6-min walk from Exit C, Hong Kong MTR Station continue reading
以龍蝦製作出一系列的親民菜式,如腸粉、碗仔翅及烏冬,為平實的本土小食帶來新觀感,當中的龍蝦蝦子腸粉更是大廚的精心傑作,幼身紮實的腸粉吸盡龍蝦汁,混入龍蝦肉和自家炒製的蝦子,令腸粉變得鮮甜可口,另外蝦子竟可以無限補給,淨食蝦子都值回票價。 continue reading
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原隻龍蝦喇沙 龍蝦碗仔翅 龍蝦蝦子腸粉 慢煮三文魚北海道帶子鳥冬 脆皮蔥油雞扒野菌飯
Review (35)
Level4 2016-07-23
因友人推介度嘅龍蝦濃湯烏冬所以午飯時間專程黎試下見在場好多人都叫龍蝦喇沙所以我都跟住叫左 睇色水貌似好濃龍蝦味但可能喇沙湯嘅椰奶味太濃 蓋過左啲龍蝦味所以食落都係普通喇沙嘅味道配料都算幾多但隻龍蝦就唔太實肉同唔夠鮮甜味總括黎講我覺得算一般食喇沙我推介返隔黎街嘅affinity kitchen但午飯食到無咩好食都可以過黎一試嘅~ continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level3 2016-05-03
This is like an interesting gem at the heart of Central business district, it infuses posh ingredients like lobster and A5 wagyu beef into popular asian food like laksa soup noodles and artificial shark fin soup. Please take a note that they only settle you down when everyone has arrived (even when the restaurant is empty). The lobster laksa was amazing, the soup was very rich of seafood flavour and tasty, and was served with half a lobster. It also came with a mix of egg noodles and vermecelli (which is how real malaysian/singaporian laksa is done). The artificial shark fin soup is a well known Hong Kong snack made with vermecelli, mushroom slices, pork slices and black fungus in a tasty soup. This one is served with plain rice and lobster meat, overall not bad. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level3 2016-03-02
2月29 4年先1次約了好姐妹在中環試我想食嘅野打了電話問,平日係收20:00所以去得比較匆忙,但遇著當晚有私房菜的客人,我估餐廳應該會調整收鋪時間因為我地20:00 食完埋單,仲見有客人入內呢其實我地兩個女仔都叫得唔少野無法啦,我地都係海鮮控~~~尤其係龍蝦添今日一黎嗌左:1.蝦子百花龍蝦鉗 -味道出乎意料之外唔似食炸粉咁,而且我地諗住叫一隻,店員好細心問需唔需要幫忙切開上,加分2. 花枝龍蝦丸 -小妹本身好怕打邊爐個d好假味嘅丸,但佢地呢個花枝龍蝦丸配上佢地嘅蝦籽作調味,味道不假,不錯!(我心還是偏左龍蝦鉗)3.龍蝦泡飯 -這湯雖然看似很清,但很濃郁的龍蝦鮮味,我並不太鍾意食飯,但我真心很喜歡這湯飯(重點:食完唔覺口渴,証明不是味精湯)4.龍蝦喇沙 -一清一濃,店員再三提醒我們先吃泡飯,再吃喇沙,絕對認同,喇沙的湯相對地有個強烈對比,但都是不差的5. 甜品 3.6北海道牛乳布丁 -本身看著樣子不太吸引,但食左第一啖...出奇地好味,我忍唔住叫執梗相的姐妹快d試,佢仲以為我誇張(或者甜品就係容易令女性滿足呀), 我地大家食完都想再叫呢haha我地已約好下一次過黎中環都要食呢間好東西 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level2 2016-02-20
My husband and I were looking somewhere quick to eat before my son's playgroup. I suddenly remembered this place so we hurriedly went in around 1:45pm. Luckily the lunch crowd was almost gone because we had a baby, it would've been quite annoying for other diners if it was packed (which I'm sure it is at normal the lunch hour). We ordered the rich lobster bisque udon ($120) and the lobster cheong fun ($68). The udon came really quickly, the ladies were really considerate, giving us extra bowls and placing the hot soup away from my baby. At first glance, there was a substantial amount of lobster on top (awesome), with other garnishes (can't remember what else apart from corn) and a lobster oil (I think). The lobster bisque was thick and creamy, packed with flavour, we (including my son) enjoyed it immensely. I had a bit of the lobster, it was tender and not overcooked, which is easy to do especially when it's in a hot broth. Portion was good, my husband couldn't finish the noodles. The cheong fun came much later. I was wondering what took so long, as I assumed it would just be pre-steamed cheong fun with a lobster sauce on it. It came with bits of lobster (not the big chunks like in the udon but it's only $68! what did you expect?) and shrimp/lobster roe. They even had roe on the table so you can help yourself to more. I like the generousity, even though I didn't add any. I took a bite and I realised why it took so long. The cheong fun wasn't just steamed, they were lightly fried so they had a slight crispiness to it. Very enjoyable, I ate it all as my husband wasn't interested. If I were to be picky then I'd say it was a little bit oily and heavy together with the sauce, so it would be good to add something to cut through the richness.At a time where dining out is crazy expensive, I think Lobster Bobo's food is worth its value. Service was good, even though there wasn't a service charge. I mean a $120 for a soup noodle lunch isn't cheap by any means but this is lobster! In Central! I would definitely come back again if I was feeling rich that day haha. I'm keen to try the rice in lobster broth next time. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level3 2015-12-27
睇報紙食食食評見到推介呢間中環好味龍蝦喇沙,決定一試。中午12點半來到唔使等入去。主要去是喇沙,所以叫咗個普通嘅喇沙,個份量適中,湯底都好正,我差唔多飲曬成碗湯,店員仲好細心提我佢哋自己制嘅配菜,我都落咗唔少。埋單$88仲無加一,有機會會再來。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)