7-min walk from Exit A2, Sheung Wan MTR Station
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It provides traditional Indian food. Tandoori chicken is marinated in lots of spices and after the roasting, the chicken is still juicy, and with the mint sauce for refreshment. There are also some authentic Indian snack and food such as naan and samosa.
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Opening Hours
12:00 - 00:00
Mon - Sun
12:00 - 00:00
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Online Booking Service Not Available
以印度及尼泊爾為主,第一次光顧,我們主攻尼泊爾菜式,夠惹味,芝士羊肉naan如沙漠般太乾燥了,一咬下去羊肉如紙碎跌出來....一小碗素食lentils要75元,而且偏鹹了,過了半天仍很口渴而134元的蝦有4隻及有很多調味料。女員工服務頗有禮的。用餐經驗還不錯,可惜最後發生了一段小插曲。話說我們經app 預約用現金優惠券,以往在其他餐廳也用過,到結帳時收銀員會自動扣除相關優惠額,但這次女員工卻忘記了,沒有自動扣除,而我們因有點趕時間而當時沒有為意,付款後轉頭才記起,但男老闆說單據已開,而且我們已付款,不可能退回優惠給我們.....。我真是感到無寧兩可......我們在app 預約時餐廳已經有紀錄,而且在入座時我們已清楚展示優惠券....為甚麼呢.....
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今日同朋友去開蘇豪,突然想食的異國風情既菜式,經過呢間Guru 裝潢好吸引,即刻入去,一試即刻愛上😳!!首先叫左第一度菜係「Piri Piri Jeera Prawn」,一出黎係鐵板上,渣渣聲香噴噴,未食已經好吸引!食落去味道唔係太辣,但香料十足🤤佢地好似仲有好多鐵板牛、雞同羊比你揀,下次真係要試曬佢🤤🤤之後我地叫左個咖哩牛肉,配一個脆卜卜既Garlic Naan,撈咖哩食真係一流!🥳齋食肉好似好唔健康,所以都有叫到一個Broccoli,聽落好似好簡單,但食落去有陣香料味,唔會好寡🌳老闆好好人!埋單時候仲請我地飲左杯Shot,如果唔係聽朝要早起身返工,一定Stay 多一陣!下次Weekend 呢間野我一定返轉頭呀!🌝🌝
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I went on a Friday evening. It was nice and quiet. We ordered beef curry and chicken korma with naan bread. The curry is served in cute little tin pots that look like buckets. Portion size is good and the curries were both very tasty. The only disappointing thing was that the meat wasn't good. The chicken was horrible and tough and I ended up just eating the sauce. They have many vegetarian dishes that I would want to try next time.
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