Exit P1, Tsim Sha Tsui / East Tsim Sha Tsui MTR Station continue reading
Lobby Lounge is famous for their afternoon tea and sweeping view of the Victoria Harbor. It is good for business meetings or for casual dining. At night, they have live entertainment for guests to enjoy while drinking cocktails. continue reading
Good For
Romantic Dining
Business Dining
Special Occasion Dining
Opening Hours
08:00 - 00:00
Mon - Sun
08:00 - 00:00
Payment Methods
Visa Master AlipayHK Alipay Cash AE UnionPay Apple Pay WeChat Pay
Number of Seats
Other Info
Online Reservation
Alcoholic Drinks
Phone Reservation
Reward Dining Points
10% Service Charge
Sea View
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
About Reward Scheme
Review (251)
想從繁忙中細味生活嘅美好時光💡去九龍香格里拉酒店聽住Live Music🎼嘆個意式鳥籠high tea就啱晒啦!「Il Dolce Far Niente意悅時光」下午茶意大利語指「甜蜜的無所事事」💕係一種輕鬆、放鬆嘅生活狀態和心境。呢個下午茶精選咗意大利茶葉品牌🫖La Via del Tè最新Garden Secret系列嘅3款特色茶品及多款甜美鹹點。4層高鳥籠🐦造型精緻優雅,打卡able~鹹甜美點,同樣帶來視覺及味覺享受🤩當中有幾款特別回味~🥯 #茶香味英式鬆餅鬆餅滲出茶香,口感綿軟,配上香滑檸檬醬倍感清新!🧆 #黑松露雞肉慕斯配茶香核桃粉吐霧仙氣效果超搶眼球,雞肉球有嚼勁同時茶香撲鼻。🥧 #伯爵茶拿破崙陣陣伯爵茶香 x 幼滑忌廉,加上層層酥皮,口感層次豐富。美點配靚茶♨️真係要試試La Via del Tè嘅甄選茶品,我就試咗🫖Lake of Waterlilies,味道香濃,配甜品一流~ continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
🍰☕️ 意式悠閒下午茶 · 香格里拉酒店 · 「Il Dolce Far Niente 意悦時光」下午茶~做咗成日嘢,好想偷返啲閒,今次九龍香格里拉酒店Lobby Lounge推出嘅「Il Dolce Far Niente 意悦時光」下午茶,就比咗個機會我慢慢享受意式嘅悠閒生活~呢個下午茶set用上意大利名茶La Via del Tè嘅Secret Gardens系列為元素,將茶品mix部份鹹點及甜品,一次過食勻晒啲特色茶味😋個set擺喺個靚靚鳥籠層架上面,坐喺窗邊仲可以望到維多利亞港嘅靚景添,有種一食三賞嘅感覺!▶️鹹點:紅蝦韃靼配橙花啫喱、牛油果醬及香梨🍤味道層次豐富,鮮甜紅蝦配上香濃牛油果醬,以及清新橙花啫喱,一次過滿足晒所有味蕾!醬油漬黃鰭吞拿魚配柑橘醬油及海藻粉用醬油漬過嘅吞拿魚味道更濃郁,柑橘嘅清新酸味中和整體,成個味道更加立體,外圍痴滿海藻粉,帶出海洋嘅鮮味同時加強口感黑松露雞肉慕斯配茶香核桃粉放喺一個好似盆景嘅裝置上面,打卡一流!雞肉慕斯質感香濃滑溜,加上茶香核桃粉嘅獨特口感,非常特別~花蟹肉沙律配茴香、熱情果及茶香啫喱🦀清新爽口,花蟹肉嘅鮮甜配上熱情果嘅酸甜,仲要有茶香啫喱加持,好有層次感!煙燻意大利布拉塔芝士及茶漬番茄青瓜莎莎配茶香醬🧀煙燻芝士香濃滑溜,配上清新莎莎醬,開胃之選!▶️甜點:意式檸檬甜酒零陵香豆泡芙🍋面頭已經靚到似個小花園,檸檬甜酒零陵香豆引發酸甜及香味交織伯爵茶拿破崙🫖經典法式甜品加入伯爵茶嘅獨特香氣,層層酥皮配搭濃郁嘅奶油,加上伯爵茶嘅回甘,係今次嘅MVP!士多啤梨意大利芝士蛋糕軟滑嘅芝士蛋糕配上士多啤梨夾心,香甜同輕微酸味完美平衡花茶櫻桃柚子奶凍🍒花茶嘅香氣配上櫻桃同柚子嘅果香,加埋滑溜嘅奶凍,食完即刻SWEET晒香桃莓果茶馬卡龍酥脆外殼包裹住香桃莓果茶味嘅內餡,香甜中帶有茶香,係tea time嘅最佳拍檔仲有傳統英式鬆餅,配埋自家製果醬同忌廉👌最後梗係唔少得La Via del Tè嘅靚茶啦!唔想飲茶都可以轉咖啡~ continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2024-12-23
Some of my Shangrila Points were about to expire and I decided to come to the lobby lounge to try their snacks. The price was very affrodable considering it at Shangrila.The chicken wings were deep fried perfectly and the spicies had a nice kick to it.Curry Fishball was really springy and large. The curry and cheese was a perfect combo but I felt if the price include some carbs eg. bread, rice, then it would be perfect as the curry was kind of wasted.The balance of the ginger and milk was spot on and I love how they mix it in front of you with an hourglass which was perfect timing for it to condense. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
2024年12月10日 (星期二) 9:20pm 16°C 大堂酒廊適合與商務夥伴小聚、悠然品茗或雞尾酒會。每天下午及晚上,均能舒服地欣賞現場音樂表演,飽覽維多利亞海港的美麗景色。 酒廊位處樓高兩層的酒店大堂中央,環境典雅且坐擁迷人的維港美景。 大堂裝潢瑰麗典雅,富麗堂皇,環境寧靜舒適,梳化座位靠近落地大玻璃窗,晚上夜景盡收眼底,別有一番韻味與恬靜。 枱上一盞金色蘑菇小燈,浪漫情調,餐具乾淨。 人數:2人 HK$149.6 椰汁桃膠雪蓮子西米露 - 清新椰子味,不會甜膩,西米軟綿綿,大大一碗,使人喜出望外。HK$68 元再加一,酒店級數,環境與服務皆一流。【推介之選】❤❤❤《 餐 牌 》: continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2024-11-25
最近九龍香格里拉酒店大堂酒廊推出咗全新中式糖水及鹹點系列「甜蜜月韻」,包括24款高質精選單品❤️ 每日由晚上6時30分至凌晨12時提供🥰 最平嗰款只係$38咋😱超抵食👍🏻龍蝦鉗腸粉伴龍蝦汁🦞 ($106)腸粉夠晒香滑,龍蝦鉗夠彈牙,仲配埋濃濃嘅龍蝦汁😍港式腸粉伴黑松露醬 ($76)腸粉底下有甜醬同埋麻醬,面頭再佈滿黑松露醬,估唔到黑松露醬同腸粉會咁夾❤️拔絲咖哩長洲魚蛋🐟 ($68)大大粒魚蛋,夠晒彈牙,配埋香濃嘅咖喱汁,真係我嘅至愛,最特別嘅係佢加上咗芝士拉絲🫶🏻薑汁撞鮮奶🥛 ($68)職員即席喺你面前將鮮奶撞入薑汁入邊,再等3分鐘食得啦😍 食落超重薑味,冬天食真係啱晒呀👍🏻原個椰皇桃膠燉蛋白🥚 ($88)桃膠夠晒養顏,蛋白夠晒香滑❤️ continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)