨湯
Review (46)
Level1 2017-01-17
Chef God Kitchen神廚館was first found in Taikoktsui opposite HSBCbuilding. It was then relocated to Ivy Street near Cosmopolitan Estate but soonmoved to 61 Tai Kok Tsui Road now re-named as “MUGS”. The renowned cuisine isFried Squid Cake served with sunshine egg and rice sprinkled with seaweedstrips. It now costs HK$55 with free drink. The price is a bit above the averageof lunch set in the vicinity. However, if you appreciate the flavor of Fried Squid Cake like I do, it is well worth theprice. Not too many customers as in the past can be seen now probably because theChef God has gone now. But the savour remains! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2017-01-08
「神廚館」我又尼啦!招牌墨魚餅係我最愛就當然架啦 上次已經介紹左大家而事實上尼度亦都有豬小姐嘅第二至愛 就係美極香煎薄牛飯啦!飯一上枱 美極豉油香味一湧而上 薄牛有成四五塊 滿滿的醬汁方面主要當然係美極啦 同時亦加入令香味更濃更提升嘅蒜蓉同蔥粒 用尼送飯真係一流!底下有爽脆嘅椰菜 名符其實係有肉有菜講下主角薄牛啦!薄牛厚度大概5cm左右甚至更薄 薄薄的牛肉口感鬆軟夠哂腍 原來有時唔一定要厚切先得到滿足醬汁打芡黏稠程度剛好 黏住每塊牛肉 確實惹味無得輸而招牌墨魚餅一如既往煎得金黃 圓碌碌嘅佢足料味美 每口都係彈牙嘅墨魚同健康嘅蘿蔔粒加埋太陽蛋嘅蛋黃精華 誇張啲講 發現墨魚餅係枱枱食客必點的 豬小姐會再試下其他菜式 食過番尋味嘅再介紹比大家啦 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
响大角咀食咗咁多次quick lunch, 終於可以俾個笑笑好評。今個星期黎到這間個名改到霸氣十足的小店叫 - 神廚館,相信老闆一定好有信心,否則不會取一個咁"神"的名。墨魚餅是神廚的招牌菜, 當然要試啦! 墨魚餅炸到金黃色, 咬落去很爽口彈牙, 外脆內軟, 而且有啖啖墨魚肉, 真不愧為鎮店之寶, 配上煎蛋真係神來之筆, 再落埋甜甜地的豉油响白飯到真係好夾。但如果個墨魚餅可以厚多少少就更perfect啦! 至於泰式酸甜汁豬扒飯的豬扒很淋, 但個飯整體黎講就唔太特別。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level2 2016-11-14
午餐搵食,黎到大角咀,的確令人花多眼亂,短短三幾條街,食市多達幾十間。今日專程黎一試墨魚餅🤔目標就在眼前,即試墨魚餅,新鮮炸起,脆邊👍內有墨魚肉,煙靱👍👍有少連墨魚鮮味👍👍調味剛好,唔咸👍煎蛋,即煎,美中不足,無脆邊👌加少許鼓油係蛋上,又可變奏成鼓油煎蛋飯😂😂😁淡而無茶味👇比奶茶好,有少許檸檬香,可惜敗筆之處,茶杯滿佈「茶漬」清潔度大跌😩整體黎講,主食墨魚餅係要讚既,期待下次再試👍 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2016-11-06
出名的墨魚餅又怎會不吃?成個餐廳都係叫這款食物!我叫了墨魚餅米線,朋友叫了飯,兩個都有荷包蛋在上面,個餅的確香又夠大件又彈牙,也是煎得剛好。雖然店員叫我們將蛋在墨魚餅上撈好,我自己並不覺得這樣會令墨魚餅好吃點。其他的都很平凡,米線無味。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)