1-min walk from Exit C, Causeway Bay MTR Station continue reading
Opening Hours
Mon - Sun
07:00 - 00:00
Payment Methods
Visa Master AlipayHK Alipay Cash Octopus
Number of Seats
Other Info
Alcoholic Drinks
May Bring Your Own Wine
10% Service Charge
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Review (132)
Level1 2023-12-19
中午間間餐廳排長龍,得呢間唔駛排,膽粗粗入去試吓,點解中曬伏。我叫咗個$65嘅雪菜燒鵝炆米,送到嚟我搵極都搵唔到燒鵝。我問店員係咪上漏咗,店員話唔知,可能切粒炒埋咗一碟。咁我俾心機搵嘢啦;成碟得4粒好似廚餘嘅肉汁、2塊好油嘅燒鵝皮。真心嬲咗。我朋友叫嘅涼瓜排骨飯,d汁油到同2餸飯差唔多;得個燒味飯叫做正常。間嘢真心伏,又油又難食,俾錢受罪食餸頭餸尾咁。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level1 2023-12-17
知道係茶記級數 ( 有喇沙同燒味食), 對食物同服務都冇咩期望, 但係啲服務差到不得了, 好似完全唔想做生意咁。 落咗單,遲成15分鐘都未到, 追問佢,跟住話我冇落單。 一位年青員工同我落返單,啲態度同語氣非常之差, 黑口黑面, 服務態度仲差過澳牛,食完同經理投訴, 佢竟然話 "我都冇辦法"。 雖然係茶幾級數, 但我諗最少要對客人有基本禮貌, 但我喺呢間店完全睇唔到, 麥當勞都畀佢好十倍, 香港飲食業競爭咁激烈,真係要祝間店好運。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level1 2023-12-03
叫人落單叫咗15分鐘 都冇人理 淨係幫大陸人落單我聽到佢地企咗係收銀枱吹水 我行出去叫佢落單 個呀姐用手指住部電腦話:我呢家落緊單你等等好冇我話我趕時間然後有個男過黎幫我落咗單個呀姐就一路做一路係度話趕時間趕時間趕時間 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2023-11-13
有時在銅鑼灣想求其食, 要找一家菜式多, 位置比較寬敞的茶餐廳, 這家也是一個選擇, 在地鐵出口對面, 吃完去其他地方工作相當方便. 取代了之前翠華的角色, 除了傳統茶餐廳的碟頭飯, 焗飯, 扒類及一般常餐外, 也有燒味供應. 定價七八十元, 也是當旺區域的常價. 咖喱牛腩飯的牛腩大約八至九件, 而薯仔大約四件左右, 單從數目來看算是正常, 牛腩切丁, 好聽來說比一般的精緻, 難聽來說即是件頭偏細. 牛扒飯的牛扒大約六安士重, 配上煎蛋還OK, 但配菜是有千島醬的沙律菜即有點奇怪. 醬汁, 無論是黑椒汁還是咖喱汁, 也是偏甜了一點, 沒有令人淋上飯身的衝動, 有點落筆打三更之感.Sometimes in Causeway Bay, I look for a spacious tea restaurant with a wide variety of dishes. This restaurant is a good choice as it's located across from the subway exit, making it convenient for me to go elsewhere after eating. It replaces the previous Tsui Wah restaurant and offers traditional tea restaurant dishes like rice with various toppings, baked rice, stir-fried dishes, and set meals. They also serve roasted meats. Prices range from seventy to eighty Hong Kong dollars. The curry beef brisket rice dish has about eight to nine pieces of beef brisket and four pieces of potatoes. The sauces are slightly sweet and lack the urge to pour over the rice. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
難得同媽咪妹妹來銅鑼灣逛街,當然要吃完晚飯先慢慢返屋企~今次就來到這間位於Sogo後面既中餐廳,地點非常就腳,剛好就喺港鐵站前面,加上樓高兩層,光猛得來又坐得舒服,好適合帶長輩一齊食飯❤️——————————🔹$208二人套餐三個女生飯量不多,點個二人套餐加個菜,已經好足夠👩‍👧‍👧二人套餐可選兩個小菜,或者一個小菜+一個燒味精選,送白飯2碗+例湯2客,在銅鑼灣來講CP值算高。📍椒鹽豬柳扒椒鹽豬柳扒炸得乾身,鹹香帶辣,非常惹味。📍燒鵝例牌燒鵝色澤飽滿,肉汁豐富,肉質鬆軟,入口充滿濃厚的鵝油香氣。🔸椒絲腐乳炒通菜 $76通菜依然保持爽脆,以椒絲腐乳炒製,微辣又惹味,整體香口有鑊氣。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)