
Ivan The Kozak
6-min walk from Exit D2, Central MTR Station continue reading
Ivan The Kozak is a traditional Russian and Ukranian restaurant that offers Hong Kong a real taste of Eastern European cuisine. Apart from food, the restaurant also has 20 different kinds of Russian vodka, Czech wine, Austria beer and Hungary red wine. continue reading
Good For
Romantic Dining
Group Dining
Special Occasion Dining
Opening Hours
12:00 - 15:00
18:00 - 22:00
Mon - Sun
12:00 - 15:00
18:00 - 22:00
Payment Methods
Visa Master Cash AE UnionPay JCB Apple Pay Google Pay PayMe
Number of Seats
Other Info
Online Reservation
Alcoholic Drinks
May Bring Your Own Wine
VIP Room
Phone Reservation
Reward Dining Points
10% Service Charge
Restaurant Website
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.







About Reward Scheme
Review (492)
「Ivan The Kozak」係一間烏克蘭餐廳,已經開業好多年,實不相瞞我細細個已經食過🫢,搬左上樓後今次真係第一次到訪傳統羅宋湯秘製豬肋骨伴白飯龍脷柳雜錦蔬菜伴白飯甜品環境同裝飾都係以東歐風情為主調,好有特色,羅宋湯係正宗既烏克蘭羅宋湯,以紅菜頭為主,好好飲而主食雖然唔係好有東歐特色,但味道不錯,中環呢個價錢仲要有埋甜品 & 餐飲真係算抵食,仲可以book位,lunch time唔想排隊又想坐得舒舒服服咁食一餐,呢度真係一個唔錯既選擇 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2025-02-04
雖然已經想去好多年,但都係最近先食到,由烏克蘭人主理,菜式比較少見 𓌉◯𓇋<傳統烏克蘭羅宋湯> ʜᴋᴅ 78同平時港式西餐廳食到嘅羅宋湯完全唔一樣,質地更稀,味道偏酸<招牌芝士焗牛脷盅> ʜᴋᴅ 108店員會先幫手將蓋上嘅麵包切塊,之後可以用嚟配芝士牛舌食。牛脷分量好多而且每塊都好軟淋,芝士可能用mozzarella 為主所以鹹香唔太重<馳名基輔炸雞扒> ʜᴋᴅ 198新鮮即叫即炸嘅基輔雞扒係每枱必嗌,炸衣好脆但雞扒多汁嫩滑,調味反而唔太突出,伴碟嘅薯片就過咗火🔥<酸奶燉磨菇> ʜᴋᴅ 78本身會擔心太膩,點知只係微微creamy,配埋麵包食都唔錯<烏茲別克雞肉餃子> ʜᴋᴅ 88拳頭咁大隻餃子🥟皮唔算薄但配合咁多餡係平衡嘅。終於有啲唔同嘅調味,肉味濃但唔過鹹,重口味人士可試<烏克蘭蜂蜜蛋糕> ʜᴋᴅ 88有啲似紮實版木糠布甸,蛋糕濕潤但相對粗糙(唔係話佢唔好食,只係呢款蛋糕本身質地係咁),蜂蜜味突出,忌廉亦比較厚重,建議兩個人share冇咁容易膩◟̆◞̆·今次食嘅大部分菜式調味相似,其實同去歐洲食嘅都差唔多 ( ꙭ ) 試過就好 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2025-01-17
Bookmarked this Ukrainian resto for over five years, and finally had the chance to visit it twice with two grps of friends. .For the first visit, we ordered the following dishes to share:-Ivan the KozakThe pork ribs were marinated in vodka, honey and soy sauce. The staff set the ribs on fire when serving them, presenting the dish in a delightful manner. -Grill Lamb RibsThe lamb, served with tomato sauce, was tender yet slightly greasy. -Pistachio Ukrainian Honey CakeMy friend ordered this as my bday cake🫶🏻. The cake was moist and its pistachio flavour was quite prominent. They also decorated the dish with a pretty bday greeting. For the second visit, we shared the following dishes.-Ox Tongue with Cheese in Clay PotThe thick ox tongue was served with mushrooms, cheese in mushroom sauce and pastry. The cheese had a strong aroma and was stringy, which complemented the soft ox tongue nicely. -Plove in Uzbek StyleThe stewed rice was fried with beef, lamb and chickpeas. The rice was grainy and smelled fragrant with the spices. -Chicken KievThe deep-fried chicken breast with butter were outstanding. Served with homemade potato chips, the chicken was piping hot and incredibly crispy. Its interior was succulent, with the melting butter overflowing when sliced. -Classic Ukrainian Honey CakeThe sweetness of the classic honey cake was on point, and the walnuts increased an extra layer of flavour. Me and my friend ordered Mors and Kvass for drinks respectively. Mors was a homemade non-carbonated cranberry juice, while Kvass was a non-alcoholic Slavic wheat soda. I enjoyed the combination of sweetness and sourness in my Mors, which heightened my appetite for the food. .The family-run resto exuded Eastern European characteristics. The lighting design, layout, red dining tables and napkins added to the Eastern European atmosphere. The dim lighting created an emotional and exotic ambiance. The place was a bit crowded though. .The resto sold Ukraine products like postcards, and the proceeds were donated to support victims of the ongoing Ukrainian War. May peace be with them soon. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
一間好有特色嘅烏克蘭菜餐廳,值得再食!傳統烏克蘭羅宋湯好飲!同一般羅宋湯唔同,佢係用紅菜頭、豬肉煲成,好足料,每啖都飲到蔬菜。紅菜頭鯡魚沙律好好食,好清新開胃,無草青味。小食煎薯餅,好香脆,入面有薯仔絲好有口感!牛脷盅係每次必食!嫩滑、好腍、好香,雖然睇落好細盅,但好多牛脷!炸雞扒,雞扒好滑、多汁服務友善!職員會介紹餐牌、餸菜特色。佢地知道屋企人生日會主動幫我地影相,服務好好,屋企人食左一次之後都好記得呢間餐廳,值得再食! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level1 2025-01-14
近排過開中環,終於有機會黎呢間已經聽聞咗好耐嘅東歐餐廳。位置係大館對面,我哋都行咗一陣先搵到。一出𨋢門已經見到好多關於烏克蘭嘅旗同公仔,餐廳入面都好多烏克蘭特色擺設,應該係老闆娘喺烏克蘭帶返嚟,成個環境好有歐洲小餐館嘅感覺😍我哋叫咗兩個set lunch, 我同朋友都叫咗羅宋湯,佢同平時飲開嘅羅宋湯有啲唔同,比較多紅菜頭,幾得意主菜方面,我叫咗羊扒,個扒煎得好香,同埋唔會臊,怕臊嘅人都食到👍朋友就叫咗芝士牛脷飯,我唔食牛所以冇試到,但朋友話牛脷好冧好入味,大推牛脷飯😆set lunch有包甜品,不過唔記得影相🤣味道偏甜,可能東歐人都比較重口味總結中環lunch 百零蚊有湯有甜品嘢食,主菜質素中上,的確有誠意,有機會都想試埋佢哋晚市😋 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)