6-min walk from Exit D1, To Kwa Wan Station continue reading
61828988 (WhatsApp)
This Japanese restaurant is designed with wooden style and elegant decorations. The chef team had experience in working at high-end restaurants and hotels. It aims at providing sushi omakase which preserves the original flavor of each ingredient with refinement culinary technique. continue reading
Opening Hours
12:00 - 23:00
Tue - Sun
12:00 - 23:00
Payment Methods
Visa Master Alipay Cash AE UnionPay
Number of Seats
Other Info
Online Reservation
Alcoholic Drinks
VIP Room
Phone Reservation
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
About Reward Scheme
Review (56)
What a wonderful way to ring in the new year at Hashibami  ! Joyce and I had the pleasure of indulging in the exquisite Enoki menu, and it was an unforgettable culinary journey from start to finish.We kicked off our experience with a series of appetizers that set the tone for the evening. The seasonal chawanmushi was a silky delight, bursting with flavors, while the Hokkaido left-eye flounder showcased the freshness of the sea. One standout was the Hokkaido monkfish liver—presented in the most adorable way, resembling a scoop of ice cream. It was rich and creamy, offering a unique twist that we absolutely loved! The grilled miso-marinated black cod was another highlight, perfectly cooked with a delightful caramelization that enhanced its savory depth.Next up was the sushi courses, which was nothing short of spectacular. Each piece was crafted with care and precision. We savored the Hokkaido halfbeak, known for its delicate taste, followed by the Amori amberjack that melted in our mouths. The seasonal shellfish added a refreshing touch, while the Toyama Bay white shrimp was sweet and succulent.The Aomiri Ooma medium fatty tuna was a revelation, with its buttery texture, and the fatty tuna was even more indulgent. We also enjoyed the Nagasaki rosy seabass and Seto Inland Sea conger eel, both showcasing the chef’s expertise in highlighting the natural flavors of the fish.One of the most memorable dishes was the Saga seaweed paired with Hokkaido short-spined sea urchin and black truffle—a luxurious combination that elevated our dining experience to new heights. It is my second time enjoying it and it did not disappoint. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
装潢以原木色、竹帘、竹席为主,简约优雅细致度十足,还有仙鹤的装饰品,充满日式风情。我们午餐套餐包括4款前菜、8款寿司、手卷、汤品及1道甜品。前菜:🥚北海道毛蟹茶碗中-鲜嫩的鸡蛋配上蟹肉,暖暖的装在可可爱爱的小碗里🐙北海道章鱼刺身-两种部位的章鱼刺身,吸盘很爽脆,章鱼肉很有嚼劲,鲜嫩多汁、口感滑嫩鲜甜🌽北海道玉米天妇罗-北海道产玉米再炸了之后就更清甜,刚出锅的感觉烫烫的🐟静冈县烤鳗鱼-刚烤出来的鳗鱼皮很香脆,肉质扎实吃过前菜,紧接是8款寿司,按当天货源而即席炮制🍣 池鱼寿司 -现在是池鱼当季所以 肉质很肥美🍣鱿鱼-中间包着海胆和绵软的鱿鱼搭配,口感丰富🍣象拔蚌-厚身的象拔蚌口感扎实 充满了大海的味道🍣富山湾白虾 - 肉质晶莹剔透 鲜甜爽口 加上少少芝麻更为香口🍣青森县中拖罗鱼味香浓 口感软绵 带点嚼劲🍣青森县大拖罗油香四溢 入口即化🍣长崎县赤鯥鱼轻轻烧过的赤鯥鱼 闻起来又香吃起来又有甘甜味 鱼香味浓厚🍣濑户内海穴子这个满意炖煮的很绵软,师傅提醒可能有细骨,酱汁和细腻的肉质完美融合🍣佐贺海苔配北海道马粪海胆 黑松露这倒是餐厅的招牌菜首先用海苔天妇罗炸成u形去托住用海胆捞饭,之后师傅系毫不吝啬地放入大量鲜甜绵密既马粪海胆,最后加上新鲜即刨既一片片黑松露 ,所有味道都一次性在味蕾大爆发!🐣大分县兰黄玉子烧蛋香味浓又尝得到甜甜的味道最后还有味噌汤和时令水果日本哈蜜瓜结尾,超级满足的一餐。这家店真的cp值超高,能感受到店家的用心,一定会再访! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level2 2024-10-03
鍾意試下不同Omakase,搵到呢間紅磡嘅榛環境幾靚好光猛,檯面好闊落,員工十分Nice🩷本身好鐘意食鮑魚,佢個煮鮑魚非常好食,師傅仲用鮑魚肝做左醬,一d都唔苦,超級香濃,撈飯超正。🩷黑松露海膽超讚👍🏻👍🏻整體都滿意 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2024-08-22
Restaurant week試榛($800),坐得舒服😌,師父都皓傾,包sake可惜我唔飲酒轉蘋果汁🧃,壽司🍣刺身新鮮,有蟹肉蒸蛋、鯛魚、石垣貝,平時少食,爽口,白蝦、八爪魚🐙,平時都好少食,期望有貴d既嘢,燒帆立貝,有紫菜夾住,好味,池魚、甜蝦,肥美,北寄貝,好爽口、大吞拿魚腩,肥美,紫海膽,新鮮,三文魚子,師父話自己醃,醃得唔錯,仲有配海膽,赤鯥,魚中之王,正,醬油漬赤身,冇腥味,最後有埋手卷,大滿足 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level1 2024-07-14
There is a gold place in the area serving good authentic Japanese food, no matter a la carte or Omagase. Eric is one of the top Sushi chefs in HK with years of experience handling Japanese cuisine. I met him in TST, central and I’m recent years To Kwa Wan. Knowing him well, trust the way he handles food with extreme care and sometime a bit stubborn with regarding pursuit of highest food quality. If you have your own means of transportation, this is no questions best choice other than TST, MK area. And to me it’s OK as this is only 6 minutes from To Kwa Wan MTR station exit D. Highly recommend you come and try. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)