1-min walk from Exit C, Kai Tak Station continue reading
All Branches (5)
Opening Hours
11:30 - 21:30
Mon - Sun
11:30 - 21:30
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Review (38)
Level3 2025-02-02
肉眼扒 牛扒好香 蛋嘅份量好夠 同難黃蛋有得揮!像果豬肉扒飯,好好食帶子蝦蛋飯,好好食 我哋坐咗一個鐘頭 侍應服務態度好 不是同我哋斟熱水 價錢合理 係汁方面 我哋選擇咗蘋果 仲有蘑菇 味道好好 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
🚩蛋包飯不過不失 部分驚喜部分失望🚩📍 米炊之前推介過Airside令人眼前一亮的泰菜,今天繼續在這個商場試未食過的餐廳。這次來在G樓,找到這間主打蛋包飯的米炊,裝修格局偏向日式Café風格,座位普遍都算舒服。🍴蛋十二 - 烤無激素走地雞扒旋風蛋包飯 ($128)既然主打蛋包飯,當然要一試究竟。每款蛋包飯皆可選擇米飯和醬汁,我這次要了北海道白飯和蘋果燒汁。白飯口感煙韌,但以日本米來說水準只能算一般,整體來說不過不失。燒汁方面因為有蘋果的緣固略帶點甜味,配上米飯十分開胃,是頗為新鮮的配搭。蛋是最值得讚的地方,生熟度掌握得好,蛋沒有過熟令它保持滑溜的感覺,是蛋包飯非常重要的一環。主食方面,雞扒充滿香烤味,但整體上有點過油,食下去有點膩亦不太夾蛋包飯。同行的人點了烤特上一吋牛脷作為主食,這個卻出乎預期地好。牛脷如其名夠厚,但沒有因此而韌,反而依然保持嫩腍,口感非常好。可惜的是牛脷表面烤得不足,沒有如雞扒般的香烤感覺,這點令人稍稍失望。整體來說,我會説這間餐廳中規中矩,叫對食物的話還是值得再來。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level3 2025-01-23
今天去了一個新商場,叫Airside裡面好大 好多人😂😂😂我找了很多餐廳只有這家餐廳不用排隊這好像是專門吃蛋包飯的餐廳所以我也點了蛋包飯味道沒有太突出覺得只是普通的蛋包飯🤣🤣🤣正常的味道 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Movie nite. Decided to grab a bite before. Have been meaning to try for a long time.Here’s what we had.Grilled octopus tentacle- quite a big one but a bit too chewy. Grilled chicken with vegetables 300日燕麥穀飼黑毛安格斯肉眼扒300g from Australia- for $358, double the price than a normal beef dish, but worth it. Meat was tender and full of flavor. Requested vegetables wrapped in the egg as opposed to riceSweet potato hot drink included in the $358- a bit too sweet. Wanted to go for a hojicha parfait for dessert but was told it was sold out, so ended up going back to Nana. In summary: contrary to some of the other reviews, service was actually good- servers kept refilling my water voluntarily (which was already better service than some of the Michelin fine dining restaurants). continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
點咗牛魔王旋風蛋飯,有肉眼、牛腰、牛舌,配16穀米飯, $278 +1平啲嘅肉眼飯有飲品加配優惠,呢個貴啲嘅飲品要另叫食呢個飯好辛苦,要刀叉匙羹並用,啲飯一大篤喺中間,都冇位俾你切肉眼,份扒好實切唔開,而且有筋,食咗一啖就放棄好彩仲有牛腰牛脷,牛腰調味重啲,牛舌冇味嘅,好彩兩樣都咬到,個蛋係幾滑嘅,蔬菜冇調味,咬落去係水味見隔籬枱有個調味架,問個黑衫阿姐,阿姐口咬住嘢邊咬邊同你講嘢仲有隻水杯,本身好乾淨,阿姐戴咗手套執完隔籬枱過嚟斟水,隻杯好大Pat手指印最後個水吧,有兩個一模一樣嘅水桶唔覺有label,一個好似浸緊毛巾,另一個好似浸緊茶,佢哋點樣分辨啲筒嘅用途呢?結論:冇人嘅餐廳,唔好隨便入去 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)