2-min walk from Exit D1, Tai Koo MTR Station continue reading
All Branches (14)
Opening Hours
11:00 - 21:00
Mon - Sun
11:00 - 21:00
Payment Methods
Visa Master Cash UnionPay
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Review (13)
我從來都唔鍾意食太甜膩太heavy嘅蛋糕,近呢幾年發現戚風蛋糕幾岩我嘅口味!呢間蛋糕舖除咗主打戚風蛋糕底之外,佢仲成日出新口味,呢樣同樣岩哂我呢啲鍾意試新野嘅朋友仔呀!๑˃́ꇴ˂̀๑我哋試咗幾款之前未食過嘅口味,分別係皇牌士多啤梨($60)、日本日向夏蜜柑($65)、宇治抹茶椰香($60)、意式芝士($60)。皇牌士多啤梨蛋糕表面鋪咗層帶點淡淡士多啤梨味嘅膜,蓋住五粒士多啤梨,呢個設計提升咗蛋糕嘅美觀程度( ˶ˊᵕˋ)੭♡口感方面微酸,戚風蛋糕底就充滿士多啤梨味,而蛋糕入面有一部份係cream,相當綿滑,令到個底冇咁dry,整體味道都唔錯~日本日向夏蜜柑嘅蜜柑就甜甜酸酸,個蛋糕底都帶住濃郁密柑味,所以整體口感偏酸!宇治抹茶椰香同意式芝士令我較深刻,抹茶味濃郁得黎滲出淡淡椰香,好香濃,仲有粒朱古力波波,入口微甜嘅感覺,成件事口味好豐富~意式芝士同樣都有粒朱古力波波,不過係牛奶味,更甜膩,而整體味道幾似Tiramisu,咖啡味及酒味香氣撲鼻~呢三款蛋糕中間都同樣有軟滑嘅cream,中和番個戚風蛋糕底帶嚟嘅乾枯感覺,體驗感上升ꈍᴗꈍ continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2024-12-08
As soon as I noticed that La Famille was celebrating its 10th anniversary and offering petit chiffon cakes as giveaways, my sis and I made a deliberate trip to their Tai Koo Shing branch to join the queue for the cakes (and we ended up waiting in line for quite a while🤣). .The shop gave us the Earl Grey Petit Cake and Rose & Lychee Petit Cake randomly respectively. The Earl Grey Petit Cake looked exquisite with flower petals, lemon and cirtus jelly, and light yellow cream on top. It emitted a fragrant tea scent. With hints of lemon and citrus, and a black tea base, the cake was refreshing and light. The Rose & Lychee Petit Cake was beautifully decorated with strawberries, lychee jelly, rose petals and cream. Its pink appearance gave it a cute and girly look. The sponge cake was moist and soft, and the combination of the fruity freshness and floral sweeetness was on point. .The cake shop in Tai Koo Shing only offers takeaway service. Their cakes were truly delicate and pretty, and the taste was remarkably delightful too. My family thoroughly enjoyed them! A happy 10th-year anniversary shout-out to La Famille! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2024-09-05
La Famille今年10周年 所以佢推出咗幾款新嘅蛋糕 仲有之前未見過嘅雙層蛋糕添😚👅野莓禮盒雙層戚風小蛋糕 $88 呢個好特別 有兩層 打卡好靚😍又唔係好大個 啱唒兩三個人share 上層係野莓嘅mousse下層就係野莓味嘅戚風蛋糕 酸酸甜甜唔錯😋👅日本赤肉蜜瓜 $70呢個幾有驚喜🤩蜜瓜味都好出 尤其係戚風蛋糕入面嘅忌廉 蛋糕都好軟熟😙👅雙層朱古力 $60呢個一直都係女小編最愛🤤朱古力戚風蛋糕入面有朱古力mousse 味道都幾濃 又唔會好甜 上面仲有朱古力脆脆 好食😛👅意式芝士 $60呢個係期間限定嘅 蛋糕咖啡味道幾出 配上tiramisu cream 好味😌總括嚟講 呢間蛋糕店真係正 不妨買嚟試吓呀🥰😋 好味:8.46/10🤑 價錢:8.00/10🤩 整體:8.23/10 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
La Famille @lafamillecake 今年就迎來十週年🎊 佢哋咁多年研發超過70款以上嘅戚風蛋糕口味,La Famille有一連串驚喜精彩嘅慶生活動同大家慶祝生日,記得留意住佢哋門市同社交評台嘅優惠🤩通常有朋友生日都會買幾個La Famille Petite Cake🍰嚟食,因為細細個又可以食到唔同口味😍 La Famille嘅蛋糕用嚟自北海道的鮮忌廉、日本麵粉、新鮮農場雞蛋,為戚風蛋糕設計多款口味同精緻裝飾,又可以打卡又好味😆.💜 野莓禮盒雙層戚風小蛋糕: 第一次推岀雙層戚風蛋糕,用上夢幻紫羅蘭色,外型好似一個精緻嘅小禮物🎁,少女心滿滿,上層佢係綿密嘅野莓乳酪幕絲,底部野莓戚風蛋糕注入酸甜野莓鮮忌廉,配以新鮮水果、馬卡龍、同緞帶狀嘅鮮忌廉🎀,切開蛋糕時好似切開份禮物,層次感豐富~🌰 沖繩黑糖栗子蒙布朗 $65: 栗子蓉幼滑綿密,配上混合沖繩黑糖嘅戚風蛋糕,好鬆軟~🍑 日本白桃 $65: 依家係白桃季節,白桃清甜,加上入口即化嘅鮮忌廉,令戚風蛋糕保留濕潤口感~ continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level3 2024-07-08
鍾意食戚風蛋糕嘅你,唔會唔識 La Famille,今年係 La Famille 10週年慶,我哋搬咗去港島之後,都要買嚟食下先!我哋早幾日就去咗太古城分店,門外放哂啲蛋糕出嚟,睇見都吸引!我哋一人買咗一個細蛋糕,一人一個最開心,因為大家可以揀自己嘅味道嚟食!我哋就揀咗 #日本日向夏蜜柑 , #雙重朱古力 , #大甲香芋黑糖麻糬 & #沖繩黑糖栗子蒙布朗 。4隻味都好特別,我自己鍾意食朱古力,呢個雙重朱古力,真係啖啖朱古力味,好正呀!阿囡就鍾意清清地,蜜柑真係好清新食完唔會覺得好漏。細佬就係麻糬愛好者,而香芋黑糖麻糬真係好特別!而爸爸鍾意食栗子,佢話栗子蛋糕係最好食嘅。總結:威風蛋糕真係幾好食,又唔會好甜好漏,舖頭好多口味,下次再試其他口味先得! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)