Exit A, Causeway Bay MTR Station continue reading
All Branches (2)
Opening Hours
11:00 - 15:00
18:00 - 23:00
Mon - Fri
11:30 - 15:00
18:00 - 23:00
Sat - Sun
11:00 - 15:00
18:00 - 23:00
Public Holiday
11:00 - 15:00
18:00 - 23:00
Payment Methods
Visa Master AlipayHK Alipay Cash AE UnionPay JCB WeChat Pay
Number of Seats
Other Info
Alcoholic Drinks
May Bring Your Own Wine Details
Parking Details
Phone Reservation Details
Delivery Details
10% Service Charge
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Review (41)
Level4 2024-12-07
初次體驗,我又覺得幾好喎!閑日嚟食晚飯,唔多人,有兩台大圍嘅,看似係商務飯局,所以比較嘈少少,服務員特意安排比較遠嘅枱俾我哋,所以就冇感覺到好嘈。兩個人唔叫得多嘢食,分別嗌咗兩款湯,包括杏汁燉白肺,同埋菜膽竹笙燉北菇湯。另外叫咗個蝦,一個白飯魚煎蛋,同埋一個菜。個蝦係服務員推介嘅,都唔係一啲特別貴價嘅菜式,亦都真係好味,夠香口。佢哋服務都好好,由於食蝦有好多蝦殼,佢哋都不斷為我哋更換個碟,起碼都換咗三次。成個晚餐嘅過程我都覺得服務好周到,嘢食好味,會再嚟。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Imperial Treasure is a very nice Cantonese restaurant. The service is nice, professional and welcoming .Lunch there with very nice dim sum. Totally worth the price.Kale with ginger juice and yellow wine was cooked to the exact correct point, retaining some crunch. Dim sum was very meticulously executed. The taste seems lower in salt, therefore healthy without compromise on taste.However we had a bit of annoyance filling in the membership application form using their website on my phone. It has huge navigation issues, such as having to punch a calendar key many many times to get back to my year of birth, not allowing viewing of the password while being created and confirmed with typing it again, therefore I thought I was not getting it right several times because they keep displaying a message to say I have to re-enter, only to find out they failed to say it is ok because in fact the password and its confirmation turned out to be correct after all. Finally at the last page, when they required me to consent to the free marketing use of my name, date of birth, phone number and email address. These are not agreeable to me.So, after a long long process it came to nothing. Really spoiled the lunch experience. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level1 2023-04-14
復活節當日,打算一家人去慶祝下,於是訂咗一點去飲茶,接電話職員就話一點十五分會好啲,於是我哋一點左右到了,打算等一等便入坐,點知等到一點三十五分都未有動靜,我哋就問職員,跟住幾個客人都一齊追問,職員淨係話睇睇,幫你睇睇,其實睇都冇用,因為啲客都未有跡象要離坐又未埋單,根本唔會有枱。其實職員做嘢問題,喺尖沙咀唔會有呢個情況,我去過尖沙咀分店無數次,每次都安排好好,話左兩輪就真係會預早半小時問你加唔加野食準備埋單,準備下輪俾其他客人。今次第一次嚟銅鑼灣就出事,等到小朋友發脾氣要走。點解兩分店會有咁大差別待遇,唔敢有下次。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level1 2022-12-10
不礼待遇订了枱中午1时, 到1点半还沒有安排入座, 而柜台竟然1点15分已經空无一人, 詢問無門! 多次行入大堂找工作人员查詢, 但全部都聽了便算,當我們傻仔般。 我們来光顾仲要睇你們面色, 劉華話齋今時今日咁嘅服務態度仲可以生存。我建議你們要好好再去職業培訓,最少學會待客之道。冇枱就唔好overbook,客人的時間很寶貴, 唔係咁得閒等半個鐘而無人理會! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
趁現在未過年十五,分享一下年初一和家人的新年午飯吧 XD本來今年打算年初一在家過,不過表妹由美國回來已好一陣子,那就出來見見面,拜拜年。表妹挑了「御寶軒」,之前吃過尖沙咀分店,今次就來銅鑼灣分店。先來「素菜炸春卷」$48家母說好意頭,喻意黃金滿屋,加上她偏吃素菜多,這個正合她心意:新鮮炸起,裏面主要是椰菜餡,食味不差,也很脆口。「黑松露菜苗餃」$52完全吃不到黑松露味道,也無謂懷疑人生吧 XD 雖然明知現成的黑松露醬都是加工合成製品,有沒有我也不太在意,不過當然餐廳加了這三個字,點心也可以賣貴兩個錢 「什菌如意餃」$45這個皮薄餡極多,脹卜卜,相當不俗,吃了萬事如意!我們安歌了兩碟呢。「柱侯金錢肚」$48,純粹我個人想食也好意頭,就來一份:可能之前的點心比較淡味,這個重口味帶少許辣勁,得到家人一致讚賞!墊底的白蘿蔔索晒味,也是寶:「筍尖鮮蝦餃」$58表妹每次飲茶都會想食炸芋角或鹹水角,今次她選了後者「安蝦鹹水角」$45脆皮軟糯,不如春卷般油膩,表妹吃得很滋味 XD腸粉來了兩碟,應該是收錯單,不過既來之則安之 (是否現在應保持的正面心態???),新正頭開開心心,也無謂爭辯,吃不下就拿走吧。「春風得意腸」$70,入面包的就是蝦春卷:「鮮蝦蒸腸粉」$58,蝦大隻及爽彈,我更愛這個:「菠蘿叉燒包」$48記憶中由細到大我都好少食菠蘿包,可能它變做墨西哥皮會更得我歡心:「金牌蜜汁叉燒」$168 / 例牌叉燒是梅頭肉,表面有少許燒焦的痕跡:吃去肉質鬆化、軟腍,帶蜜味香甜,確不錯,亦最得我歡心!粥粉麵飯要了簡單的「豉油王炒麵」$118,好想配余均益辣椒醬啊:大家齊齊撈起:甜品「流心奶黃煎堆仔」$45祝大家心想事成,笑口常開,最緊要是身體健康,百毒不侵,疫情盡快消失!!! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)