2-min walk from Exit C2, Sham Shui Po MTR Station
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Opening Hours
11:00 - 00:00
Mon - Sun
11:00 - 00:00
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
同班死黨去, 簡直係重溫舊夢... 叫咗個海鮮火鍋放題, 啲海鮮真係新鮮到好似仲喺海度游咁... 成枱都係海鮮, 有咩好食就夾咩, 根本停唔到口... 成班友一坐低就眼都突埋出嚟, 個海鮮拼盤呀嘛, 成座小山咁高... 上面有咩鮑魚呀、龍蝦呀、仲有啲咩花尾龍躉、扇貝呀, 樣樣都鮮甜到不得了... 我哋幾個即刻拿起筷子, 你夾我夾, 個個都笑到見牙唔見眼。最正嘅係個椒鹽瀨尿蝦, 一上枱就聞到陣陣嘅蒜香, 隻隻蝦都炸到金黃色, 咬落去肉質爽彈, 個椒鹽味又香又惹味, 真係食到停唔到口。我同阿強一人夾咗成碟, 仲要不停咁添... 講到個蒸氣海鮮放題, 真係抵到爛... 啲海鮮種類多到數唔晒, 有咩蜆呀、帶子呀、仲有啲咩墨魚丸呀, 樣樣都任你食。我哋幾個就係咁輪住去拎, 拎到個碟都滿晒。啲海鮮蒸完之後, 個鮮味真係出晒嚟, 食到我哋個個都讚不絕口。
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呢間嘢我Bookmark咗成個月啦成日見到啲人喺社交平台打卡, 啲海鮮睇到我口水都流埋。今次終於有機會同班fd去試吓啦~~! 啲海鮮真係多到我食到傻咗。我哋叫咗個海鮮火鍋放題, 成枱都係海鮮, 勁正。我哋叫咗個海鮮火鍋放題 啲海鮮真係多到眼花繚亂最正係隻紅蟹同大頭蝦, 肉質鮮甜彈牙, 第一次食呢種叫蒸氣海鮮, 同埋係放題仲有大把其他野任點, 只可惜得2個鍾好快就到時間LAA簡直係極難忘既一餐~~! 其他嘅海鮮都超新鮮。
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放假同幾個Friend 食野, 見呢間海鮮店幾吸引, 抱住一試心態啦.... 好在又無失望woooooooo !用蒸氣火鍋嚟蒸海鮮..成個海鮮盤擺喺面前已經流晒口水..!! 啲海鮮真係好新鮮,特別係龍蝦同生蠔...個D肉質爽口彈牙,超級鮮甜到不得了!! Wonderful !!睇落呢間嘢嘅環境都幾乾淨企理,同埋果DD啲店員又好有禮貌,叫咩都應得好快。最重要係 !!! 價錢真係平到笑!食完之後,真係覺得 CP值的確係超高! 下次帶埋家人親人過黎再食過
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Steamed seafood in a steam hot pot; the fish after steaming is soft, and the freshness is unparalleled!! Then, place a portion of the seafood in the thick soup jade chicken pot to cook!! The soup is sweet and rich, and it's very amazing!! Aside from the shellfish, we requested some pork and other things!! The beef was excellent, tender, and the fat was evenly distributed!! The pepper and salt shrimp turned golden brown. The presentation is really attractive with substantial chunks of meat!! Finally, I ate some crab rice! The crab rice with rice is quite good! The crab yolk is rich and fragrant, while the rice is smooth and delicate. It's just a human delicacy.
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