6-min walk from Exit F, Admiralty MTR Station continue reading
Celebrating the vibrant and fresh flavours of southern Vietnamese cuisine, Le Garçon Saigon focuses on the Saigonese culture of grilling. The menu is arranged as per a typical grill-house and divided into appetisers, entrées and sides – all designed for sharing. continue reading
Opening Hours
12:00 - 15:00
18:00 - 22:00
Mon - Wed
12:00 - 15:00
18:00 - 22:30
Thu - Sat
12:00 - 15:00
18:00 - 23:45
12:00 - 15:00
18:00 - 22:00
Public Holiday
12:00 - 15:00
18:00 - 22:00
Public Holiday Eve
12:00 - 15:00
18:00 - 22:00
Payment Methods
Visa Master AlipayHK Alipay AE UnionPay WeChat Pay PayMe
Number of Seats
Other Info
Online Reservation
Alcoholic Drinks
Phone Reservation
10% Service Charge
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
About Reward Scheme
Review (106)
Level4 2024-12-25
This Vietnamese restaurant is located on Wing Fung Street in Wanchai, just adjacent to PP3 on the uphill road. With plenty of plants on the flowerbeds outside, the blue frame glass doors allow the daylight in, the restaurant offers a nice chic brasserie ambience to diners.Seated at a table on the side, the rattan chairs are comfortable and what attracts the attention is the neat tiled floor and the large mural on one of the walls. It is a popular spot in the neighborhood, packed during lunch hours, with also lots of people hang out after work before dinner.I have a cocktail to start. La Vie Boheme ($138) is a concoction mixing gin, French fortified wine, elderflower, grapefruit, lime, and sparkling wine. Refreshing and a bit fizzy, the cocktail is a nice aperitif to get the dinner started. My wife has a Young Coconut ($78) which is also good.For the food, we start with Goi Ga ($128). It is a salad made from shredded cabbage, chicken and Vietnamese herbs, seasoned with ginger nuoc cham, with prawn chips on top. The nuoc cham sauce is very good, amazing and complex in taste, bringing the flavors of the ingredients to the full.We also have Cai Trang Xao ($98), a simple dish of wok fried cauliflower, mixed with black bean, chilies and pickled garlic. The cauliflower has the right texture, well-cooked with still a nice bite, with the black beans giving some savory taste and a bit of kick from the chilies.For the main course we have Tom Nuong ($208), grilled tiger prawns drizzled with garlic burnt butter and seasoned with some kaffir lime leaf. The prawns are fresh, with the meat firm and delicious, and the butter has a nice garlic note but not feeling excessively greasy. Tasty.The restaurant has a few signature rice paper rolls, and we picked Heo Nuong ($308), with USA pork collar, lemongrass, and caramelized fish sauce. My favourite dish, the pork collar has a nice char, delicious in taste and not dry, with the other vegetables and ingredients helping to balance, and the fish sauce magically combines all the flavors together seamlessly. Must try.It is probably too much but we did order also Banh Xeo ($208), a type of omelette with a crispy wrap enfolding pork belly, soft shell prawns, beansprouts, and spring onion. Eaten together with lettuce and nuoc cham sauce, the different texture of the different components make it interesting, and again the nuoc cham weaves its magical flavors throughout.Service is good, but we can use more explanations of the dishes which can help to elevate the dining experience. Total bill on the night is $1,370 which is reasonable. A good place to enjoy Saigon cuisine near PP3. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
-𝐋𝐞 𝐆𝐚𝐫ç𝐨𝐧 𝐒𝐚𝐢𝐠𝐨𝐧 🇻🇳最近全新升級越式菜單係由五次Michelin Bib Gourmand主廚 Thai Dang同 Chef Theign 精心打造菜式結合了地道風味、精湛烹飪技巧同創意 完全將越南料理提升至更高層次 值得分享!餐廳環境別緻 座位闊落 成個氛圍好似去左巴黎小酒館咁🌿 CHA GIO 鮮蝦豬肉春卷內餡有滿滿既鮮蝦與豬肉 蘸上越式酸甜汁 感覺比平時食到既更為酥脆🌿 GOI MUC DUA LEO 魷魚沙律魷魚肉質爽滑 配上醃漬青瓜 + 越式香草再以自家製辣油調味 食落酸甜中帶點微辣 愈食愈開胃!🌿 BANH XEO 越式煎餅食過咁多次越南菜 但從來都未食過煎餅大大塊既煎餅 內餡有包括香嫩豬腩肉 + 大蝦同爽脆芽菜可以用生菜包住再蘸上越南酸甜汁食每一啖都充滿豐富層次 幾特別🌿 TOM NUONG 烤虎蝦非常有驚喜 - 虎蝦大大隻鮮嫩多汁 帶有炭燒香氣之餘仲有好香濃既蒜蓉牛油同青檸葉既香氣 真心好好味!🌿 CAI TRANG XAO 炒椰菜花聽落好似普通但絕對不能錯過既一道個椰菜花炒得微微焦香 帶有豆豉既濃郁鹹香加上有大蒜同辣椒增添層次 簡單美味🌿 MI XAO 蛋麵麵條彈牙爽滑 搭配芽菜 燒青蔥同醬油炒製散發出濃郁鹹香 有家常便飯既風味🌿 COM CHIEN TOM 蝦仁蛋炒飯飯粒炒至金黃色又粒粒分明加入新鮮蝦仁同香茅辣椒醬 帶出淡淡辛辣同清新的香氣 好飽肚🤰🏼🌿 DIY RICE PAPER ROLLS DIY米紙卷有得加入菠蘿、青瓜、醃菜同新鮮蔬菜可以用黎送其他菜 又平衡口腔既味道🌿 PANDAN MOCHI 斑蘭麻糬必點 完全係當晚既highlight🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟第一次食麻糬會帶有炭烤味 口感軟糯帶有香濃既班蘭味 配上烤椰絲 甜而不膩雖然侍應建議可以點埋椰奶食 但個人覺得唔點已經好好味! 會為左呢個就回頭的💯🌿 La Javanaise ($128)Gin, Calamansi, Elderflower, Sparkling wine大推呢杯雞尾酒 - 結合左杜松子酒、酸橙、接骨木花飲落帶有柑橘香氣同淡淡花香 口感輕盈清新同越南菜既濃郁口感相得益彰 唔錯呢 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level1 2025-02-04
價錢貴而且超級難食,而且毫無服務可言!中午經過見到環境不錯,想起同一位置以前的越南餐廳人滿為患,但很久沒有來星街一帶竟然這間黃金位置的餐廳變得門堪羅雀?看到有食評說是米芝蓮廚師開的店,心想午餐也不會貴得太離譜吧?首先進入餐廳招呼入座的女性服務員已經毫無笑容,然後遞上簡單的菜單看到兩道菜越式午餐已經要248再加10%。點了青木瓜沙律,個擺盤已經不開胃,味道也是平平無奇。再來是豬頸肉撈米粉,豬頸肉分量不算少但真的是又老又不入味,米粉有一種很難咬斷的韌性感覺有點奇怪,比起很多街邊小店還難吃,這也能算米芝蓮?兩道菜加起來近300元竟然都不包任何飲品,當然毫無服務意識的服務費也是收得莫名其妙,當是花錢買教訓吧🥲。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
灣仔區其實都擁有好多寶藏餐廳,今次介紹嘅位於灣仔永豐街比較舒適嘅地段,燈光同環境營造出溫馨嘅用餐環境。而星期一到二,更加推出咗性價比極高$258 4 courses dinner menu。4 courses dinner menu $258LES ENTREES青木瓜沙律打頭盤嘅有清爽嘅青木瓜絲做成嘅沙律,加入花生、脆乾蔥、芫荽和辣椒豉油等等,可以先清新一下腸胃。南榮府式椒鹽雞翼選用香茅同埋椒鹽做調味,雞翼再經過香炸至金黃色,外層香脆又多肉汁。LES GRILLADES盲鰽魚柳選用香煎過嘅盲鰽魚柳,配搭香茅辣椒醬,香辣嘅魚柳帶有少許辛辣味道。魚露豬頸肉生煎嘅美國豬頸肉,加入香茅和焦糖魚柳做調味,口感爽口又有獨有嘅蕉香味道。自製手工米紙卷L'ACCOMPAGNEMENT蒜香炒飯夠晒鑊氣嘅蒜蓉和芙蓉蛋炒飯,粒粒分明,充滿蒜蓉香。LE DESSERT越南風芝士蛋糕簡稱係越南版提拉米蘇,用咗越南滴漏咖啡同埋煉奶製成,所以味道與必不同㗎。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
環境都坐得幾舒適,再加埋有啲 jazz music 都幾chill。午餐$248 per head。👌🏼Green Papaya Salad 個presentation 唔多靚,好似一碗芽菜咁。但係食落去,青木瓜幾爽脆,有唔少份量嘅金蒜撈埋一齊,幾香口,仲有淡淡嘅芫荽 & Basil 香味。唔會整得太酸太辣,係唔錯嘅。👌🏼Beer Can Chicken Leg雞髀都燒得皮脆肉嫩,但雞肉味道好淡,肉係冇咩味。雖然加咗啤酒,但係又唔特別有酒味。如果想食有酒味嘅,就會有啲失望。米粉夾雜着唔同嘅材料,啲汁唔算太酸,有唔同層次嘅口感同香料嘅味道。整體嚟講,味道OK,但又未至於好驚喜。對比起個價錢都幾貴,性價比唔高。環境 : ★★★★☆ 食物: ★★★★☆ 推介: ★★★☆☆ continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)