Opening Hours
Mon - Sun
12:00 - 22:30
Payment Methods
Other Info
Alcoholic Drinks
Phone Reservation
10% Service Charge
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Review (12)
Level2 2012-07-12
琴晚男朋友仔嚟咗接我放工, 好開心呀!我地落咗銅鑼灣食飯, 不過又諗唔到食咩好!喺SOGO隔離見到有間上樓嘅日本嘢, 個名好得意架! 叫做「五箇山」! 就上去試下好唔好食~我地坐係窗口位,經理話依家做緊個promotion,有三款大大舊嘅特盛壽司: 有甜蝦壽司、三文魚子軍艦同埋吞拿魚腩卷佢最特別嘅就係佢d配料好大份, 唔會淨係得舊飯大~真係估唔到佢一件甜蝦壽司有成6條甜蝦,仲要一客兩件添!!!好誇張呀!!!個三文魚子軍艦只可以用一個詞語嚟形容: 滿瀉!D魚子多到圍住舊軍艦!!男朋友仔淨係鐘意個碎吞拿魚腩卷!D碎吞拿魚腩又鋪滿晒個卷,仲要入口即溶, 六件差唔多俾佢食晒!不過佢都好抵錫,留返一舊俾我試下~ 我就自己食晒個好好味嘅甜蝦壽司同三文魚子軍艦, 呵呵!我仲叫多咗個氷見烏冬 (唔知氷字點讀呢?)好爽口彈牙嘅冷烏冬! yummy!男朋友對個朴葉燒好有興趣, 就叫埋嚟試下!估唔到真係成塊朴葉放喺個爐上面燒架! 好勁啊!!D朴葉嘅香味加埋和牛真係正正正! 勁好味囉!!下次再同D姊妹上嚟食先!! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2012-04-25
天氣漸熱之時,口淡淡便思吃日本壽司及刺身一類之物事。翻查一下之前吃的記錄,發現是沒有這裡的踪跡。未試過的地方往往是推動小弟去尋吃的動力。趁是日下午有個空檔,就來吃幾件壽司,當是清清味蕾也好....沒有訂座就闖進去,但仍可以選坐壽司bar,今天也算幸運了望一望師傅的陣容,看到三位皆是年紀甚輕的本地人,大厨片山智裕先生竟是不在監場心裡不禁打了個突....正所謂"既來之則安之",既然已來了,還是要點吃些東西才行。就要一個自選十貫壽司set來試試師傅的手勢吧....呷着茶,透過小窗看見不同魚及海鮮的陣容 ---- 八爪魚、墨魚、幾款白身魚如hamachi、鱲魚及左口等都齊備。當然還有在我的壽司或刺身陣容選擇裡永不會出現的三文....除此之外,還看到不少澤蟹放在枱旁的大缸內裡。不知可不可以着師傅仔抓起幾只來炸呢 ? 想起這裡,馬上便欲叫枝冰凍的啤酒....先來小吃醬蓮藕片一碟。味道是比想像中的濃且帶微辣,藕片本身也十分的爽脆。面頭滲上少許木魚碎及芝麻粒之後,從中加入了不少鹹香之味,整體來說亦屬不俗....另一作為前菜的沙律用了如普通的超市雪藏包裝菜葉再加上切粒蕃茄,最後淋上日式胡麻醬來奉客。菜及蕃茄的鮮度雖是很一般,不過帶甜酸的醬汁倒也是令味蕾刺激的一個好方法。作為開胃前菜小吃來講,也算是合格的....茶碗蒸質感夠滑溜但沒夠重蛋香,而且吃至碗底之時是猶如一片汪洋,水準是不太盡如人意。不過話說回頭,在材料方面倒是甚齊備 ---- 銀杏、熟吞拿魚粒、魚片、青豆及冬菇片皆找得到。算是添回一些分數....麵豉湯嗒落鮮甜而不鹹至咯喉,湯內更找到一只蝦頭在內,看起來是似模似樣的,怪不得湯味是如此的鮮稍為詬病的是湯內的炸豆腐片是碎濕濕的。若然能切得大件少許的話,咬口會更理想....一氣過連吞十款壽司,由淡至濃吃起,完全滿足了啖壽司之癮頭 ----平目可說是一眾壽司中最差勁的一款。看上去色澤已甚暗啞之餘,吃下去還因為有一大條筋在內弄得差點要吐出來。此時差不多怒得要向師傅反映要求將之打回頭....甜蝦這個相反就甚對版了 --- 蝦的件頭是有相當份量之餘也很肥美軟糯,其軟糯程度是強得入口後登時融化於舌頭上的,您說厲害不?....鐵火卷用來包着飯團的紫菜有些偏濕及淰身;吞拿魚粒吃起來鮮度一般。這也可以理解的 ---- 通常用來作卷物的材料 (特別是魚類) 都未必會用上最新鮮的貨色....甜蛋吃起來欠蛋之應有香味且甜度不足,完全不像在吃和式的蛋壽司....赤貝掌勺的事先用刀將之界花,看起來煞是漂亮;入口是既爽且甜又沒渣,是一等一的好貨色....海鰻吃起來甚大片且沒有碎骨在其中;口感軟滑之餘又嚐得出魚鮮;塗抹在魚上的甜燒汁份量適中而又不會奪去魚的鮮味....大吞拿魚是真的進口即溶,魚油豐富之極雖則吃至尾段時發現有一點點筋,都已覺無傷大雅了....海膽顏色呈鮮橙偏黃,嗅落亦收甚怪異味道;試一口,甚creamy的且帶些微海水痕跡。此時"鮮甜豐腴"看來似又是唯一的形容詞....蟹膏鹹與鮮並重自是意料中事。在食至中後段之時甚至有一點甘味從口腔跑出來,aftertaste是十分的強烈。是小弟另一必叫推薦之作....鵝肝在其他傳統的日本壽司店的壽司午市套餐裡頭較少出現的一位稀客。一客壽司有兩小片,份量一點也不吝嗇。稍嫌肝的外層燒得沒帶脆口且有些少苦,不過平常在劣貨中常遇到的肝內有筋的情況卻沒有出現,而且亦有入口即溶的感覺,故也屬不錯了....說完材料,也該講一下飯團之素質。飯團整體來說揑得不算太鬆散,起碼是沒有用筷子一夾起便即斷成數截之致命弱點;不過最大的問題乃在於每件做出來的飯團的大小有些参差 ---- 有的則揑成像在迴轉壽司店機製出來的,是既偏硬而又四四方方大大件;有的則卻比江户前壽司標準size更小的看來在這方面小師傅要多點向片山師傅請教一下了....埋尾的芝蔴雪糕很滑有奶香,芝麻味亦濃。本應很滿足的,但看到隔鄰檯有熟客竟可着侍者拿一個薰衣草味的給他,實在心中有點氣呢真想試一下....以二百二十大洋的價位來說,這頓壽司還是可以一吃的。當然下趟若有機會能親嚐日籍大廚的手勢的話,這一餐就更完美... continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Once again, this was another unplanned expedition at CausewayBay on a Friday evening. We took a potshot at Sakaegawa ( 榮川)just to have a look at the interesting interior. No booking, no table- of course so we just alighted from the lift at a random level. Luckily, we were able to get a table here even without a booking. The size and renovation of Gokayama was similar to most restaurants in that building. They have quite a number of table seats and counter seats. The tables were reasonably spaced apart and separated with partitions. The restaurant did make an effort to allow the creation of personal space for customers. There were even some window seats (I couldn't see anything outside other than the building next to us those). It was initially a bit hard for my wife and me to identify the strength of this restaurant. I thought this should be another rather standard sushi/ sashimi place because of the big sushi counter - which I find quite boring as I'm not a big fan of sushi. The menu had a combination of sushi, sashimi, beef dishes, kushi (skewers) and even yakitori. We noticed, on a separate menu, that quite a number of the chef's recommendations were beef and a few dishes revolving around octopus. So we eventually ordered a mixture of dishes which included beef and octopus.First came the Hida ('飛驒') Maki with advocado ($180): According to my wife, the beef was very good. They actually had quite a lot of beef sushi rolls on their menu so should be one of their signature dishes. I couldn't comment further as I don't eat beef. The colour of the beef and the avocado looked nice however. My Japanese wife finished it rather quickly, and she liked it a lot; so that'd be one reason why I might recommend this to you. Then came the sashimi set ($350): Same set, different view. Note the wasabi: Ebi (Scrimp): Those were quite fresh and of decent size. No complaints.Toro (not sure whether it's medium or big toro): Toro was nice.Nothing spectacular but nothing to complaint about either. Scallop and the two "white bodied fish" (hamachi and another which I couldn't remember): Again, not bad. As you could see from my lacklustre comments above, I wasn't extremely excited about the dinner at this stage. That was until I tried the Tako, i.e. Octopus, sashimi. It was Oishii ! Very fresh and crisp. As a display of skill, they actually served the suction by itself !?!! The suction was also good. It was the first time I tried it in this manner. I was very pleasantly surprised Then came the assorted Kushi (skewers - $90 per set). They were pretty warm when they arrived. It's a good start: The Buta Bara was good. It's a good mixture of lean meat and fat, about 60% lean and 40% fat. The fried shrimp and the fried oyster were pretty good too. Those were quite fresh.The shishito (green pepper) was so so. It's a bit too dried.The two quail eggs were nothing special and didn't have much taste.Then came the chicken liver ($50 for two): It's not cooked properly and was still fairly bloody.Fortunately, I'm also alive (still). That was very shocking and unfortunately was the impression that stood out. The chicken skin and the chicken heart arrived shortly afterwards ($80):Certainly, those weren't anything special when compared to other yakitori places, like "Ippeiya" in the same building, "Nishiki" in TST East that specialized in chicken yakitori, and especially "Jun" - they have the best chicken heart and kidney in town . But after the shock from the liver, these looked very good. Deep Fried chicken ($80):The deep fried chicken came last. To our surprise, the fried chicken chunks were very good! They were freshly fried, crispy but not oily. The chicken chunks were tender and juicy too. If you happen to be here, this could be recommended. At this point, it was about 10:00 p.m. and we were asked whether we'd order more since the last order was, I think 10:30 p.m. That certainly seemed a bit early for a shop located at CWB, especially on a Friday. We asked for the bill. Having said that, the service was good throughout the evening. All the staff were quite professional. They dressed professionally, talked politely and were friendly too.Before the bill arrived, we were given complimentary ice creams. Both were very delicious and perhaps home made (or at least home processed). The Kiwi ice cream had a very fresh kiwi taste to it and the texture was a bit like a sorbet. The same goes for my sesame ice cream. Drinks-wise: We ordered one Sapporo Draught Beer and three glasses of Red Wine. A quibble about the red wine was that it was refrigerated, which should be a fatal point for red wine connoisseurs. (Nevertheless, I still had two glasses just to go with the meat dishes.)The bill came down to $1,232 in total. I can't remember what we had for appetizers but were charged $30 each. My wife drew this after she saw my reaction at the end of the dinner: Conclusion:My wife was very happy with the Hida beef, which is most likely Gokayama's signature dish. I find the octopus very interesting. I could recommend this to you as well as the fried chicken.Otherwise, the kushi and yakitori were just average quality. The sashimi was fine but not a crowd-drawer.Service was good and the restaurant was not too crowded (compared with other restaurant in the same building - such as Sakaegawa)Value for money? No. There isn't one dish that's super expensive but they charge a bit more here and a bit more there... then it adds up. I'd say it's a bit expensive for what we had over dinner. You could definitely find better places for yakitori or sashimi at a more reasonable price.All in all, not a first choice in that building filled with Japanese restaurants but perhaps worthy of being the 2/3rd choice. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2012-03-15
二月時去了關西一趟,不停地飲飲食食,回到香港對起日本菜钝時提不起興趣,雖然以前已經如此,不過香港還有一些日本料理店我還未親身嚐試下,前天還和食友一起食咖喱,這一晚就在五箇山日本料理,其實即興地來這裏飲啖啤酒,原因有二個,第一個是等著友人放工,個多小時無所事事,第二個就是食友介紹過這裏,自己曾食過一次午餐,都得知有二名日本師傅座鎮,廚房內以及壽司吧各有一名,剛才六時正,店內剛好我是第一名客人,坐在壽司吧的中間,這是自己習慣,純碎等候的關係,只吃點送酒之物即可,刺身壽司還是免了,當然可以慳回不少金錢,沒有大的改變這裏是以前壽司松島,裝修和舊時沒有多的分別,種類好像比起以前為多一點,價錢也比以前貴,叫了味噌山葵青瓜,煎蛋卷,前者六十元後五十元正,再來一杯生啤,侍應奉上一客小食,煮魚頭,不過魚郤有很多骨,蘿蔔就幾甜,都有誠意的小鉢,當然要錢的,味噌山葵青瓜它的全名好似叫金山寺?味噌山葵青瓜,出來就像我在福岡的安春吉有一款小鉢和這個很相似,用上青瓜伴在一起食,覺得可以切成條狀會更好,吃起來會方便得多,有少許味噌香之剩還有滲出山葵之味,都不錯的,不過吃到最後剩不少青瓜,玉子燒我喜歡食蛋,什麼蛋類料理都喜歡,玉子燒在香港又真係不是食到滿意,這裏做出來蛋卷有點兒散,但味道方面都不俗,不會過甜,都比起不少地方為好,反觀幾喜歡吃蘿蔔蓉,這裏的蘿蔔蓉順手沾了醬油,放在蛋卷上一起食,這是我在日本那邊料理店都是這樣做.薯片日本師傅從廚房取出一碗薯片,用廣東話說是薯片用新鮮薯仔做,不過味道可能較鹹一點,的確鹹少一點,都不算油膩,用啤酒送這一款!不錯吃!炸豬肉串看見有點時間想吃多一款東西,就是由食友談起的炸豬肉串,一碟二串賣九十元不便宜,可能更比吉烈店鋪貴,雖稱豬肉串,實則內裏有蔥和豬肉串起來,吃落豬肉肉汁還在,不會粗糙無味,幾好食,炸起來都不算油膩比起某些吉列店更好食,剩下的野菜絲當然會放在吉列醬一起食,比加上柚子汁更好.連續二杯啤酒,加上食物差不多三百八十元,在這種日本料理店算是很低的消費,如果吃著刺身壽司又不是這種價錢,不過有特上壽司以及鉄火丼都是二百多三百元,單吃這些都可以的.不過服務做得不夠好,看一看時候也夠,是時候離開 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2012-03-10
中午, 係CWB整完骨, 想食好野慰勞自己來到旁邊的五箇山食一個悠閒午餐又是第一位客人, 選了個能看到師傅工作的BAR枱, 擦擦手, 選了自選十貫壽司,先來的是沙律,前菜, 茶碗蒸沙律清新, 合格前菜汁煮雜? 紅蘿蔔冬粉雞肉, 入味好吃.茶碗蒸內有青豆冬菇白果雞肉竹筍, 但味道還好, 蛋味不夠. 選了花魚, 紅衫,池魚, 帶子, 赤貝, 玉子, 鵝肝, 左口, 大TORO, 蔥TORO碎小卷.花魚, 左口一向食燒的, 但師傅給的卻是全生, 花魚鮮甜, 但燒一燒會更好, 左口好多筋, 咬了很久紅衫位置不好? 平時很少吃刺身, 就是普通魚一塊, 沒肥美清爽魚鮮之感池魚不錯, 鮮甘魚油多, 魚味很夠, 8分帶子不夠鮮甜, 形狀倒是美好~赤貝爽口鮮甜, 不錯玉子不過不失, 層次感跟蛋味不夠, 有不少進步空間鵝肝失望, 內有血水.大TORO冇筋, 走的是香港路線, 肥美好吃蔥TORO碎小卷, 充滿魚鮮, 不錯芝麻雪糕芝麻香濃,奶味也夠,不錯!中午食物水準可接受, 價錢也低MA~服務很不錯, 添茶勤快, 笑容很夠, 耐心介紹是個悠閒的中午 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)