6-min walk from Exit A2, Sheung Wan MTR Station continue reading
This Japanese cuisine restaurant locates in Sheung Wan. It looks alike shrike and torii in Japan. The dishes are exquisite and wagyu sando is the signature. continue reading
Opening Hours
Mon - Sun
11:00 - 22:00
Payment Methods
Visa Master Cash AE UnionPay
Other Info
Phone Reservation
10% Service Charge
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Review (17)
Level2 2022-04-16
Where do I start:Service was bad, totally ignored our presence for like 45mn before taking our order. Waiters were busy chit chatting, didn’t ask us what drinks to get with our set menu which included the drinks indeedFood: underwhelming. You pay $$ for 2 slices of beef or whatever and it’s not filling, like at least add some sides like fries or smth…Wouldn’t go back… continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Horrible experience. Had food and drinks with group of friends during Christmas holidays, drinking glasswares were dirty, and they kept reuse those wooden and bamboo trays without cleaning. Kitchen was stinky. It's COVID!!!The Philippino girl working there was not attentive. She was playing her mobile phone or went out of the restaurant most of the time. Her attitude towards us turned really bad later that night, we could sense she tried to kick us out to leave work earlier. It was only 10ish pm and wasn't even busy.I felt shameful as a Philippino myself. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
小編來到位於中環的隱世餐廳 Katsumto Sando Bar(勝本)餐廳揉合日式及西式菜式,主打日式豬扒及和牛三文治,推介餐廳人氣招牌「和牛三文治」🐮🥪 門口以日本神社及鳥居設計⛩ 店內更有日本武士模型及日本舞伎的牆畫,彷如置身日本一樣🇯🇵 「Wagyu Sando和牛三文治🐮🥪」是選用澳洲M7和牛,三文治中間呈現出誘人的酒紅色厚切和牛,令人食指大動😋和牛外層是薄薄的吉列炸皮,加上Tonkatsu日式炸豬醬汁和蛋黃醬、烘得香脆的牛奶麵包一起吃,食材組合簡單,味道卻配搭一流☺️ 和牛肉軟嫩多汁,濃厚的肉味填滿嘴巴滲在口腔的每個角落,大大啖吃下去超滿足😍🍽 :Wagyu Sando 和牛三文治👅好味指數:7.25/10💰消費:HK$298📍 地址:Katsumoto Sando Bar (中環)中環荷李活道67號地庫 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2021-10-20
最近IG Story都充斥住Show me your japan🤣搞到我真係好掛住日本,今日行完大館後,張梁就搵下有乜日本野食,捐窿捐罅之後搵到呢一間好有日本特色嘅餐廳,而且仲有和牛三文治😍一直都好想試!張梁點餐👦🏻👧🏻1)$298《Wagyu Sando Set》評分(10分滿分):8⃣食評💬:兩塊烘到金黃香脆嘅多士,夾住粉嫩juicy嘅厚切吉列和牛,加埋蛋黃醬同秘製醬汁,真係絕配!從未食過咁高級嘅三文治🤣呢到係用M6/M7嘅和牛,意思就係濃味同油香都適中,我哋食慣重口味就略嫌唔夠牛味🤣其餘都唔錯~2)$158《Classic Sando》評分(10分滿分):8⃣食評💬:而另一個餐我地就揀咗classic,即係厚切吉列豬扒餡,配上沙律醬又係絕配,2個跟餐前菜揀咗海苔拍青瓜同埋支豆,大大碟性價比幾高~3)$58《奇異果特飲》《Respberry特飲》評分(10分滿分):8️⃣食評💬:因為我哋唔想飲酒🤪所以bartender整咗2杯menu無嘅mocktail俾我哋,飲到有菠蘿同奇異果味,同sando幾夾,但Respberry就一般,果味唔太突出~Katsumoto Sando Bar (中環)📍中環荷李活道67號地庫👉🏼近PMQ,搭扶手電梯再行幾分鐘👈🏼 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2021-10-18
細細間專賣食日式三文治嘅小店,如果唔係荷李活道有指示牌嘅話我估都幾難搵到。無論店內或店外都富有日本神社⛩️特色,有啲食客特登喺門前打吓卡先進入餐廳。▫️Chilean Sea Bass (HKD238)▫️Classic Sando (HKD148)▫️Chicken Karrage (HKD138) ▫️Holy Cannoli (HKD60)餐牌上選擇唔多,我發覺迷你日式三文治, 日式三文治同埋小食類別都有炸雞呢樣嘢🤪 Classic Sando 有來自北海道嘅豬扒、娃娃菜。麵包有烘過,不過就比娃娃菜上嘅沙律整到塊麵包腍咗少少🙃Chilean Sea Bass 我哋就覺得味道麻麻地喇,麵豉落重手咗,因而令到嗰幾件鱸魚味道幾鹹🙈整體嚟講水準OK,性價比唔算高。除咗日式三文治呢間店仲有售賣好多酒精飲品,我覺得呢間店比較適合同朋友嚟飲酒吹水多啲。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)