3-min walk from Exit D1, Central MTR Station continue reading
Awards and Titles
Michelin 1 Starred Restaurant (2023-24)
Opening Hours
12:30 - 14:00
18:00 - 20:00
20:30 - 22:30
Mon - Sat
12:30 - 14:00
18:00 - 20:00
20:30 - 22:30
Payment Methods
Visa Master AlipayHK Alipay Cash AE UnionPay
Number of Seats
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Review (16)
他對所有客人似乎都沒什麼好感,板前只有6席而已。每次客人跟他說話,他幾乎都不會直視客人,偶爾會用一種冷漠又鄙視的異樣眼神斜視著他們,好像在冷冷端詳冷庫深處放了很久的魚幹還能不能吃?這樣的眼神總是讓我有種說不明白的歉罪,彷彿來這花了5K/2位 用餐是打擾了他。這間米其林一星「割烹凛」與隔壁的米三「Sushi Shikon」共享後廚,似乎也共享服務經理,至少有50%的時間沒服務生在場,長時間無人往空空如也的啤酒杯裡加酒。板前的調味缸如破損的文物,缺口很刺眼。如果不是最後乾掉三碗禦飯,一定吃不飽。不管我再怎麼準時到達用餐,應熱呼呼的菜式永遠是冷的———烤「赤鯥」竟然被涼涼的醬汁覆蓋降溫了,香氣全無;天婦羅蜂斗菜也被並不鮮美的醬料浸潤而失去了脆彈感…最新的2024東京米其林指南將連續多年米其林三星“壽司吉武”降為二星。而由吉武與Shikon合營的香港割烹店Kappo-Rin卻拿下了一個第一名————主廚是我見過的最粗魯無禮的日本廚師。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level3 2024-02-03
今晚嘅食空,真系讓我開左眼界🤩!先講講嗰個熱辣辣上枱的雪場蟹,呢道菜枱面見到就已經心思思。高湯鮮甜得黎,加入個青檸吊味,清新得嚟帶點微辣,唔止平平無奇,真系木有得頂!不過蟹肉稍嫌太鹹,要小心分配下口感。再黎講講嗰個燒香魚,外皮微微焦脆,入口後那香葉嘅清新香氣間中彈出,同燒香味嘅組合,真系得意!食落點點骨感又唔礙事,燒香魚原來除咗蒸之外,咁樣食都正!最後講吓嗰個和牛飯,呢個先至系我最心水!和牛嘅嫩滑令人難以忘懷,而且賣相一流👀!醬汁搞到我全程大讚,即係甜嗰啲,都系好入味。十三少都讚不絕口,咁嘅好菜,唔食多啲飯,真系對唔住自己!食落之後,嗰份滿足,真系言語難以形容😌。和牛、香魚同蟹肉,我喺度美食之旅飛一趟日本,感覺正!要形容今次嘅體驗,只有“廿四味”可以用,就系由眼到心,由心到口,無一不精彩!🍣🦀🍚 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2023-09-19
Initially we planned to go on 8/9 but due to the black rain signal, we delayed our meal to 14/9. Luckily, it was available. There are 2 dinner time slots but due to work, we chose 8:30pm session.The menu changes every season depending on the ingredients.The first dish was already quite surprising. Seldom would there be mustard in a japanese dish but this worked perfectly. The mustard was so deliciately presented they warned us not to mistaken it was a food item and put it in our mouth in one go.The marinated tuna was perfect  already but the shiso flowers made the aroma of the dish more special and gave it a nice aesthetic touch.The dashi stock was next and I was curious why they sprayed water on top of the bowl when served. Later I did some research and found out this was a method to ensure it was not reopened and poisoned by others in the old days. Although I am sure I won't be poisoned, it was really a nice touch to add this tradition when preparing this menu.The aroma of the yuzu definitely elevated the whole dashi.The dried sheets of seaweeds were further heat up to give an extra crisp. They told us to have it as quickly as possible as the crunchiness can be lost quite soon.The Matsusuka Wagyu was basically melting in my mouth when I had it.The crab dish was presented a unique way which was really fun to have.  Despite the dish was covered with the mist, after the mist is gone, you can see how all the ingredients are still arranged meticiously.The dish was another surprise. I never imagined figs in a Japanese savory dish let alone being paired with the uni but their sweetness actually complemented each other splendidly. There was so much chestnuts in the rice that I almost wanted seconds.Time for dessert. The ice for our shaved ice was actually a natural ice formed in Yamagata which the chef made with his machine(not available at market anymore). As it was formed in nature, the air content is really low and the shaved ice could be very soft, almost like cotton.This description was definitely correct. After adding the matcha and red beans, it was so soft I nearly thought I was having ice cream.The final dish was the amazake. Ginger was added as it was to balance the shaved ice that we had previously.The dinner though pricey, given its quality and and seeing the chef in action and meticulousness, was totally worth every penny. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2023-08-29
This Japanese restaurant is located in The Landmark Mandarin Oriental, just adjacent to Sushi Shikon. Led by Chef Masaru Furukawa, it has been awarded Michelin one-star status in 2023. The word ‘kappo’ means ‘cut and cook’, highlighting this style of Japanese cuisine with the chef cooking in front of customers and interact.Dinner service has two periods, one starting at 6pm and the other 8:30pm. We had reserved the earlier slot and were seated at the end of the beautiful hinoki counter, which could accommodate 8 customers. The décor was nice, having an elegant and traditional ambience as if one was in Japan.The Dinner Menu cost $2,500 each and I also ordered a bottle of sake: 東洋美人 純米大吟醸 プリンセスミチコ ($1,700). The yeast used in this sake came from a rose variety known as ‘Princess Michiko’, which was presented from England when the current Empress was the crown princess. It had an elegant nose with a nice sweetness, good pairing with the food on the night.The first course already drew a gasp of wonder when it was presented. On a fresh green lotus leaf was an orange lantern flower, or Alkekengi. Opening inside was a piece of nicely grilled Eel, with crispy skin and great umami flavours of the unagi sauce, and with a bit of wasabi and sancho leaves to add a hint of spicy notes. Underneath was some shredded Cucumber with a crunchy texture to contrast, and also helped to freshen the palate. A wonderful appetizer.The second course featured Straw Smoked Bonito, with the chef marinated the skipjack tuna in soy sauce briefly, giving it an extra layer of savoury flavour, which also brought forward the umami taste, in addition to the fragrant straw smoky note. Everything was so balanced and harmonized. Instead of having wasabi, it was paired with seaweed paste which got radish mixed in. Truly delicious sashimi.The third course showcased how the chef paid attention to all details. While the chef prepared the dashi in front of us, the sous chef poured hot water to heat up the serving bowl. When everything was ready, the Hairy Crab Dumpling was taken out from the steamer to the bowl, together with Abalone and Green Yuzu. Pouring the dashi in and then covered with lid, the sous chef sprayed some clean water on the bowl, as a tradition to show that the bowl had not been opened or tampered. The hot clear soup was amazing in taste, with the crab meat dumpling sweet and delicate. The abalone offered a good bite, but I did not think it was truly necessary to add that given the dish was so good already. Amazing soup.Originally in the menu the fourth course featured Taichio, but since there were some incredible Kinmedai available the chef decided to use them instead. He also perfectly grilled the Matsutake Mushroom on hibachi, cooking through but not drying. These prized matsutake was called ‘early matsu’ as they were harvested before the normal season. Paired with Sudachi Lime to give some refreshing acidity, the radish and yam paste together with yuzu shavings helped to complement the flavours. A wonderful grilled dish.The fifth course was Seasonal Sushi. The chef toasted the nori sheet on hibachi to make them crisp, and then put the shari, abundance of minced maguro with takuan, and Bafun-uni in to make the sushi. The rich and fantastic flavours from the fish oil of the tuna, the umami taste of the sea urchin, the creamy and soft texture of both contrasting with the crunchy bite of takuan, all wrapping up in the crisp nori, created a symphony of taste and texture. I had to resist the temptation to immediately ask for an encore of this sushi.The sixth course showcased the tempura technique, with the chef cutting the Swordtip Squid in thin strips and put inside the bowl, on top was deep-fried Aoyagi Clam in a seaweed batter, with also Ginger and Okra. The batter was very thin and virtually non-existent. Mixing everything together was a feast, allowing us to enjoy different texture and flavours at the same time. Very good fried dish.The seventh course again brought a wow to all of us, a cocktail glass with a bubble containing white fumes inside. Using the spoon to poke the bubble, the tomato water got Sea Urchin, Whelk, Mozuku Sea Moss, Water Shield, Spaghetti Squash, and Japanese Cantaloupe Melon. Refreshing and serving as a palate cleanser, the different ingredients offered contrasts in texture to make this dish interesting, with the delicate taste harmonized and not over-shadowing each other in flavours. Thoughtful and a creative refreshment deviating from traditional Japanese cuisine.The eighth course featured Matsusaka Wagyu Beef Sukiyaki, with Onion and Crown Daisy. The beef was flavourful and great in taste, and again the attention in steaming the plate beforehand to keep it warm on serving, the half-poached egg with runny yolk to add to the sukiyaki sauce, and the careful timing of blanching the crown daisy to avoid over-cooking the delicate vegetable, were all meticulous. I also liked the onion which added a sweetness to the dish. Very delicious seasonal course.The ninth course was kamameshi, with the rice cooked in clay pot, then added a large amount of spring onion, and then grilled Tile Fish on top. Together with Pickles and Miso Soup, the rice was really fantastic, not too soft nor too hard, fragrant with the spring onion, and the seasoning of tile fish was also spot on. Both of us ended up having three servings as it was so good. While the other diners might feel we were too hungry, we were not shy to ask for more of this really delicious rice.I was puzzled earlier when seeing the ice shaving equipment at the counter, but then the chef brought out a slab of natural ice and then laboriously turning the wheel to shave off the ice, making our tenth course of Summer Limited Shaved Ice. The texture was very powdery, ethereal, and dissolving in the mouth in no time which reminded me of soft snow. There were layers of red beans, matcha, milk, sake foam and a sour plum to add colours and flavours to the shaved ice. It totally revolutionized my perception of this type of dessert. Must try if you got the chance!The eleventh and last course was Amazake with Grilled Mochi. The amazake was a traditional sweet low-alcohol beverage made from fermented rice. Serving it hot, with a piece of grilled mochi having chewy bite, this in my opinion was a much better dessert than the typical slice of melon, grapes or strawberries. The effort and how the chef was able to balance the earlier shaved ice using this wagashi to warm our stomach was thoughtful.Service was very good, with the staff friendly and attentive, able to introduce the cuisine to us in details. The bill on the night was $7,370 and while it was not cheap, I would certainly like to come back again, especially knowing that the chef would regularly change the menu to match with the season and highlight the best ingredients at the time. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2023-06-28
Lunch. 2023 June Omakase Menu. Counter seating 8. Ordered glass of burgundy red. Too chilled.Here’s what we had. Appetizer: Thin White Noodles in Grated Yam and Grilled Eggplant Sauce with Water Shield (莼菜), topped with Caviar, Shiso Flower and Lime zest. Special decoration marked the end of the first half of the year. Mixed everything well before eating. Very refreshing.Chu toro belly slightly grilled to body temperature to achieve the maximum melt-in-mouth texture. Topped with seaweed+ wasabi sauce. Slice of Miyazaki Wagyu Beef, Fish maw and bonito dashi, prepared separately in 3 different pots; all put together to form a mouthwatering soup. Topped with Sansho leaf (which is in season). We were told to first inhale all the goodness upon opening the lid. Indeed the distinct aroma from the sansho leaf was enticing. Particularly noteworthy was the taro stem, not widely available as it is difficult to grow and process. Tasted a bit like turnip, but more tender.Hand roll of toro tail and uni; rice flavored with minced pickles and sesame etc.Grilled Black Throat seasoned with Soy Sauce and special non spicy shichimi (七味粉 ) and chopped spring onions. To add tweak of lime ourselves but forewarned not to be over-zealous. Steamed Egg topped with Shaved black Truffle; with a layer of Cheese in the middle and Potato Mousse at the bottom. Freshly ground Black Pepper as seasoning (too spicy for me).Steamed Abalone; Winter Melon cooked perfectly to show off its green color. Liver sauce at the bottom. Green Yuzu shavings. Loved the sesame Tofu in particular with its mochi-like texture. Chef explained that the tofu was not made with beans, but some kind of starchy mixture. Claypot Rice with Golden Eye Snapper, Peas, Shiso leaf, dried Plum etc. Chef grilled the sheet of seaweed roll ultra crispy and scattered the pieces into the rice. Lovely juxtaposition of flavors (especially the tint of acidity from the plum) and textures. Miso soup and pickles.Dessert: lime flavored crushed ice and non-alcoholic plum wine jelly. Topped with Melon and peach pieces. In summary: stellar performance- very well executed meal; thanks to manager’s superb translation skills and seamless interaction amongst the team. Particularly appreciated chef’s utilization of local ingredients (eg fish maw) within the refined traditions of Japanese cooking. Well deserved ⭐️. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)