Opening Hours
Mon - Sun
09:00 - 18:00
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Outdoor Seating
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Signature Dishes
Eggs Benedict Terimayo Dog
Review (11)
Level2 2013-02-20
This little place has a really refreshing and unique atmosphere. The shop is tiny but feels open and clean. The hand decorated blackboard style signage makes it feel one of a kind. The service was friendly and prompt and they are open to have modify the meal a bit (leave out ham or bacon for vegetarians). We tried the eggs benedict which was very creamy and at a good price compared to other options in Sai Kung. Also the egg omelette with a croissant (which we requested to vegetarian which means it was then scrambled eggs), was cooked just right so not to runny or rubbery. Both had a tiny 'salad' which was a nice touch with a tart salad dressing that was an unusual taste for breakfast. The portion size for both was small but filling, perfect for doing something active soon after. Do not expect the 'Full English' British or 'Family Style American' sizes, think more Japanese/Hong Kong "Western" size. They also included some strong coffee (I think tea is an option too) in the set price. Having some jam to add to the croissant as an option would be great.We also had a yoghurt smoothie, which was very sweet, well blended to an icy smooth texture and cold. It would be a great on a hot day. However in this case the portion size was huge and we found great to share or perhaps another time as a small meal in itself. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2013-02-15
Saw these new cute apple pies so had to try them, on my earlier visit they were sold out, so I got them on a later visit.★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★Mini apple pie:The shape of these apple pies were like wedges of deep fried apple.Initially I thought they were literally wedges of apple coated in flour and deep fried, but it was diced apple in cinnamon sauce inside.The taste of these apple bites were quite nice, however it was weird they were sprinkled with salt, or perhaps they had mistaken the salt for sugar.★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★Cute menu:★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★ continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2013-02-02
來到周日,跟男友又去西貢逛逛。時間尚早,先去「Juicy J's」吃個熱狗,待晚一點再去吃大餐 這裡主打日式熱狗,款式都挺特別,+$15 可轉套餐。店內環境雅致,牆上的粉筆畫很有心思,也有不少明星熟客呢。我最想試的是「柚子酢醬油」和「微辣味噌」,今次先試試前者。熱狗即叫即造,製作需時,故先來一罐可樂。 柚子酢醬油熱狗,麵包像英式鬆餅,口感鬆化,比傳統的麵包更好吃 香腸可選蜜糖腸 / 黑椒腸 / 原味,蜜糖腸的外層香脆,肉質 juicy,惟蜜糖味不夠明顯。醬汁味道咸咸酸酸,可以吃到零碎的柚子肉、檸檬皮,蠻開胃的。我不愛吃蔥,如果能換成紫菜更好。套餐附送一份小吃,選了一口蘋果。炸得金黃香脆,灑上少許糖霜,就如迷你的蘋果批。可惜蘋果粒粒酸甜度不足,致整體味道只是一般。除了熱狗外,還有其他熱食 / 特飲都很吸引,值得下次再來 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2013-01-12
好天好陽光是出外走走的首要借口西貢一個只轉乘一程小巴之地區,其實對我來說倒時十分方便我會選上平日入鎮,因沒有太多人...上次曾經路過而過門不入,今次趁著興致仍在、就入內探個究竟一張細長之bar枱,兩張小型之木紋枱櫈、便構成了這間小小咖啡店Egg Benedict要做得出色其實真是易學難易揀上煙三文魚egg benedict配咖啡$58.咖啡是煲煮咖啡,香氣平平、加上沒有打熱之小杯冰凍鮮奶,溫溫呑呑真是帶不上甚麼咖啡之神韻所在煙三文魚Egg Benedict也在差不多十分鐘後進駐上場為何我會說易學難易?水煮蛋的功夫無疑做得好好,刺穿後蛋黃汁亦澎湃如注鬆餅亦烘得脆意非常,敗畢在於煙三文魚、呈現淡淡微橙黃之煙三文魚,薄如輕紗入口淡而不濃,更論不上有甚麼口感來、店家著重於水煮蛋的功夫、卻遺失了配角之風彩權衡軟重,配角先色其實更好的主角也難擔大旗至於身旁之薯仔亦炸得十分香脆,不作比較的話可能稱得上合格出門時沒有舔舔利之回味感,教人有點無耐希望貴店能多加關注,雖則明知來貨已是百物騰貴但味分天下,要做出個名堂有時是要先付出些微代價。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2012-11-21
食到七八成飽喇 , 正所謂萬事俱備 , 只欠東風 , 仲爭杯飲品 ~我地一直亂咁行 , 行到黎呢度有間叫 Juicy J's o既特式小店 ,門外有兩張木枱 , 店內則好似 bar 枱咁 , 左右各一排高座位 門前o既餐牌上有 smoothies 系到o既介紹 , 標榜 100% 天然 , 幾款鮮果口味 , 都幾吸引 , 於是步入小店 , 見牆身都好似黑板咁餐牌就全部畫左上去 , 睇下睇下 ... 明明只係想飲野 , 變左食成個餐 @@"套餐是指任何一款熱狗 , 加 $ 15 可配一款小食及汔水一杯 , 全因熱狗們o既口味夠特別 , 好日式 , 店員又用心推介 , 又忍唔住再食1. 微辣味噌熱狗~ 比我想像中大件 , 熱狗腸選了蜜糖味 , 腸衣薄脆 , 熱狗腸充滿肉汁 , 熱烘烘的 , 味道略為普通 , 找不著蜜糖味 , 面包同樣剛烘起 , 暖暖的表面有 d 白色粉末 , 感覺好似食緊英式鬆餅 , 外脆內軟 , 相當不錯味噌醬汁配上紫菜 , 用黎做熱狗醬真係好新鮮 , 亦估唔到可以咁配搭味噌醬好濃稠 , 味道有點酸 , 帶輕微辛口 , 同平時飲面豉湯o個種味唔同反而有 d 似中式o既磨豉醬o個種香 , 加上紫菜一起食 , 果然美味 =)2. 一口脆蘋果~ 從賣相睇 , 仲以為係一片片蘋果咁拎去炸 , 咬開先發現內有乾坤原來蘋果係切小方丁 , 再加炸粉掐成一片片 , 灑上肉桂味糖霜 , 清香撲鼻 , 外層香脆 , 中間軟腍得黎帶爽口蘋果粒 , 酸甜好味 肉桂糖份量適合 , 不會過甜 , 如店員所講 , 好似食緊一口蘋果批3. Pina colada smoothies~ 套餐本身包一杯汔水 , 但我地走埋黎就係因為對 smoothies 感興趣於是加錢選配特飲 ... 其實都唔係加錢 , 係另外買一杯 Smoothies 但平 $ 3以往飲過o既 smoothies , 都比較似奶昔多過滑冰 , 而且大都偏重奶味而呢杯就剛好相反 , 口感係似沙冰但較沙冰綿滑 , 乳酸味及菓味居多菠蘿o既清甜 , 混上輕微椰香 , 本來就係美味o既搭檔 , 再配上乳酸 ,係我飲過最清新且不甜膩o既 smoothies , 下次要再試其他口味 !!## 相信如果呢個熱狗餐係我地行程o既第一站 , 我更加好食 , 但能夠o係我地只餘 1/4 胃納o既情況下都給予好評 , 可證殊不簡單 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)