Green Orange

1-min walk from Exit A2, Sheung Wan MTR Station continue reading
Green Orange was founded by a group of friends who love to travel around the world. They have collected and tested ingredients from all around the world to create their authentic European menu. Some highlights from their menu include truffle & mushroom risotto with foie gras, crab meat risotto with truffle and crispy pork knuckle with honey mustard sauce. continue reading
Opening Hours
12:00 - 15:00
18:00 - 23:00
Mon - Fri
12:00 - 15:00
18:00 - 23:00
12:30 - 16:00
18:00 - 23:00
18:00 - 23:00
Public Holiday
12:30 - 16:00
18:00 - 23:00
Public Holiday Eve
12:00 - 15:00
18:00 - 23:00
Payment Methods
Visa Master AlipayHK Alipay Cash AE UnionPay Apple Pay Google Pay BoC Pay WeChat Pay OpenRice Pay
Number of Seats
Other Info
Online Reservation
Alcoholic Drinks
May Bring Your Own Wine
Phone Reservation
10% Service Charge
Restaurant Website
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
上環就腳 【懷舊情調Gathering小店首選】
主打現代意大利美食配合創意fusion菜嘅Green Orange,餐廳搜羅各國優質食材,多款創新菜式甚受客人青睞,而店鋪就在地鐵站旁邊,步行一分鐘就可到達,開業至今人氣不斷!
格局開揚,用餐氣氛悠閒寫意。全日更提供不同套餐,滿足不同食客需求,各款酒類齊全。無論係情侶共進晚餐、朋友或家庭聚會、食飯傾計慢歎,或者放工飲杯酒休息下chill下!!Green Orange都係一個不錯嘅好選擇!

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Review (1080)
晚上我來到位於上環的 Green Orange 吃晚餐。這裡的氛圍輕鬆而舒適,非常適合與朋友聚餐或是約會。😆menu 上的晚餐套餐好吸引,不過我跟朋友來之前吃了一點東西,下次會想試試。 我跟朋友點了兩款牛扒,分別是 10 安士的鮮紐西蘭肉眼牛扒配上阿根廷青醬,以及 10 安士的美國頂級西冷牛扒,兩者都是 7 成熟。牛肉肉味重,阿根廷青醬的香氣為牛扒增添了一層獨特的風味。若喜歡肉質更生的朋友,可以選擇 5 成熟,這樣更能體會牛肉的原汁原味。此外,我看到餐廳推出的 $1 生蠔優惠,只需惠顧二人套餐或按人頭點主菜,每位最多可以點五隻 $1 的生蠔,生蠔新鮮可口,搭配檸檬汁和辣椒醬,簡直是完美的開胃前菜。是日餐湯這天的是日餐湯為野菌忌廉湯。湯的濃郁口感和香滑質地令人難忘,很適合在寒冷的晚上享用。😆朱古力心太軟伴雲呢拿雪糕寫字畫碟甜品的公仔精緻可愛,很適合打卡。甜品的心太軟在切開的一瞬間流出濃郁的朱古力醬,搭配香滑的雲呢拿雪糕,讓人回味無窮。😁 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
同鍾意食嘢嘅老友去食好嘢, 係勁開心嘅! 除咗好味 又坐得舒服, 餐廳同事都好 nice, 全程好自在; 我地邊食邊傾計, 好飽好開心啊~ 時令生蠔 餐廳做緊限時優惠: 1蚊一隻生蠔 🦪 我地小試牛刀, 先黎半打~清新爽口, 完全喜出望外! 呢個象徵式價錢, 質素咁認真, 更似送比客人嘅禮物, 我地都欣賞咗! 下次黎都一定會叫! 炸法式鱈魚球 $98呢個好味啊, 外脆內軟, 不知不覺 就連續食咗幾粒~ 下次黎都一定會叫! 煙燻水牛城辣雞翼 $78比平日濕外皮, 呢個乾身微汁做法 更有層次更好味喎~溫泉蛋蘆筍卡邦尼意大利麵 $165鮮紐西蘭肉眼牛扒 配阿根廷青醬 $328開心果巴斯克芝士蛋糕 $90同心目中嘅味道一模一樣, 鍾意呀!配埋寫字畫碟. 可可愛愛, 衷心希望 我地嘅願望都能夠成真~ Tiramisu $88質感味道都拿捏得好好, 我地都心心眼 忍唔住讚佢~ 下次黎都一定會叫! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2025-01-25
Green Orange 📍地址: 香港上環永樂街50號昌盛大廈2樓🦪 時令生蠔 $1@6隻 這裡的生蠔新鮮又美味,價格實惠!每隻只需 $1,真是吃得過癮!💖 生蠔的鮮甜感讓人欲罷不能,特別適合搭配檸檬汁和醬汁,讓味道更加出眾!🍋✨ 🍖 摩洛哥燉羊膝 $308 這道燉羊膝的味道真是太驚人了!🕌✨ 羊膝肉質軟嫩,燉煮得恰到好處,搭配摩洛哥香料,讓整個菜餚充滿異國情調!🍽️ 每一口都讓人感受到濃厚的香氣和豐富的口感,絕對是羊肉愛好者的最愛!😍 🥩 10安士鮮紐西蘭肉眼牛扒配阿根廷青醬 $328 這款肉眼牛扒的質量非常高!🍖💯 10安士的份量剛剛好,牛肉煮得恰到好處,外焦內嫩,搭配的阿根廷青醬更是提升了整體的風味,讓人一試成主顧!🤤🌿 🍰 朱古力心太軟伴雪糕 $85 這款甜品真的是完美的收尾!🍫🍦 朱古力心太軟外脆內軟,流心的巧克力讓人驚喜無比,搭配香滑的雪糕,更是絕配!✨ 另外,還可以根據自己的想法在碟子上寫字,這次我寫上了「Happy New Year」,為新年增添了喜慶的氣氛!🎉❤️ #香港好去處 #香港旅行 #香港打卡 #香港小店 #香港製造 #香港生活 #香港🇭🇰 #香港品牌 #香港店 #香港景點 #香港電影 #香港街拍 #香港美食指南 #香港美食推介 #香港美食日記#GreenOrange #西餐廳 #foodie #高質 # 上環 #上環美食 #香港美食 #抵食 #黑毛豬 #生蠔 #西冷牛扒 #海鮮拼盤🌟 Green Orange📍 Address: 50 Wing Lok Street, 2nd Floor, Cheung Shing Building, Sheung Wan, Hong Kong 🦪 Seasonal Oysters $1@6 pieces The oysters here are fresh and delicious, and the price is unbeatable at just $1 each! 💖 The sweetness of the oysters makes them irresistible, especially when paired with lemon juice and sauces that enhance their flavor! 🍋✨ 🍖 Moroccan Style Braised Lamb Shank $308 This dish is simply amazing! 🕌✨ The lamb shank is tender and perfectly braised, infused with Moroccan spices that give it an exotic flair! 🍽️ Each bite is filled with rich aromas and flavors, making it a must-try for lamb lovers!😍 🥩 10oz Fresh New Zealand Ribeye Steak with Chimichurri $328 This ribeye steak is of exceptionally high quality! 🍖💯 The 10oz portion is just right, cooked to perfection—crispy on the outside and tender on the inside. The accompanying chimichurri sauce elevates the overall flavor, making it a dish you’ll want to come back for! 🤤🌿 🍰 Lava Cake with Vanilla Ice Cream $85 This dessert is the perfect way to end the meal! 🍫🍦 The lava cake has a crispy exterior and a soft, gooey center, with a delightful flow of chocolate that surprises you with every bite. Paired with smooth ice cream, it’s a match made in heaven! ✨ Additionally, you can choose to write on the plate, and this time I wrote "Happy New Year" to add some festive cheer! All above remarks stem from a trial dining experience at the restaurant, reflecting the author's genuine feelings. This serves as a disclaimer, all comments for informational purposes only, and may not reflect all patrons' experiences.🎉❤️ continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Highly impressive Western dining, from the flavours, to decors, pacing of services, music, seating and ambiance. We had the signature dinner set for two. All the courses were exquisitely delicious, we especially liked the very rich seafood soup; deep fried oyster pumpkin cream risotto; and the seared USDA prime sirloin steak. The hojicha crème brûlée was so silky smooth and full of authentic tea aroma, remarkable and put us to a perfect ending.The soup and the risotto were my personal favourite. Rich and velvety, fresh ingredients, and presented in bright colours. You could taste lobster and umami from seafood shells (perhaps crabs/ mussels/ clams) from the soup. The deep fried oyster on the risotto was 10/10, piping hot and extremely succulent, I LOVE IT. The creamy pumpkin sauce was subtle and so the taste of the oysters was able to stand out. The steak was absolutely fantastic. Huge in portion and cooked perfectly to our preference (medium). I liked that the baby garlic and rosemary were seared (not only for decoration) and you could actually eat the leaves together with your meat. Chimichurri sauce and Himalayan pink rock salt on the side. So delicious. Hojicha crème brûlée was another highlight of our set. It smelt incredible. The creme custard was silky smooth and full of authentic hojicha tea flavour. The caramel top was light and crispy. You don’t want to miss this dessert. We also had two glasses of wine, black truffle & crab toasts, and a honey roasted pear Parma ham salad as starters. Good value, and the service was top notch. Highly recommended. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
⭐️評分:4/5-探店有驚喜!隱藏在鬧市2樓,午餐套餐份量大大份,用料豐富,發揮優質❤️💥網上訂座更有85折💥-✳️燒BBQ美國豬肋骨 Roasted Pork Rib 👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻肉質保留軟熟感,濕潤度高,散發豬肋骨位特有香氣,半肥瘦更上癮😍醬汁濃郁,賣相吸引伴碟連皮薯條灑上椒鹽,提鮮蕃茄、西蘭花、醃青瓜調味適宜中和油膩感👉🏻推薦👉🏻👉🏻-✳️慢煮北海道帶子配芝士檸檬忌廉汁意大利飯 Hokkaido Scallops Risotto 👍🏻較正宗,米粒吸收醬汁同時保留硬度,熟度偏生留存煙韌感忌廉醬汁濃稠,淡淡檸檬香帶子略熟,質地較結實,稍稍鮮味,個人喜好較生,而保留濕潤感-✳️餐湯 - 甘筍湯👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻有驚喜!個人好愛濃郁稠密蔬菜湯!!這個用料足,調味剛好去除甘筍清草味,提出鮮甜味😍蒜蓉包沾上湯汁,軟中帶脆,更豐富-午市套餐更有沙律、餐湯、蒜蓉包、餐飲,份量超足超滿足💕環境幽暗,雖然隱蔽,但都有不少「識食之人」!--⭐味道 4.5/5⭐️特色 4/5⭐️環境 4/5⭐️性價比 4/5 ⭐️服務 4/5 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)