3-min walk from Exit B, Sai Wan Ho MTR Station continue reading
本店供應接近30款曲奇﹐另有甜品蛋糕﹐Brownies, 自家制花生醬。善於提供婚宴曲奇﹐回禮餅﹐公司開會派對曲奇蛋糕。手工曲奇可因應客人要求寫上特別字句。 continue reading
Opening Hours
Mon - Sun
11:00 - 19:30
Payment Methods
Visa Master Cash AE UnionPay
Other Info
Alcoholic Drinks
10% Service Charge
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Signature Dishes
曲奇 自家制花生醬 杏仁脆片 紅莓芝麻麥條 拿破崙 海鹽腰果
Review (57)
Every year, I like to try the mooncakes from different shops instead of only getting the ones from famous brands. My friend got us this custard mooncake supreme gift box ($298) the other day and I really liked it!The cookie crust was pretty sweet and not too dry so it didn’t break into tiny pieces when bitten. The custard fillings were amazing as they’re perfectly seasoned.Taste: 👅👅👅1/2Value for Money: 💰💰💰1/2(on a scale of 0-5 emojis)hkfoodtour’s official verdict: Very nice custard mooncakes. Good for giving as gifts and self-use. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level2 2018-07-09
家人70歲壽辰,多年糖尿病的她,我們很想訂製她可進食的蛋糕慶祝,查詢多間著名餅店不是無提供就價錢太貴,最後得朋友提供Joey's Cake,起初以為低糖蛋糕應該不會太好味,但晚膳所有賓客及我自己試後亦感到味道不錯,所以希望可藉此分享予有需要的人 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2017-08-27
第500篇的食評. 是有關筆者牛一的. 尖子經常取笑筆者其中一篇食評, 說為什麼生日要自己買生日蛋糕給自己. 哈哈, 全因筆者咀刁, 通常喜愛的食店也比較遙遠, 沒有很多朋友跟筆者那樣有耐性和瘋癲呢!是日尖子買了個蛋糕回來, 是Joey’s 的出品, 打開蛋糕盒子, 是tiramisu 蛋糕啊!! 在硏究為什麼尖子知道筆者的口味同時, 也在欣賞這個生日蛋糕的賣相, 生日牌很精美啊! 試一口, tiramisu的咖啡味非常濃郁, 濃郁的程度就尤如喝咖啡一樣, 味道沒有過分苦澀! 口感很厚實, 又帶丁點濕潤. 雖然酒味欠奉, 亦即不夠正宗, 也整體也很不錯, 是不俗的改良版tiramisu. 謝謝尖子的辛勞, 讓筆者大飽口福. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level2 2017-01-08
雖然小店在後街,地方不太,但係總是好多人岀岀入人。一直俾門口既蛋糕吸引左好耐,終於有日係附近收工,可以買件返屋企食。最後心思思,呢就買左兩件。第一件係榛子朱古力蛋糕食落竟然好似繽紛樂,佢既榛子醬做得好好食👍🏻而且不會太甜第二件係意大利芝士蛋糕食左一個反應就係狂咳😂因為上面d粉太足料不過其實佢係咖啡蛋糕來,買時都冇留意到。平時唔飲咖啡我成個食哂味道唔錯架,不過底個d蛋糕濕左d😉下次會再試其他蛋糕 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level2 2017-01-02
今次係第二次喺Joey's買蛋糕今次因為晏左少少去去到生日蛋糕只賣淨tiramisu同New York cheese cake最後個人因爲覺得tiramisu靚啲而買左起初見無曬其他較特別嘅蛋糕有些少失望但食落先知原來tiramisu 係可以咁好味!平時食開通常都有啲過甜同個餅係濕濕林林但呢個周邊嘅餅整得好鬆化蛋糕亦唔會過甜得嚟味道好清新食得出個蛋糕整得好用心好鍾意名牌仲寫得好靚同好快就寫到俾我以後會多啲幫襯Joey's嘅蛋糕 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)