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Review (10)
Level4 2024-06-02
The restaurant and the dessert shop(Northern Delights) is next to each other. Since Northern Delights is not available at Openrice, this review will combine them both.The restaurant was decorated with portraits of Elsa and Anna.The lamb shank was hot and tender and it was larger than I thought. The presentation of a whole chunk of meat falling off was slightly off-putting but I guess they made it too tender thus resulting this. You can choose soft drink but I decided to choose water instead.There was a bit too much sauce in my opinion but other that I would say it was reasonable for a meal at Disney.I also appreciated they pay attention to fine details eg. the Arendelle Crest, on it.In view the Frozen area is a bit away from the Main Street, you can consider having a meal here if other restaurants are too crowded as it wasn't too crowded when I had lunch there around noon today.For dessert, I had the soft serve and Chocolate Apple. Although Olaf was cute, I have to say the Chocolate Apple was more impressive, being both aesthically pleasing and also the apple they choose was juicy while the chocolate coat was pretty without being too sweet, making it quite suitable for the summer despite it not being cold like the ice-cream continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
今次就試主打的「阿德爾港畔餐廳」,餐廳裝潢已經非常有北歐風味,再加上食物都是北歐美食,果然在樂園說會有種置身動畫中的感覺。餐廳採取自助形式,店員會先介紹再協助填上點餐紙,只要遞到廚房,廚師會即時準備餐點,只要稍等一會就可以捧著你的美食到收銀處付款用餐了。❄️港畔海鮮燴滿滿海鮮,有三文魚、青口、蝦,配上薯粒和紅蘿蔔粒,炒加上一點點香料刁草增加了北歐風味,附上黑糖麵包,份量挺足夠。❄️小鎮芝士火腿雞肉卷雞肉+火腿+芝士三層一起炸,外皮少少脆不會太油膩,配上芥末忌廉,略嫌雞肉有一點點乾,配上的薯蓉滑順,炒雜菜挺清新。❄️森林貓耳粉端起來已經聞到一股很濃的松露香,松露忌廉汁貓耳粉配上溫泉蛋,與蛋汁混和在一起提升口感,加上野菌作伴,適合素食人士。❄️炸糖環脆炸糖環,甜而不膩,香脆不甜膩。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
5月31號我喺阿德爾港畔餐廳食咗掌櫃秘製羊膝我第一次食呢個餐,覺得幾好食。其實我第一次嚟呢間餐廳叫咗個貓耳粉配一支汽水,都幾好食掌櫃秘製羊滕呢個餐有羊膝,薯蓉,薯角,兩粒車厘茄,一條菜心同幾條豆角係$238配一支汽水,貴得來但好食,值得呢個價錢P.S. 我建議大家嚟迪士尼都可以去試吓呢間餐廳 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
阿德爾港畔餐廳⚓️ 迪士尼篇🏰係一間北歐菜式餐廳,餐廳分咗店內及店外位置。入面位置以航海為主題,有好多冰雪奇緣❄️相片,同航海工具,好符合電影元素,整體環境好靚,但偏暗。而店外位置就位於露天湖旁邊,光線比較充足,仲更有機會見到安娜/愛莎扮演者出面經過,可以同佢地打招呼。🍑港畔海鮮燴🥘海鮮燴裡面有吾同海鮮,分別有三文魚、青口及大蝦, 亦都有好多洋蔥,薯仔,紅蘿蔔,青豆做配菜, 食落去係淡奶油忌廉汁味,牛奶味好香, 醬汁好濃稠,但味道比較淡口,唔係好夠味。跟餐配咗一件黑糖麵包,同outback 個款好似,用麵包配醬汁一齊食幾好味。份量睇落去唔係好多,但實際上食完都幾有飽腹感。🍑 小鎮芝土火腿雞肉卷佢係一舊炸雞肉卷,中間夾咗芝士同火腿,隔離配左薯蓉,薯蓉份量幾多,味道同樣偏淡,配芥末忌廉醬一齊食啱啱好,醬汁似甜既蜜糖芥末醬,真係一款萬用醬, 配所有食物一齊食都好夾,有提鮮既作用跟餐配一支飲品,今次揀咗校好符合Frozen 主題汽水,佢係出,茉莉白桃味,顏色係藍藍地,飲落去蜜桃味為主,茉莉味道唔係好飲到。另外,套餐仲有一塊雪花形狀糖環,味道似香港傳統零食 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level3 2024-02-05
第一次坐低喺Frozen 園區用餐,有幾個熱餐選擇,小朋友揀咗海鮮拼盤,跟餐嗰個黑糖麵包好似Outback 嗰個包嘅味道,我對那個包有情意結的,所以覺得好食,但係比較地道,汁多但海鮮唔算多,個麵包又比較細,所以係唔夠點的,跟餐個「糖環」有啲似甜嘅蛋散,很有趣的配搭。另外叫咗雞餐,雞肉內有煙肉同埋芝士,伴碟有雜菜,包括西蘭花同埋幾種雜菌,呢個幾有誠意,雞肉下面有薯蓉,作為呢個餐嘅carbs。跟餐選擇嘅飲品有三種:蒸餾水及另外兩種藍色嘅飲品,我就唔會俾細路仔飲,配合Frozen theme 都係咁話。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)