
Harbour Restaurant
Restaurant: Harbour Restaurant

To encourage eatery outlets to reduce food waste at source together with customers through offering portioned meals and adopting food waste reduction measures, the Environmental Protection Department has launched the “Food Wise Eateries” Scheme. Participants will be awarded with a Food Wise Eateries (FWE) accreditation status if they comply with the assessment criteria and will be granted with the FWE Logo and Stickers for displaying in the premises and their promotion for public identification. Applications are accepted all year round and are FREE of charge.

For details, please click here, https://www.wastereduction.gov.hk/zh-hk/waste-reduction-programme/food-wise-hong-kong-campaign

Exit A5, Wan Chai MTR Station continue reading
57212553 (WhatsApp)
Offering a captivating view of the harbour, the Harbour Restaurant of The Harbourview Hong Kong features a vast selection of international dining with buffet and a la carte dining that few Hong Kong hotel offer. From time to time, thematic dinner buffets featuring special or local tastes are introduced and culinary experts’ taste buds will be pleased with the sophisticated flavours hand-picked by team of Chefs. continue reading
Opening Hours
07:00 - 22:00
Mon - Sun
07:00 - 22:00
Payment Methods
Visa Master AlipayHK Alipay Cash Octopus AE UnionPay JCB Apple Pay WeChat Pay
Number of Seats
Other Info
Online Reservation
Alcoholic Drinks
May Bring Your Own Wine Details
Cake-cutting Details
Phone Reservation
Reward Dining Points
10% Service Charge
Sea View
Restaurant Website
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Harbour Restaurant
Harbour Restaurant lends a fashionable yet graceful flavour when a blend of different natural wood hues matches with deep colour carpet and a substantial use of glass panels. The restaurant serves splendid breakfast, lunch and dinner buffets in addition to a specially-picked a la carte menu, promises to please and delight every single palate.

About Reward Scheme
Review (353)
灣景廳位於灣景國際(The Harbourview)內,最近推出了以熊貓為靈感的主題下午茶,賣相造型精緻可愛😍 下午茶套餐價錢為HKD368(2位用),包括咖啡、茶 、金桔梳打特飲或竹庶茅根特飲🤩🐼「竹林探秘」熊猫主題下午茶🎋鹹點:🤍煙三文魚露筍忌廉芝士卷咸香的煙三文魚搭配香滑的忌廉芝士及清脆的露筍,口感豐富👍🏻🤍松葉蟹肉蘋果牛油果沙律鮮美的松葉蟹肉、脆爽的蘋果,搭配柔滑的牛油果,清新開胃🤩🤍酥炸紫蘇竹筍蝦餅炸得金黃酥脆,蝦肉彈牙,紫蘇葉更添香氣😌🤍金沙熊貓包賣相非常可愛🩶 鹹蛋黃內餡綿密絲滑🤤甜點:🤍麻糬椰子熊貓慕絲蛋糕好可愛!濃郁的椰子慕絲搭配麻糬內餡,層次豐富🥰🤍香橙熱情果慕絲蛋糕味道酸酸甜甜,清新怡人☺️🤍熊貓抹茶紅豆蛋糕卷可愛的熊貓與竹葉造型🥰 清香的抹茶搭配香甜的紅豆忌廉,甜而不膩😋🤍士多啤梨芝士蛋糕味道香濃甜美,口感輕盈,配上無花果作點綴💕整體食物味道非常不錯,鹹點及甜點的款式都很特別,賣相精緻,是性價比極高的afternoon tea~✨📍灣景廳 (Harbour Restaurant) - 灣仔港灣道4號灣景國際1樓 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
I saw this cute afternoon tea and decided to try it and prepaid through their hotel website.The panda tea set was quite cute. The desserts were mainly decorated with panda marshmellows. Although looking cute, this kinda of make the already sweet dessert even more sweeter. I suggest for drinks order their tea or coffee rather than the special drinks.The savory was better than the desserts. The panda bun was really cute with a runny yolk lava. The deep fried shrimp cake also was crunchy and piping hot, which suited the cold weather.However, the time of the afternoon tea should be more consistent. When we booked, the whatsapp stated it starts 230pm but as you can see the menu says 3pm. This venue is actually the buffet area so 2:30pm the lunch buffet just ended and the venue was not completely tidied except for the small area for the afternoon tea. Our tables were tided but what happened was the surrounding being filled with clattering noises of the cleaning for the lunch buffet service. This made chatting with my friend quite difficult. The staff was busy serving the afternoon tea guest while cleaning up at the same time, which I have to praise them for doing their best thus I will still rate their service as 5 stars. I think they need to communicate with their resesrvation centre to set the afternoon tea at 3pm. This would allow the staff to properly clean and tidy the area and focus serving the afternoon tea guest. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
「醇香滋味」微醺誘惑自助晚餐,灣景廳以冬日暖意滋味為食客帶來寒冬獨有的愜意時光....宣傳單張📃睇到呢度,我已經走咗去book位,帶邊個?梗係帶老婆去啦😆。位於灣仔 灣景國際酒店1️⃣樓嘅灣景廳用餐區十分舒適闊落,店員服務細心勤快,在餐區內不停遊走,為客人遞上餐具、紙巾或清潔枱面,呢點值得一讚👍。冷盤有生蠔🦪、加拿大鱈場蟹腳🦀、凍花螺🐚、麵包蟹、東風螺、藍青口、冰鎮蜆及富貴蝦🦐。生蠔🦪肉身飽滿無異味,其他海鮮質素都相當好,蟹肉一絲絲分明緊緻,麵包蟹🦀嫘哂膏,東風螺、蜆及富貴蝦🦐都爽口彈牙😋。鐵板燒有雞肉丸、牛舌、羊架、茄子及日本番薯,師傅坐鎮不停現燒🔥,保證熱辣辣,香口又惹味。到7:30🕢再加推燒鴨肝,口感油潤,入口即融,配上脆卜卜嘅多士,令人回味🤤。刺身選擇有三文魚、八爪魚、希靈魚、吞拿魚、劍魚及甜蝦等刺身。熱盤有咖哩羊腩、蒸魚、小籠包、鮑魚炆雞、黑椒牛仔骨及支竹炆羊腩,仲有炸蝦球、海鮮焗蟹蓋、片皮鴨、花腩卷、燒西冷牛扒及炸生蠔等等🥰。甜品區款式多不勝數,榴槤控必食嘅榴槤酥皮撻及榴槤撻😍,聖誕節蛋糕、黑森林蛋糕、朱古力冬甩、杯裝布甸、自製班戟及懷舊沙翁等。Duck嫂就鍾情於中式甜品,尤其豆腐花,滑溜嘅豆腐花配薑汁糖水、黃糖及紅豆,佢忍唔住食咗三碗。滋潤的糖水有紅棗圓肉雪耳,清甜又潤喉。當然唔少得我最愛häagen-dazs雪糕任食😍。飲品區特別設有一個雪櫃,放有多款樽裝汽水,比起汽水機更有誠意👍,飲樽裝汽水就係特別爽😍。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2024-12-11
熊貓寶寶太可愛了吧!看到這家酒店有熊貓主題下午茶,就決定過來吃一波啦😎。灣景國際就在會展對面,在地鐵灣仔或會展站去, 也只是幾分鐘路程欵。工作日下午茶時間人流少點,可以慢慢跟朋友享受一波,這個價位在酒店吃到性價比高🙈。-「竹林探秘」熊貓主題下午茶 HKD$368/2位用了黑色層架放著,給人一種簡潔的感覺🤭,可以打卡一下📸。這個下午茶套餐咸點和甜點各4款,附送飲品兩杯。細細件的食物造型精緻,甜品的賣相較為吸引欵🤩,因為有可愛熊貓造型😎。-🩷咸點🩷煙三文魚露筍忌廉芝士卷這個吃起來較有層次感,面層是香甜的無花果,煙三文魚和忌廉芝士感覺配合,因為也是微咸的味道,蘆筍是爽脆的口感,底下是香脆的餅乾,吃起來口感豐富。.松葉蟹肉蘋果牛油果沙律用了金邊透明玻璃杯裝著,是個開胃惹味又鮮甜的組合,賣相平凡但味道可以的。蟹肉鮮甜爽口,蘋果香甜爽脆,牛油果質感軟滑。.酥炸子酥竹筍蝦餅金黃色酥脆的咸點,吃起來外脆內軟。蝦餅肉質爽口,面層有爽脆的三文魚籽,所以口感也豐富。另有沙律醬中和了食物油膩感。.金沙熊貓包用的是迷你蒸籠放著挺可愛,分別是男和女造型的熊貓。打開的味道挺香,熱辣辣吃口感鬆軟。金沙感覺是咸蛋黃,咸咸甜甜的吃起來挺惹味。-🩷甜點🩷麻糬椰子熊貓慕斯蛋糕懶洋洋的可愛熊貓造型,熊貓頭是香甜的綿花糖。椰子慕絲質感軟滑。麻糬暗藏在慕斯裡,吃起來口感軟糯,蛋糕質素鬆軟。.香橙熱情果慕斯蛋糕顏色搶眼的甜品,面層有香橙和忌廉做點綴,簡單的賣相味道也可以的。用了酸酸甜甜的香橙和熱情果,所以味道較清新欵。.熊貓抹茶紅豆蛋糕卷仿竹子模樣的蛋糕卷,面層有隻小熊貓🤭,也是用綿花糖製的。蛋糕卷抹茶味道香濃,忌廉質感軟滑,裡有清甜的紅豆,多了份香甜味。蛋糕卷質感鬆軟,甜而不膩的味道。.士多啤梨芝士蛋糕有點像聖誕帽除,面層有香甜的無花果,底下用了椰絲圍邊。酸中帶微甜的味道,散發著淡淡芝士香味,質感軟滑細膩,再來一口咖啡挺寫意。-飲品可選擇咖啡、茶、金桔梳打特飲或竹蔗茅根特飲,冷熱也可選擇的。我們點了凍檸檬茶和熱咖啡,檸檬茶茶味甘香濃厚,熱咖啡味道香濃。- continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
為慶祝我們國寶熊貓🐼出生至現在剛過去的百日宴,有部分酒店都推出以熊貓做主題的項目,包括餐飲和住宿。今次灣景廳推出一個以《竹林探秘》為題的熊貓造型下午茶,非常得意可愛。當天都有好幾枱客人訂了這個下午茶,齊齊為這對可愛熊貓打打卡😄😄熊貓主題下午茶包括8款鹹甜美點,飲品除了咖啡/茶選擇外,還可有金桔梳打特飲/竹庶茅根特飲可選。這個下午茶可以一個人享用的,價錢方面:原價$248/位,兩位用就 $368(另加一服務費)。但今次我經openrice 訂非常之抵,預付價只需$312.8(已包加一服務費),再用埋平台的30元現金券,只要$282.8/兩位用,就可試到咁得意可愛造型的下午茶了。最後要讚下這里的經理和服務員,媽媽說竹庶茅根特飲比較甜,他們馬上幫她更換,態度良好,值得稱讚👍👍 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)