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Opening Hours
10:00 - 20:00
Mon - Sun
10:00 - 20:00
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Signature Dishes
太古📌 龍島LUCULLUS 太古港鐵太古站 TAK 14號舗話說今日去咗太古城同舊老闆食 lunch,食完Lunch 經過 LUCULLUS 龍島,見到有新品 • 達克瓦兹。平時我都有食開呢一款法式甜品,而且見賣相都幾靚,而且仲有麻薯餡,有的確幾吸引,最後決定買四件返寫字樓同同事分享。不過老實,真係味道一般,芋頭冇乜芋頭味,朱古力味略嫌又唔夠香濃,楊枝甘露我就冇食喇,但我覺得最重要就係個脆餅唔香脆,仲有少少梳咗氣嘅味道。原價: $38一件,$56兩件
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Worst customer experience!!! When I ordered a cake two days in advance which I needed for my child’s lunch birthday party. Their customer service advised I can pick up at 12:30. When I arrived at 12:15, they said it needs to be 12:30 so I decided to return in 15mins. Within 5 mins the shop called saying now it’s 1:30? I said that won’t work since it’s for a birthday party at lunch. No solution was provided and the lady on the phone was extremely rude. Their manager called back in 10 mins yet again with no solution only kept saying sorry and said the cake was damaged in transit. When we picked up the cake they said they replaced and baked immediately which was sub par quality, the sponge cake was hard like a solid brick and nothing like a sponge cake should be. The butter cream was like a solid butter stick not cream! Definitely not recommending this cake shop to anyone, and especially be aware of this store in Taikoo MTR which the service was terrible.
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靚靚打卡蛋糕 之前有食開大嘅蛋糕覺得唔錯就買左一啲細嘅size cake 試下🫢 買左藍莓味 朱古力味同埋玫瑰味自己覺得細size cake啲cream無咁滑同埋無咁smooth 一舊一舊嘅感覺同埋係偏甜 大size cake好味啲
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🐻🎂TEDDY SWEET - 柚子朱古力慕絲蛋糕疫情下無法同豬吃晚餐慶祝…所以小妹見到龍島今年以Blowing Petals in Love為主題既蛋糕😍其中呢款Teddy Sweet柚子朱古力慕絲蛋糕($268)以比利時72%純黑朱古力慕絲,配搭清新輕怡的日本柚子味法式布丁,底層為朱古力海綿蛋糕及榛子黑朱古力脆脆,面層放有可愛3D🐻朱古力,捧着紅心向愛人示愛,一切盡在不言中:豬🥰 小妹覺得呢個🐻蛋糕顏色浪漫+造型精緻💕 為特別時刻添氣氛🥳 最吸睛係捧住紅心3D小熊朱古力,可愛度爆燈😘 惟一係相對較甜,但鍾意食朱古力既朋友就岩哂😝👉🏻小妹拎得唔好+唔知呢個🐻蛋糕要拎得好小心,所以一打開…隻🐻跌咗落個蛋糕度🤣 好彩都🐻樣唔係好花🙈
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Rose white peach cream cheese petite cake ($48)賣相:🐧🐧🐧🐧🐧味道:🐧🐧🐧🐧賣相方面,淡粉紅色的蛋糕小巧圓潤,精緻可愛。加上表面如玫瑰花瓣般的糖膠點綴,少女心滿滿❤️味道方面,玫瑰味意外地突出,尤其能從糖膠嘗到陣陣玫瑰香。桃味偏淡,內裡香桃部分偏少。忌廉芝士輕身軟滑,不會過膩。蛋糕口味清新偏淡,十分適合不喜太甜膩的人士。60% Dark Chocolate Truffle Petite Cake ($48)賣相:🐧🐧🐧🐧味道:🐧🐧🐧賣相簡單精緻,外表可見一層層濃厚的朱古力,感覺足料吸引。蛋糕上點綴的朱古力球,令人蠢蠢欲動。味道方面,朱古力香醇濃厚,蛋糕實心有口感。但略嫌偏甜,蓋過了黑朱古力的甘苦味。吸精的朱古力球,本以為類似金莎般質感,但實質純粹普通軟心朱古力球,有點可惜。Blueberry baked cheese petite cake ($48)賣相:🐧🐧🐧🐧味道:🐧🐧🐧賣相經典整齊,藍莓外表色澤尚算新鮮。藍莓層、芝士蛋糕、餅底層次分明,頗為美觀。味道方面,芝士蛋糕口感厚實,芝士味濃郁,有點膩滯。藍莓新鮮爽甜,但藍莓醬味被濃厚的芝士味遮蓋了,嘗不出味。輪候時間:🐧🐧🐧🐧🐧平日下午三時左右時間,不需輪候能直接購買。服務:🐧🐧🐧🐧🐧職員態度友善,會主動介紹商品相關資訊優惠。包裝蛋糕迅速,在包裝前會先展示蛋糕,讓顧客確保無問題。職員會主動提供餐具紙袋。🐧❤️結語:整體蛋糕賣相討好,味道不俗,送禮打卡兩相宜。
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