7-min walk from Exit L5, Tsim Sha Tsui / East Tsim Sha Tsui MTR Station continue reading
Honbo is a homegrown classic cheeseburger joint that celebrates simple and straightforward American-style burgers through honest cooking and careful sourcing of quality ingredients, including developing a unique all-natural potato milk bun recipe with artisanal baker. continue reading
Opening Hours
Mon - Sun
12:00 - 21:00
Payment Methods
Visa Master AlipayHK Alipay
Other Info
10% Service Charge
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Review (381)
Level4 2024-10-29
Honbo 呢間2020 年入選亞洲 Top 13 嘅手工 Burger 店,牛肉係由威斯康辛州入口美國牛肉,每日新鮮製作,肉質 juicy 牛味濃郁~ 連 pickle 都係由日本黃瓜自製醃製而成~誠意十足Honbo - 2x crispy beef, Cheese, Pickles, Onion, House Sauce - 係佢哋嘅 signature, smashed burger 嘅肉餅比較薄身,不過有兩片所以都唔會好削,呢款嘅口感會比較焦香帶點脆~Cheeseburger - Thick beef, Cheese, Pickles, Onion, Lettuce, House Sauce - 有埋生菜口感會更加清爽,神奇哋係完全唔會油膩Cheese fries (嗰日無曬 tots 有啲失望... ) Cheese 味好鹹香,薯條雖然油身但唔會好腍,又係一個係無得出錯嘅配搭Chili Crunch Brussels Sprouts 脆辣椰菜仔,神奇哋食落帶點老乾媽嘅風味海港城呢間分店仲有海景相伴~唯一係價錢偏高,平均都要200一位唔算好親民 (不過都真係好食過五人同 SS嘅) continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2024-09-23
港威商場漢堡包店舖好多人食,可能係佢隻吉祥物logo好得意食過幾次,內地人都多來幫襯,有得食漢堡好開心,仲有得望無敵大海景,店舖隔離有個露天180度海景,喺網紅打卡嘅好地方,喜歡坐低吹下風又可以。佢只係接受電子支付唔接受現金😂佢啲設計真係好得意,啲杯係可以買㗎叫咗外賣,唔係太遠距離都唔會出水。雞漢堡,個皮好脆,整體來說漢堡包比起其他舖頭更要好,唔會太甜,唔會太鹹,無論係醬汁,新鮮蔬菜,加上雞肉新鮮,又大塊,而且燒得好香,肉汁鎖住,食完係會飽肚。芝士薯波,口感就像薯餅一樣,只是一粒一粒溶芝士滲透晒落去啲薯波到,口感超正,好多粒兩人份量都可以👍醬汁喺香港好少食到,辣辣甜甜的不用加錢。最喜歡的sweet potato fans fries喺香港西式快餐店食唔到佢呢種味道 Well done👊 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2024-08-30
這間漢堡包店是心水漢堡包店。不但有海景,而且座位舒適,漢堡質素亦都唔錯。Honbo $98今日試吓經典漢堡。最正嘅係佢可以將麵包免費轉成生菜!估唔到這生菜包嘅造型唔錯,而且生菜10分爽脆,生菜配搭左充滿肉汁嘅漢堡,漢堡肉有肉味又有質感同平日食嘅漢堡扒不一樣,再配上半溶芝士,拌上生菜清新嘅口感,味道幾正,亦都少啲罪惡感,完全啱晒生酮飲食嘅我。正!Lemonade 呢杯嘢幾好飲,但酸甜嘅味道剛剛好,還有清新嘅青瓜和少少薄荷葉嘅香味,入口清新冰涼,配漢堡一流。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2024-08-21
Honbo在不收現金的爭議後, 人潮或多或少受到影響, 應該說在飲食業的寒冬, 比起爭議更影響生意的是有消費能力的人的減少, 不論是因為移民, 還是經濟原因. 百多元一個漢堡, 接近二百元的套餐, 不是必須要去花費而品嚐. Smash Burger在Honbo之前並不太盛行, 但現在要吃也不太困難, 自從開分店成為連鎖集團之後, 就少了一分獨特性.漢堡包吃起上來還是可以的, Smash Burger的重點是一手能拿起, 一口能咬住, 還有香脆的漢堡扒外層, 就是壓着漢堡扒來煎的特色, 麵包軟熟, 不會太乾, 再加上半溶化的芝士和本身充滿肉香味的漢堡扒, 配合起來其實不會和本初開店的時候, 風味相差太遠, 如果說可以再好一點的就是多一點的脂粒, 就是可以再大開大合些. 水牛城雞翼出奇地好, 甚至比薯條來得出色, 特別喜歡其酸辣平衡, 還有沾醬之後外皮的香脆, 應該是在快餐店裏吃過最有平衡度的水牛城雞翼. 老實說水準保持得算是很不錯, 這兒不是食物的問題還是收銀的問題, 而是市場對於中價食物, 而又有膠便宜取代品的生存問題.After the controversy over Honbo‘s decision to not accept cash, their customer flow has been affected to some extent. In the current economic downturn, the decrease in the number of consumers with spending power is more impactful than the controversy itself, whether it is due to immigration or economic reasons. With burgers priced over a hundred dollars and combo meals close to two hundred, it is not necessary to spend that much for a meal. Smash Burger was not as popular before Honbo, but now it is not difficult to find. Since becoming a chain store, it has lost some of its uniqueness. The burgers are still tasty, with a crispy outer layer and a soft bun, and the buffalo wings are surprisingly good, with a perfect balance of sweet and spicy flavors. The overall quality remains good, but the issue is not with the food or the cashier, but rather the competition from cheap alternatives in the mid-priced food market. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2024-07-18
2/5Sweet potatoes fries not crunchy, nothing special. Burger bun is nice, just QB mayo is abit boring. Teriyaki chicken steak is just standard.Buffalo wings texture and sauce is just alright, blue cheese dip is good tho. Coleslaw too sour and too much dressing. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)